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Fancy Dinner edition.

Last Th/ra/d: >>41126186

A bunch of short greens:

Rarity Mixtape:

Spotify Playlist:

Thread Archive:

Pack of every good solo Rarity pic (in progress):
July - November 2022
January - June 2022
July - December 2021
January - June 2021
She smells bad.
She exudes a pleasant aroma.
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Rarity would be absolutely fucking miserable to be around after three glasses of wine
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fuck off, tight-arse
Not only is Rarity not a feminist, she's also terrible!
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What's she watching?
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That's why I love her
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That screencap of rara is so kino
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Mares putting their 4 hooves together is a very underrated pose.
But I like to think it's a very feminine thing that Rares does.
I love her...
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Is it just me or is this thread off to a fast start?
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Yeah but it's temporary. Tomorrow it will return to normal speed.
It's a shame because it would be nice to have an entertaining Rarity thread, but personally I have no motivation to come here because they are just pic bumps with pics that aren't even new, they are always the same.
And there are a lot of people who like Rarity here (/mlp/)
Hopefully we can encourage ourselves to do something that turns this thread into a faster one. Or at least productive.
Gorgeous girl
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What can we do to make this the Rarity Thread of all time?
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Didn't really care that much for her when I watched the show. But after I saw that one blooper, I've had an unhealthy obsession
Greens will make us grow big and strong.
make more OC darling
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I want to be with her.
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best ponies?
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I like Rarira and want to procrastinate my main green. PROOMPT me (pretty please)
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best friends
You know, I wonder: would Rarity take advantage of Fluttershy like this? If not, is the file meant to imply that Rarity doesn't like you? If so, is it meant to imply that Rarity would take advantage of anyone if given the chance?
Ok, let's try to overanalyze the image.
The fact that Rarity looks nervous or embarrassed indicates that something is not right with her plans.
This may indicate that the problem is with you, because the date is not going as well as she thinks and she assumed you would pay like a good gentleman and things are so bad that she thinks you will ask for her half.
On the other hand, it's easier to intuit that the date is actually not going badly, and she realized at some point that she did not leave her house with her wallet, so she prefers to force you to pay in a subtle way without bringing up the uncomfortable truth that she does not have the money to pay for it anyway. Or even if none of the above is true, she or you simply didn't expect the bill to be so high and it's her joking but sincere way of asking you to pay for the meal.
I honestly don't see this as "taking advantage" of someone.
You should pay for the meal, be a gentleman. Show that you are interested in someone by investing in them.

I love Rarity.
I'm this anon when Rarity >>41225213
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Here she comes
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I don't know why character generals get so few greens. Can't remember the last time we got one.
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Dress horse is still best horse.
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I will save her. And the reward will be...
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Are you going to pay her taxes?
5 bits
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Its Rarity week >>41229373
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Well, we have 2 drawfags here.

But greens are not just my type. Most of them are bad and the whole concept of the story in greentext is harder to understand ESL things.

I honestly don't know what the thread even should be about. I like the pics, because i love Rarity and seeing them makes me feel better.
I like when anons express their feelings towards Rarity, because that makes me feel less doomed or lonely in my head.
But i doubt you can make a thread just out of it.
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Favorite outfit?
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Rarity after Anon called her fat
>piercing screech
write your main green fag
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The wine must be staining her lips because she doesn't look quite right if she has lipstick like that. Also, Rarity is having dinner with Saint Jay Garcia
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still the best
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what was she arrested for?
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So if someone were to get some girly scented stuff from like a shopping mall store or something, and pick a particular scent to associate with a character, and think about that character while your room smells like that scent, you will start to sub-consciencely start to associate that scent with the character? Thus, would making your room small like that and then going to sleep trigger dreams involving that character?

Just wondering.
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just use a nic patch if ur not concerned with nicotine usage
instant high quality lucid dreams
just do WBTB with it so that you don't get long term exposure
again, think about it before doing it but this is a literal guaranteed lucid dream
First-degree murder
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Love this mare.
Powerful eyes.
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pinup mare
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She would take advantage of me because I like being taken advantage of by her
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commed my fetish with rarity
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forgot link but got trips
Best sisters
Kicking you in the balls.
me on the left
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by me, btw
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Have my another drawing, its cosplay of Navia from Genshin!
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She's so passionate, so benevolent about Her crafts!
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its started >>41245640
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my friend wanna fuck her lol
oh my gooooooooooooooood
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tell spike i said hi
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another great summer look
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What have they seen?
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Pretty mare
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You guys chose Rara for best pony at mare fair right?
I vote for her regardless of the event. She IS the best pony
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I've come to realize there are genuine retards here who hate human on pony so in solidarity I now 100% endorse all rarifags.
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Suited for Success, Sweet and Elite, Rarity Takes Manehattan, and Canterlot Boutique, all together, form a great character arc for Rarity, but personally I feel like "It isn't the Mane Thing About You" doesn't feel totally satisfying as an ending to Rarity's solo episodes. So my question, fellow Rarifags, is this: What would you like to have seen if Rarity got one more dramatic solo episode near the end of the series?
I really wanted more detective Rarity, Rarity Investigates! is like my favorite episode of all time.
I think Tabitha did too which is why we got a little bit of her in Sparkle's Seven and the one EqG short, still I would have liked another full episode with it.
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>let me spoil you
i would cry
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I don't hate human on pony, but i prefer same species communication \ relationship more.
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that's pretty dumb thoughbeit
Exceptional squeaky belles
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she's just like me
my room
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Here you go >>41226036 it's my first green

>Be Anon
>A ever so tired Anon who spent the last hour listing to Rarity go on and on about this brand new restaurant in Canterlot
>"...I hear they use only the freshest, locally-sourced ingredients, all meticulously selected from the most exclusive farms and markets. Imagine, darling, truffles flown in directly from the forests of Prance and caviar so exquisite it's practically a sin. Did you also know that-"
>"W-why Anonymous dear, what on earth made you think that-"

>Be Anon wearing a suit
>A better suit compared to your everyday suit
>God you love suits
>Anyways, be Anon sitting across from from a very finely dressed Rarity
>"Darling, I just HAVE to thank you for the invite. Honestly, I had no idea you had such refined tastes~"
Yeah sure whatever
>You say as you struggle with the menu
>You never did quite learn how to read this godforsaken equine language, much to the dismay of a certain purple librarian
>And it doesn't help that this is one of those fancy restaurants where they don't even say the price on the menu because you're just expected to be able to afford it all
>"Oh, it all looks so good! I think I'll have the Mille-Feuille de Légumes Rôtis~! What about you darling?"
Uhhhhhhhhh the Garden Salad?
>"What! A plain old Garden Salad? Dear, are you SURE that's what you want? I'd hate to see you come all this way just for something so... mundane."
Yeah, I just love... plain salad without dressing
>You silently cursed yourself for not being able to read the menu
>And you didn't know how to repeat whatever the fuck Rarity ordered. So salad it is.
>Some time later and Rarity is absolutely stuffed. Not only did she enjoy her meal but she also had two glasses of whatever horse wine, a few pieces of bread, and finally dessert
>You on the other hand just had your salad without dressing and some bread
>You couldn't even eat that much bread as Rarity felt the bread bowl added to the aesthetic of the evening
>"Madam, monsieur, ze bill"
>You couldn't read horse language but you could read horse numbers
>And if you had ordered the wine you would have done a spit take at how much Rarity's meal cost
>Looks like she did it for you
>"A-Anonymous... now look... I don't know about you, but I considered this MARVELOUS evening to be quite the romantic... date... between the two of us. Yes, a date. Even though it was never EXPLICITLY stated it was a date... well, it obviously was one, right? So... like the true gentlecolt you are..."
>She says as she slides the bill towards you
>With a graceful smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, she turns to you, her gaze lingering with a calculated blend of expectation and charm
>Before you have a chance to refuse she interrupts
>"Oh, darling, you are simply divine, I'm ever so grateful for this unforgettable experience"
>She tilts her head slightly, the soft lighting catching the sparkle of her diamond earrings. Her posture remains impeccable, her expression a perfect mask of graciousness, yet there's an unmistakable undercurrent of urgency in the way she awaits your response.
>Looking between her and the bill you sigh
>Luckily enough the restaurant accepts credit as there's no way you have that kind of cash on you
>Gonna have to cheap out and eat nothing but Garden Salad for the next little while

>As the two of you walk back to the train station from the restaurant Rarity gazes at you with a tender warmth, her lips curling into a gentle, appreciative smile that transforms her usually composed features
>"Anon I... thank you" she says, smiling
>"I really did have a wonderful evening. And I am sorry about the price, I didn't know it was going to be that expensive... Normally I would have offered to pay myself, but I had just placed a very costly order on materials for an upcoming fashion line and I-
"It's alright Rarity" you say cutting her off
"I enjoyed myself too"
>She smiles once more
>"You truly are a gentlecolt..."
>She motions for you to kneel down to her level, making your face level with hers
>As you do she leans forward and places a chaste kiss on your cheek
>You blush, and she giggles softly
>"My, my Anon~, you may act all composed most of the time, but one small kiss and you're blushing like a schoolfilly"
>You smile as you lean over to hug Rarity
I had a wonderful time as well...
>The two of you stand close to another, slightly leaning against each other as you wait for the last train to arrive on this starry night
Love it, nice work

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