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Previous: >>41188078
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Holy shit
Well then.

That was literally them forgetting to have an actual plot the episode, ft. a random roblox obby
>Does not know what a music video is
>Another cuckquean episode from the cuckquean show
I mean its largely that but there's like a minute of episode. Also even under that point this is kinda a mid music video with visuals that don't really correlate a chunk of the time.
Where's my spinning?
I hate TYT so fucking much.
>Hitch episode
>Sparky episode
>Power Rangers slogan
Just terrible. Nothing good about this at all. Waste of an episode.
Where's the food? The friends? The flair and fun? This has none of the things that make a good girl's show. From now on, I will only be watching Wild Manes, the one TRUE horse cartoon for little girls.
>visuals that don't really correlate a chunk of the time
That's kinda the weak point of the G5 show(s). I think the best was the T.R.A.S.H. song (I love it!).
I wish ANG-level musicals were back.
>Hitch and Sunny episode
this is an okay episode but I just wish they stopped with the power rangers crap and the "EVERYTHING HAS TO BE MAGIC"
is an easy 10/10 when compared to the rest of this god awful season
English, please
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It's fun slop.

The pop musician is getting more experimental and better at pop, unfortunately the sound editor is still garbage and doesn't know how to accentuate the instrumentals and leitmotifs correctly. Doesn't know how to separate and clean his the damn samples. I was expecting a Halloween episode, the song kinda sounds like a goth Halloween themed episode in its poprock way.
What G5's director/executive/team doesn't understand is that G4's musicals had success because they were a combo of folk pop, namely FOLK, FOLK PRIMARILY. OLD TIMEY MUSICAL PRIMARILY. G5 is nothing but pop music primarily with other genres as background thrown it. I absolutely loved the flute and the romantic themes Starshine Time and Trash had, but those parts never lasted long.

The voices also sound like they're meant for a Disney song, not a heavy rock pop song or any pop song for that matter. They sound far too calm and whimsical for pop. Sunny sounds like Rapunzel's voice. Weird how good Hitch's singing voice sounds, yet his talking voice is jarring, similar to the main singer in Starshine Time but not as bad since Hitch's voice actor can actually sing (If that is the same person and not a double like half the Mane6 had).

Writing wise, they really could have made it so Hitch accidentally falls through a trapdoor or saves Sparky from something rather than turning into a stubborn paranoid retard at the last second and just going through the same portal he was suppose to go through in the first place. And made him less of an indifferent smiling douchebag at the end after fucking up.
Stop being an immigrant ESL and get on our level. Also you forgot punctuation.

Lyrics really need work or at least the way they sing it(too relaxed compared to how aggressive the instrumental sounds). They're too wordy and are kinda all over the place compared to the song's instrumental. The clapping, chanting, choirs are also all over the place. I really would love that instrumental's stem by itself without all the added stuff.
You are insufferable you G5 faggot
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Yeah, not feeling it anymore.

The only fun episode was the Valentine's day episode. So far, season 2 is a lot miss than hit.
sunny looks fucked up, like she's on drugs
I can't even muster the mental energy to watch this because Hitch is in this.
>Mistyfags went from hating on Zipp to hating Hitch
god you lot are insufferable
It's definitely the best. I also like Posey + Pipp = BFF. Everything else has been awful.
Why the heck is Sunny wall-eyed in the thumbnail, yet her reflection isn't? I guess the mirror decided to fix her derpy eyes while it turned her into an old granny.

That was an okay episode. Nothing great but nothing outright terrible either (except for the obligatory Power Rangers crap). It's good to see an episode focused on Sunny and Hitch at least, but it would have been better if Sparky had been absent. Too bad he didn't end up lost in the "hall of marers" forever.
It was not a very good one, mainly because about half of it was spent on ponies running around while showcasing new song.
Also, the no explanation opening was less than ideal.
Cut song time in half, put some more dialogue and plot on those bare bones of an episode and it would be workable.
As it is, I think it may as well be THE worst episode, because there is hardly anything even there, you can't even call it a filler.
shut up Meegan
You know G% is bad even G% sisters hate it
So our options every TWO FUCKING WEEKS is Mistybullshit or Nothing-happensode. If I was a Wild Mane I would be so happy because there's no competition at all. WTF! Bring back Opaline or something!
Keep her out of this mess.
>Wildniggers keep seethe about their mid show
At least you have a point.
it'll be funny if wild manes manages a weekly schedule while tyt barely manages a bi-weekly one
>no mirror that shows the mares as if they were really fat
+ cool g4 tier song
+ Sunny recovering point in Hitchbowl and cucking Zipp
- Sparky
- Hitch again wasted on Sparky

Overall 6/10
Can't make fat people jokes anymore
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There were some good moments there.
And the sewer of death makes you wonder how many Ponies have already perished at this magical amusement park.
what the hell , Zipp got cucked
I think it's just regular Maretime Bay sewers, not amusement park's. It was there before the park was created. WHY there's way to the sewers, we'll never know. At least it should be locked until fire emergency or something.
No misty/10
The Nightmare Sunny costume returned, that's nice.
I feel like the writing for Sparky and hitch has gotten better. Sparky isn't just a little shit just making messes and hitch got to be a little heroic with his vine magic. It's still rough but it's improvement.
I also liked the trail of flowers at the end, I can't exactly articulate why but I thought it was an especially cute moment.
Why do you guys hate Misty and Sparky.
>you guys
it's one samefag
Mistyfag cope.
Don't blame me, I just hate Sparky (and Hitch, not that there's a reason to distinguish them).
Because I thought she was a more interesting character with Opaline, and what they did with her post-reformation feels like a worse version of Fluttershy's character arc. She's very mopey and she's like a wet blanket. Also she feels like a DEI character and that's an automatic strike against her.
Annoying, worthless, baby-Yoda clone. Makes disgusting noises and is the source of this generation's nadir: toilet humor. Also, Sparky has completely derailed Hitch as a character, who isn't anything like his movie self, and is a neutered faggot who never shuts the fuck up about being a dragon dad, and all of his episodes are forced to include Sparky, instead of focusing on his relationships with other characters. He orbits Sparky and even his job as a sheriff is secondary.to that creature
>what they did with her post-reformation feels like a worse version of Fluttershy's character arc. She's very mopey and she's like a wet blanket.
Wrong. Post-reformation was a beautiful arc. Her giving up the key to make amends, her figuring out her part, her trying to reconnect to her dad... It's much more substantial than the likes of Diamond Tiara, Trixie, Tempest Shadow, Discord, Ocellus, etc.
What you're talking about is a typical TYT milking and flanderization, and Misty is not the only victim here, all characters suffer one way or another.
>her part
*her past. Also her talents.
>Also she feels like a DEI character and that's an automatic strike against her.
Cute episode moment but feels like its part of a bigger episode. where the hell is this place even? With so much magic bullshit it almost seemed like its in the lighthouse with the portals, but then S2 is banking on a lot of it in Bordtrot so I guess it's there?

the 5min limit isnt doing cartoons any favors
I don't mind that part, I don't like when she just cries all the time or a disembodied voice in a lake says that she dindu nuffin and she's the best thing since sliced bread. Personally I prefer what MYM did with Misty but tyt has a different vision for her.
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Sparky FINALLY grew up!
In the leaks this episode is "Episode 14". Looks like they shuffled things around.
How much is Sparky's VA being paid? This episode has lots of dragon noises

Sparky was actually starting to talk in this episode. It's still at the "da da!" level, but at least Hitch could understand what his babbling meant.
The next episode already set to be next week
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At least the "666" is appropriate for a comment about Sparky. I hope he burns in hell.
Writers' screw-up, and you're right that this is part of a bigger story line. This episode is apparently set in a "hall of mirrors" funhouse that's part of the beach amusement park we've seen Sunny and the gang set up over the past few episodes. Of course, that's not established in this episode, so if you caught it without knowing the context of the previous eps, you're going to be confused as hell.
>He keeps his freckles as an adult
Cute. Just like Blaize and the others.
>Posts that aged poorly
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G5 bros, looks like were better than Wild Manes. We have superior animation, backgrounds, songs, voice acting and story, even cal arts faces arent that disgusting as cow muzzles.
As expected
Wild Mane faces are better than beanmouths
...is what I would say if I was blind.
You're going up to bat for tyt Izzy, I think you're the blind one
Can we not just enjoy the shows we like without this manufactured outrage? It's really getting tiring.
These desperate pretenders cant even beat S2, if S1's was still airing then they would probably kill themselves
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Were her eyes always derped
It's just a poorly chosen screencap for the title card. in the episode it's like 1 frame
she's cute, looking at her doesnt make me think of real life smelly cows
beanmouthshitters utterly MINDBROKEN by the wildest manes
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she is related to derpy
Even the most fanatical G5 fan is gradually getting disappointed in G5:
>fanatical G5 fan
He's not Misty Shadow.
A true fanatic G5 fan and defender.
tha’s not falon cortez or the anubis guy
literally never heard of this guy or seen this guy before and I actively search for g5 content
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He's in the same circle as DocAnubis.
Literally who?
I can't agree with his takes on Misty
who cares what this fag thinks? This is one of the few good episodes in s2
...you literally mentioned him in your previous post, remember?
this dude sounds really rapeable
>that review intro
why was that so serious? fucking strings and shit, lel
He's one of the only youtubers that likes g5
>this dude sounds really rapeable
He should put that on his resume
Ahh this guy again, I can easily see where the disconnect lay though without watching this, though i did anyway.
He wants "meaning" and this is ultimately a literal fluff episode to reinforce the mirror hall existing. The scenario is straight up fluff nonsense that barely matches the song.
And with a really really throwaway moral shoved in. Though it bemuses me he somehow thinks the opening doesn't come off as them being lost, I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less considering the amount of schizobabble he produces.
Of course he couldn't notice the basic fact that the visuals were showing that they had no clue where the hell they were going even before the portal. I have some issues with disconnect but that sure ain't one of them.

Hitch/Sunny is such a mid ship, to be expected from someone like him I suppose. The guy is basically still shilling G5 the whole way through, its not really that much of a loss of faith.
Also I doubt its "they wanted to use these characters together" and more "We don't want a Hitch solo episode and Sunny would be the default extra". The thumbnail certainly has that sorta intent.
Only this guys opinion matter, and it turns out WIld Manes suck
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>only my jewtuber matters
To be frank I think he's giving way too much credit for what it is, the guy is unironically praising the fact that the utter lack of coherent interaction leads to "good pacing" since its literally just the characters saying shitty catchphrases and what they're doing and nothing else. I also like how he tries to act like the clearly zero budget look is a good thing cause its less colorful than a fucking funhouse episode. If you compare it to earlier TYT stuff the only difference is that TYT doesn't stick to one background shot. The comparison to G3 is funny cause that shit is not at all what you'd call subdued. I guess zero budget is a 2005 look, I'll give him that.
Sacrifice story for pacing. I mean it's the first episode, it'll get better soon
>It'll get better soon
it's youtube kids. cope.
I've only ever seen that person complain
He made some retarded video the other day that being a whiney twat that tears into G5 just makes him an optimist achchually.
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This guy is literally autistic. I made a single jokes comment that "Opaline did nothing wrong" on Addy's video and this guy replied with a fucking essay wall of text to make me feel bad KEK
He hates "noise" content for kids with no lessons like TT GO or Spongbob so he will weight a lot of opinion on that
Are there any pony analyst youtubers who aren't autistic?
My god. I have no idea how to even react to this even having heard it.
To be fair to his autistic ass, I'm pretty sure all his comments are fucking essays based on any time I've seen them.
I mean yeah its pretty obvious based on the few videos I've suffered, he schizos about morals when he can; obviously he's going to hold issue with no morals.
Just very bemusing to me how he constantly has pretty broken logic, from his pretty flawed views on morals to grandstanding on shit that isn't even occurring.
He was right, Opaline did do something wrong. She was too easy on Misty.
Not her fault, kinda hard to achieve much when Misty clearly wanted it.
What would you have done, slavery?
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>few good episodes in s2
What was good about it if I may ask?
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I hate this retcon that filly Sunny needs a rainbow streak.
it's because the target audience don't have enough attention span to realize filly Sunny never had it
Why does she look like that
This episode was really weak and lacked a lot of originality. The song was okay, I guess, but that's about the only bright spot, if you wanna call it that. Really hope they come up with something better for the next one.
It's a filly version of a current Sunny. It's not time-travel.
I think it's more likely the Malaysians don't give a shit
Still better than the fruit parade episode
All of them were bangers beside misty episodes
Does the fruit one count as a Misty one? I think it's a Pipp one
Pipp is a Misty in disguise
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But Pipp is generally a good character?
Just pretending
I blocked that one from my memory until now
No, she's greedy
I can't blame you for that
Fruit parade seemed bad only because it was a new low for TYT back then. By now people are used to that level of quality. So viewing that episode as "bad" is only due to nostalgia.
So now fruit parade is average?
I would say so. It has less Hitch in it, so it can't be worse than this one.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that dislikes Hitch
Don't blame Hitch, blame the writers
Why are you faggots talking about him so much like he's a celebrity? only because he has a youtube channel? Gen-Zers I swear. You refuse to suck real actors' dicks, but you readily suck MrEnter and MrBeasts' dicks, you filthy women.
If I wrote a book or a blog you wouldn't read it so vehemently and be on the edge of your seats wondering what I'll reply back. You faggots hold respect and put importance on the most meaningless and stulidest things just like that autistic reviewer you're talking about. Do you suck zebra dick? DO YOU SUCK ZEBRA DICK? are you white or mixbred? Then why not read a book, nigger and instead keep sucking youtube sick dick that makes me ick?
>Why are you faggots talking about
We're talking about G5 videos. If you have any more related to this episode, feel free to post it here.
You talk like a fag
What happened to "Vogelfilly"
You mean vegelfag's copycat?
New episode this week, definitely
its getting boring g5bros...
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no new episode today
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They've been retconning it for months
Maybe the person sending orders to the Malaysians didn't watch ANG
More like Mare-o-Hallic
You get tremors from pony withdrawal?
A common affliction
God I hate this meme
Fuck you
This meme exists because it's very hard to figure out what the fuck happened. My theory is that Twilight's Unity Crystals are magic generators that use friendship as a fuel, plus they have a built-in battery. Likely based on examples of "emotion/relationship/concept-into-energy" of changelings, sirens, Discord, Windigos, Elements of Harmony and Crystal Heart. This also explains why the fuck "magic grows stronger", because if everything goes right, magic density eventually gonna go off the charts. About the "battery" part. When Crystals were created, all the magic in Equestria was put into this battery. But eventually it run out, because ponies separated Crystals, disabling "friendship-into-magic" part of the Unity Crystals. During MYM Chapter 1 magic behaved erratically because battery was empty; there was no "buffer", and hatred acted like anti-friendship that drained magic further and acted like contaminant. Magic was fine despite conflicts after Chapter 1 that because battery was no longer empty, so there was a "buffer" that allows conflict to happen without ending the world.
What sort of apocalypse happened to cause the ponies to rebuilt their civilization? My guess is that the "void" happened: more extreme version of "Hopeless Magic" from Rainbow Roadtrip special, and seen in the MYM Chapter 1 special. Windigos are supposed to prevent things from going THAT bad by feasting on and freezing the conflict, but they were destroyed in s09 finale. We see some sort of a storm in IDW (yes, I know; but IDW uses notes from MYM staff), my guess is that it was a void storm.
Why the fuck ponies separated the crystals? Why Twilight allowed them to do so? Who the fuck knows, maybe Twilight fuckin' died immediately after creating the crystals. Or maybe Twilight lost immortality when she did it, so the ponies waited until Twilight died from old age, and only then separated the crystals. Why separate in the first place? I guess the grudges after Pony War I: Void Edition run deep, and ponies are shallow petty little shits.
When's the next special?
Good question considering they said they had four. Which i suppose two of them being holiday based might explain it but still. If that is the case though, I do think the missing one would be August so that would be relatively close.

So yeah maybe next month. Maybe the last one was the merger of two specials(it sure feels like multiple things were smashed together) and we'll only get one other randomly during like September and thats it; who knows.
The more 'holiday' ones were supposed to be in August and November, though the first special was supposed to be March and it was early April instead. So the second special is probably going to be more like Bridlewoodstock in importance, where as the third special has the more plot importance. The first TYT special retired the Nova Charm (at least for now) and introduced the Board Trot stuff, which seems pretty major.
I'd rather see more nova charm stuff and allura than this boardwalk slop
Agreed this boardwalk should stop meow for more Allura.
Well, Allura is still around (she is living in the cave where Pipp and Zipp spent most of the Portrait Day MYM episode). But the Nova Charm teleportation is currently out of the question unless a portal suddenly opens on the Zipp Coaster or in part of the Fun House, considering the Charm is currently powering the whole park.
Yeah Allura logically was setup to still be the main threat by the end of the last special even if she hasn't shown up at all.
Its reasonable to assume that a special would have her somewhat.

Like she literally knows where the nova charm is and has done nothing. I guess in theory this pacing would have made sense with weekly episodes and quicker specials.
The outline have been written with that in mind realistically. Like most of this has been setup and the special makes sense as the payoff of sorts
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I agree, I want more allura right meow
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On a scale of 1-10 how mad would you be?
So that the fuck happened to Nova Charm fragments? I thought G5M6 would earn them one by one, with amusement park continuing working without them because magic.
There are several episodes features G5M6 in the Boardtrot already, but none of them got anything.
Hitch+Misty+Sparky=I Skip
I hope the run away together and are never seen again
About the three of them getting an episode together or about Hasbro possibly shipping Misty x Hitch?
About Hasbro shipping Misty x Sparky
Your expectations are too high. MLP thrives off of never fulfilling its potential
its another hallomare
Me too
skyros when
3rd special maybe?
I literally forgot Allura existed because she’s been gone for three months, she’s the most interesting thing happening in the show and she’s not even it it. Return the Allura immediately for instant improvement and make twitch go away
Give us Cold Kitty
never forget the 6 million pones
Villains are ALWAYS more interesting than protags because they're proactive and move the plot along. That's why people like Skeletor and Dick Dastardly
There's like no fan art for this episode
whats the 2nd special?
Has it really been 3 months since the special?
Almost 4 months
can't wake up
New episode this week for sure
Because it's absolutely garbage.
The only thing interesting about Allura is her mysterious brother who is the real big bad. I wish we could have a scenario where her brother teams up with Opaline. Instead we always see them being fucked over by their henchmen. Opaline by Misty and probably the new guy will be betrayed by Allura as she's not dedicated to anything mean
Her song already gave it all away
What would you even want? it's just funny mirrors. so, a pony looks into one and sees a sluttier version of herself?
More mirror alt versions of each other, yes. Get that bimbo Sunny going.
Bimbo mirror Sunny
Bimbo minor Sunny
im calling foal on that
>Golly flag
Checks out
Fair enough. Besides the ponies talking like they're in a kid's show, g3 is more proficiently put together
G3 have better backgrounds than MYM. That's it.
True, I really miss 80s cartoon backgrounds.

Yes, I know I'm old.
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>80s backgrounds
That's not g3
never hopefully
because this terrible season killed the already small fanbase
I agree with you but quality never stopped fanart
More nightmare Sunny
New episode tonight
Oh yeah G1 was 80s already. Well, the 80s cartoons were pretty crap overall except for the backgrounds.
New episode:

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