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Always remember Anons
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Don't ever forget
Into the trash it goes
That EQG exists or that Twilight is black
damn you for making me remember this
Don't ever forget?
I wish I could!
Hey, you're not going to use the N word are ya?
>when you have no idea what's going on so you post braindead maymays because you think this will make you fit in
why she black
to piss off bigots
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>to piss off bigots
It's not working, it's just making me horny
black nerds are always the horniest
Horny is the cure to hate.
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Is this the thread?
I'd fuck her
/r/ing this but cheering on /mlp/ for Summer
Where's her dick?
>to piss off heretics
Fixed you and no real life niggers≠niggers in art.
Numbers confirm, I guess
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This is some guy's femboy self insert cospaying as Twilight, isn't it?
Oh shit that's totally a guy. Now it's sexier.
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If that's what you gotta headcanon to jerk off to I guess.
Fuck PMD is kino. I have to replay Explorers now
You're lucky the source is dead, because I swear I remember this being the actual context. Now I'll never know if my memory/gaydar is working.
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Look, you either see a cute chocolate tomboy, or a dude. That's on you.
No, while I looked up the artist and he did have a tumblr dedicated to r63 humanized ponies, these were posted on his other tumblr
What’s the appeal? I have never once seen a humanized Twilight and thought “I wish she were black,”
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Nigga that's no tomboy, you gay.
Color coordination. Before eqg laid down the law and btfoed all these cosplay looking bitches, dark cool colors like purple made the most sense as brown or black skin.
you mean with a non Canon jap figure? does that mean luna is canonically black then?
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You're the one looking for boys.
honestly, I'm incredibly racist and most of my dating and sexual experience is with minorities because I don't see them as people and women minorities even less so. Leading me to have absolutely no feelings of pressure or nervousness because they're closer to animals I can fuck than humans beings.
Watch out. By the time you are aware of what you are doing, Shaniqua will got you hooked with two kids.
So, a hypocrite? White women are on the same level so you could apply the same logic while not risking creating a dysgenic disaster
more choco girls
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I have valid reasons to feel bad and I have no friends anymore.
Of course not. I am not racist: I am friends with SoulJA Boy.
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It's surprisingly good for a pokemon game
SoulJA Boy is ignorant and you know it! I don't wanna see your fantastic erection again, ever!
Need her on my lap.
I have had three sexual partners and two were minorities. I had to adult for the black one for a full year. How do you think I became """racist"""? By being around them. The black people in my life have either been enfeebled to the point they explicitly say they see no reason to live, or show signs of being so aggressively retarded that they can't even pretend to be polite to customers on the job. Impulsive with no actual desire to fix things with their actions, a penchant for violence, zero sense of decency or shame...if I wasn't homeless, I would have broken up with the black ex in one month or less.
Sounds like the average poster here honestly.
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is this a black cuties thread?
Are you inane? Only white men love black women. Black women go for white men.
I dont get why people think human twilight would be black when she would clearly be jewish.
I let a homeless friend stay with me and it was a nightmare so I'm assuming you were probably the same way
nah. she would be hispanic
meant for
In the case you're the generator do you happen to know a way to change skin coloration? EqG, humanized, different humanized, I would like to know if it's possible.
>member of the elite
>darling child and protege of the ruler of the country
>jewish magic
>neurotic schizo (jews have higher rates of schizophrenia and neuroticism)
>six-pointed star on ass
>voiced by a jew
twilight is full-on jew
so was her ascension into an alicorn after finally finding the true meaning of love and to be in communion with others a reference to conversion to Christianity?
Holy shit, Source?!
That’s a buck im ready to break
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It is to me.
No. It would be her becoming the high priest getting ready for the world to come
>knife ears
No thanks
Well you weren't very specific, but all I wanted was for that that ex to either find a job or learn to be a decent housewife. I paid out the nose for plug-in cooking and food-prep appliances, bought my own fridge for the shitty motel we were in, sent regular job openings, walked the town to find employers within walking distance, helped shop for a car, then put my own name on the eventual car we went with because >hurr durr what if dad finds out I spent my exorbitant five-figure savings account on something that would guarantee I get hired at the next job I apply at, he's be fuuuurious
So I'd say I MORE than pulled my own weight. And every day I'd come home to machinegirl music because "HEY LOOK I BEAT YOUR NEON WHITE RECORDS"
Did you kept the car?
Couldn't sell it if I wanted. Still driving it to work now. And...still no passenger seat. Just in case I need the storage space in the future. Again.
Oof. Been there man. Just check if somebody is renting or selling a garage in a relatively safe place. Your car (and you) should be fine until things get better.

I feel for you. For now, a relatable song with an old school video to cheer you up.
more brown girls
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I got something for her to polish.
Cute. I would head pat.
Black Pinkie is just hot
I like the dress a lot!
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I agree
Cute Twi. The half and half Anon still weirds me out though.
i should gen some black qt3.14s
Dew it
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Evil dark temptresses must be punished with my holy rod.
Have a bump
A boyfriend with a steady paycheck.
But aren't all Anons unemployed?
I'm in college, so that's technically not true!
What did this thread become
>they explicitly say they see no reason to live, or show signs of being so aggressively retarded that they can't even pretend to be polite to customers on the job.
I've seen so many white people act exactly like this and worse, anon.
>Impulsive with no actual desire to fix things with their actions, a penchant for violence, zero sense of decency or shame
And this, funny that they are almost all zoomers.
Official pre-EqG arts showed that Twilight was supposed to be a black middle schooler.
Black women
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samefag. i've been experimenting a bit and it's pretty difficult to get a legit EQG style combined with black body/hair colours. wither i use EQG prompt and it gives canon colours or i skip EQG and it gives weird humanized/cartoon/anime/whatever it has in the database
one of the best gens out of a huge bunch
I don't think it's feasible yet.
First, 15 and voice generation.
Then, chat bots.
Now, we have THE best ai art creators.
We're truly blessed.
bump in case the board gets fast again.
Cute slut.
Good dagi
damn right
I want more chocolate!
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>Pink chocolate
Pinkie has beautiful eyes
... What?
more choco-cunny pls
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I don't have smug brats but I do have this

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