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Have a gloomy Thursday everypony! Gloomy sweat edition mayne!
I hate summer
I love the flowers and beautiful sunsets
I loathe the miserable heat and never-ending sweat
I adore the ocean sprays
I abhor the longer days
I don't mean to sound like a bummer, but I really hate summer
Happy Gloomy Thursday.
unf sweat mares
Its now a Gloomy friday
Happy gloomsday!
Lets make it a Gloomy weekend
Summer sucks in my climate
And where's that?
Take a wild guess
Latinx America
Captcha: NATS
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One of these is right.
I’m going to say Texas because it’s currently winter in Latinx America.
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Florida Mare
Can we have a sweat- free version?
>low T.
Now it's a gloomy Monday. Girl's gonna need coffee for this
Why would you want that?
Onyx prefers tea.
She needs the power of coffee
Would they be friends?
They would
And now it's a gloomy tuesday
Let's see if we can make the thread last a week.
Does coffee even exist in Bridlewood? Tea is mostly just leaves in hot water. Coffee is much more complex.
Hi Gril
Are you saying unicorns aren't complex?
In G5? Yeah.
Now it's a gloomy wednesday. Celebrate with your best onyx
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oldschool mayne
Liking those goth-y purple tips
They did make a village out of mud and wood though
Those were trees
The G5 unicorns have a mutually beneficial relationship with the forest. Also we made it to Thursday! Happy Gloomy Thursday, everyone.
Human makes no sense, they are depressed they lost magic they never had?
Yes, certainly
Depressed because they live in a small town. People in rural areas are more likely to kill themselves either on purpose or by drug overdose than those that live in cities.
Sounds like a CNN spin
straight from the horse’s mouth:
We had a week of gloom already?
It blew by so fast mayne
As fast as she blows on hot tea
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We gloomin all up in here
It's sunday, you dumb mare.
Tasty. Don't mind if I do
Bloomin and gloomin
is this OC
Another gloomy monday. Let's celerbrate
I guess.
Well people living in cities don't need to kill themselves, negroes will do that for them.
I'll celebrate with a poem:
The fun times are done
no more rest or play
say goodbye to comfort and hello to misery
Today is Monday
Gloomy would respectfully call her hooves if she heard that
>Ask her advice on how to improve
>Advice is extremely cryptic and hard to understand because of her way of speaking
No wonder Opaline brutalized her
Overdeveloped suburbs are the worst.
So does anyone ITT actually know about the beatnik subculture? Personally, I know nothing and can only assume it’s the predecessor or related to goth and emo. I think it also originated in the UK, but I could just be making stuff up.
I don't know much about them, but I find it interesting that beatniks and bikers were like the first teenager subcultures since before then you were heavily pressured to become a mini adult and get a job
What flavor is radioactive green?
Her name isn't Cloudy
Green tea.
That's just the artist's watermark.
With a HOA
Huh, I never thought about it like that. Good observation.
What does that mean?
Home Owner's Association. A group that dictates the appearance of your house and will fine you if you don't comply
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Onyx singing In The End by Likin Park
Linkin Park
Who's she writing to mayne?
To her biggest fan
Edgar Allan Poe. Happy Gloomy Thursday! Three in a row!
3 in a row? Wow. Can we make it 4?
Let's try.
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What makes this image cursed?
Both eyes are visible.
That's it? So this is cursed now too? >>41241669
I mean, yeah, it's not normal.
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>Having two eyes isn't normal.
Are you a cyclops or something?
Frosty Shivers
She looks good with both eyes
It looks wrong.
It's rare so it's desirable

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