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>"Ponies, detective? Really?"
Rarity is peak mare.
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>Harry... Harry! As a working man yourself, you should KNOW Applejack is the mare of the people!
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>with all the enthusiasm you can muster you say
"yea kim dont you know theyre the HOT NEW thing right now, everybody LOVES ponies"
>his silence is deafening as he looks you in the eye to appraise weather or not youre serious
>breaking the silence in an attempt to further drive the point home to your unimpressed looking colleague you open your jacket all the way with a flourish and a 360 spin to reveal the glitter covered rainbow dash shirt you bought from the street trader the day before while kim was away
>in that moment you feel as if all the light of the sun in the sky is shining on you to punctuate your immaculate garb, like your whole life has been leading up to this reveal
>smiling wide you proclaim
"ya see now kim, like it says on the shirt TWENTY PERCENT COOLER!!!"
>your bellow echoes down the street
>his stone faced expression does not change besides the corner of his eye twitching slightly as you now notice his eye contact with you had not broken during your display
>the silence drags on for an eternity before his shoulders slump as he sighs deeply seeing now how serious you were
>"i seriously hope this does not interfere with the investigation detective...."
Communism killed the victim, but a 3DPD killed love. Of course Harry would see the light.
I wish there were was a mod scene for DE so I could ruin it with ponies
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INLAND EMPIRE [Challenging: sucess]
You feel your mental self-image change, your physical form stays the same but now you don’t feel like a human detective anymore. Your appendages shorten to stumps and you are forced on all fours. Your mouth and nose stretch out further to form a muzzle and your ears grows towards the sky.

>you have become a pastel pony
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Cuno thinks you is a faggot for likin that show! fuckin kids show! Like Barney!
KEK. Would be even better with names of the voices
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yeah it's still updating
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>"Ponies, detective? Really?"
>Composure [Impossible : failure] dont panic, can defuse the situation. youve worked though worse in your time, youre cool
>Inland Empire [Challenging: failure] you have to show him your power level, it is time
>with all the enthusiasm you can muster you say
"yea kim dont you know theyre the HOT NEW thing right now, everybody LOVES ponies"
>Perception[Trivial: success] his silence is deafening as he looks you in the eye to appraise weather or not youre serious
>Savoir Faire [Formidable: success]
>breaking the silence in an attempt to further drive the point home to your unimpressed looking colleague you open your jacket all the way with a flourish and a 360 spin to reveal the glitter covered rainbow dash shirt you bought from the street trader the day before while kim was away
>in that moment you feel as if all the light of the sun in the sky is shining on you to punctuate your immaculate garb, like your whole life has been leading up to this reveal
>smiling wide you proclaim
"ya see now kim, like it says on the shirt TWENTY PERCENT COOLER!!!"
>your bellow echoes down the street
>his stone faced expression does not change besides the corner of his eye twitching slightly as you now notice his eye contact with you had not broken during your display
>Empathy [Medium : success] the silence drags on for an eternity before his shoulders slump as he sighs deeply seeing now how serious you were
>"i seriously hope this does not interfere with the investigation detective...."
could we get the district to buy me a pony? it's vital to the case
Imagine a Disco Elysium-style pony game. The second Lunar rebellion failed, and 50 years later ponies in Baltimare, the former hotbed of Lunarist forces are still picking up the pieces of their broken nation. And in the heart of this angry, desperate, melancholic city - you. A man can dream.
This is really good, can you write more?
the basic mechanical system is good but getting the writing quality on par with DE is truly a pipe dream
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just swap the commieshilling for nmmapologia.
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maybe if the thread dosent fall off the board like it is about to do
Contributing a bump
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>Look at him, Laughing with them. Laughing at you. And you will never know what he did to steal them from you.
>But If that that worthless, bungled-together patchwork of Animal Parts wants something to laugh at, you can give him something to laugh at.
>Kill them, Twilight. He'll never see it coming.
It's a real sad thing this game didn't come out at the hight of pony.
It had real potential for some good crossover fics.
I really wanted to like this game, but I just couldn't get past the isometric nature.
play it in bimetric then retard
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>[Electrochemistry] But would you get a load of the curve on that mare? The visual equivalent of what you might call a uh... hmm...
>[Rhetoric] A dump-truck?
>[Electrochemistry] Exactly!
>[Interfacing: Success] Hmm... Very grabbable...

it's a shame they used the same voice for all thoughts. I imagined them all sounding different
Is there a LORA for this style? Can we make pony portraits with it?
Is there an AI for this voice? I guess so!
>[Electrochemistry] Look at her face, her blue skin and multi-colored mane... her POSE. She's practically begging for you to... you know... inside her!
"Detective, how is this toy going to help us in our investigation...?"
>Interface: It's not a toy, it's a plush.
>Empathy: Kim is a doubter, let's convince him of how we can turn this around.
>Logic [Challenging: Failure]: "It's simple, Kim. This pony *plush* shall serve as a fun way of making new friends that can solve the case for us!"
>He doesn't seem to believe in it at all, but he will keep quiet about it.
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>Well, you're right, that stuffed pink pony looks very cute, dear.
Something something
>Esprit De Mare
>Kim, what do you think your cutiemark would be?
What? You like skyrim style then?
Add hoof to eye coordination, savoir mare, horsienterfacing, inland equestria, pony threshold the rest stay the same but with pony related portraits
How would Equestria handle the Pale?
it wouldn't
bump. in a perfect world, we could build a mod for this
Pinball, obviously. He even got the nickname "Kimball".
Ponies can cure memory loss and teleport. They can always escape the planet if they need.
>Measurehead deduces your waifu based on your physiognomy
I'm too retarded to play this game. I don't remember what any of the political terminology means so I just act like an asshole to everyone I talk to.
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optimal way to play imo
politics are gay, be a drunk retarded wrecking ball to everyone around you
Preddy good
Probably still could with enough dedicated people
Just need some anons who know on to use unity
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>Pastel colored bourgeois rot. Vomit by Capital in order to beat obedience and consumption into the brains of the youth, reduce the working class to docile, harmless cattle.
*He coughs, shifting his weight to one side.*
>The farmer one is cute, though.
>he isn't calling harry "officer"
He'll keep calling you 'officer' when he's angry with you and 'detective' when he's not.
He's clearly not upset. He *understands* the pony.
It's amazing what one can do with a game with next to no physical conflict (with exception for less than half a dozen punches and kicks) with some virtual novel tier gameplay can do when you push for quality overload on art style and story.
It gives me a hope that a kino pony game can be made and be playable, just around the corner.
SO, were are the ponification pics of Harry and Kim?
>(with exception for less than half a dozen punches and kicks)
also a fucking firefight at the end with a bunch of not-dutch psychopaths
ehh, I personally wouldn't count it for how cut-scene it is with the outcome being pretty bad and really terrible.
Of course Kim understands. He hopes Harry won't turn MLP into his entire personality, at least not until the case over, but he understands his needs for mares.
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Kim can tolerate a lot of antics as long as they aren't going into harmful territory (both to others and self), at the very least Kim would probably appreciate it on the level of keeping Harry distracted from narcotics.
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I'm following it, hoping to see if pony!Harry will get with any cute commie mares
disappointing kim is why doing a fascist run is so hard
>"I decided to quit the drinking, Kim. For good this time."
>"Really, detective?"
>"It's what the Applejack would've wanted."
>The lieutenant opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it. He stares at you as if you just said you're going to reinvent the wheel.
>"Applejack wanted this?" His eyes narrow but then widen back to it's normal state "Well, wouldn't want to disappoint her"
this fandom is dead
rolling on a river
doing the twist on your grave
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it's missing bit of the "20 years of drunkandry" smile but other than that it's not too bad.
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bump for more disco poners
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>PERCEPTION [medium - success] -The lieutenant seems unsurprised by your previous statment.
>DRAMA [medium - success] - He is perceiving you as a child for enjoying pastal equines. Correct him so that he doesn't jump to a conclusion.
>What kind of conclusion?
>LOGIC [easy - success] - He may perceive you as a lover of children
>But kids are cool
>VOLITION [medium - success] - Liking a child is fine. Liking them the same as an adult does another adult is not. You DON'T like children that much
>ELECTROCHEMISTRY [medium - success] - Human children? No. Fillies? How could you not?
>VOLITION [medium - failure] - Make sure you keep your intrest in youth this way only in fiction, alright?
>VOLITION - You don't want him to think you're THAT kind of guy. Think of another mare to state as your waifu.
>You ponder the recess of your pulsing greymatter for a mare that he could understand. One that won't cause a spark in debate but instead leave it dull and lifeless.
>1. The Mane Six
>2. A Princess
>3. Background Pony
>4. A Stallion
>5. A Creature
my waifu is a mysterious sixth thing
>RHETORIC [medium - success] - This situation calls for something that can't place you with any label. Go for a Windigo
>Do they even have females?
>RHETORIC - It doesn't matter. No one will be able to understand you if you do it. You'll be on the high ground
>AUTHORITY [medium - success] - Even if they do, they can try and stand up to you only to be knocked down into their generic or disgusting taste. Let them stew in the horrible taste until they choke on it.
heh underrated post
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>Monarchist drivel designed to indoctrinate the youth into being sympathetic to their pederast rulers.
>The main character is good friends with the crown and tutored by "princess" Celestia herself, and a strikebreaker as well. A scab, the lowest of the low.
*He wheezes, and his eyes go blank for a moment*
>Ponyville's "earth pony ways" are nothing but reactionary backwardness. Their weekly ordeals are just deserts, befitting an agrarian shithole that refuses to modernize.
>Equestria doesn't even need the fucking crown at all! The unicorns could raise the sun if they were allowed to!
*He pauses for a moment, in thought*
>Discord should have won.
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>"Oh no, no, no. My favourite ponies are the windigoes."
>PERCEPTION [easy: success] A quizzical, far-off look comes over the lieutenants face.
"Hmm... Windigoes, you say?"
>The lieutenant idly wipes some dust from his glasses, and inspects them.
>EMPATHY [trivial: success]: Confusion, stalling for time, he is at a loss for words.
>AUTHORITY: Perfect, press the attack before he has a chance to respond.
>SUGGESTION: Right, time to prove our case. Though, what is the deal with windigoes anyway, who's got the lore on them?
>ENCYCLOPEDIA [challenging: success]: On it.
>The lieutenant returns his glasses to his face, and turns to you.
"Your 'favourite ponies' are the physical manifestation of hatred and racial tension...?"
>REACTION SPEED [medium: failure]: Wait, stop!
>But it's too late, your mouth has already started forming the words

>1: "Windigoes are a sign of the end times Kim, don't you see them circling?"
>2: "Windigoes are a metaphor for the dangers of multiculturalism."
>3: "Windigoes are the *GOOD* guys, fighting to free ponykind from the chains of the monarchy"
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>PERCEPTION [medium - success] - The lieutenant's eyes widen for a split second and then returns to it's orginal nonchalant mold
>KIM KITSURAGI - "I didn't think you thought of them like that detective. Most people think of them as non characters in the grand scheme of the show. But I can see that that aspect of them is what draws them to you."
>DRAMA - He sees you as someone who enjoys the constant bickering amongst the races of equestria
>ESPRIT DE CORPS [medium - failure] - He'll tell the others in the precinct of what you spoke of today. They'll know you as the racist cop.
>The lieutenant's eyes to the side and back at you. His dry lips demand his tongue for a brief moment. He clears his throat for an additional rebutal
>KIM KITSURAGI - "What do you find cute about them?"
>EMPATHY - He wishes to understand what kind of physical features about them allures you to them.
>ELECTROCHEMISTRY [medium - failure] What's there to like about them? They're fucking clouds. Soft but no cuves. Barely a flank in sight.
>RHETORIC - There must be something about them that gives them the same levels of beauty as the other mares
>ENCYCLOPEDIA [challenging - failure] - The Windigoes freeze ponies to death when they are unable to resolve their racial problems. If it continues it would be the death of all ponies. Would that be considered sexy?
>ELECTROCHEMISTRY - No, there's nothing sexy about that cloud.
>RHETORIC - Make something up.
>AUTHORITY - Make it known that you will fuck what those who could not dream of fucking even if they tried
>1. "It's just like Maude, cold and cares about ponies to a degree"
>2. "Those dashes they do around the place. Really gets me going."
>3. "Oh, you already know what's cute about them."
the wendigos are a moral lesson. They force us to examine and correct our faults. How could that not be noble and deserving of praise?
seeing the ponyfied portraits like that makes me very uneasy
They look fucking awesome. I need more of them.
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i keep thinking about writing a ponyfied disco elysium fic but i dont know if im autistic enough to write something that ambitious with any real skill
Just listen to the dialogue of the characters on loop to get a feel of how they talk and you're good
The mixture of pony and human experesions filitered through a abstrct pieace is what makes it look strange
It's great
what is your general idea? just the basic plotline of the game or something else?
>>41229671 is a mix of DE and EAW and doesn't lift much except maybe the scientist mare filling a similar role as Joyce, and the city (Stalliongrad) having a maresonification much like Martinnaise
with love from CHAG



Works great with sonnet 3 and 3.5, the Lorebook included has all the voiced skills and a COPY THIS section you put into your jailbreak to make the skills talk. You can be any character and have the skills activate for you. Also includes ponified versions of Harry and Kim to be your buddies. Solve a murder in Pony Revachol.
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Oh and here's my plain ole Detective card


I sent him to Equestria and he really liked it
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And now I will post the few Disco Ponysium pictures I have
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This is all I've collected so far but I like em!
lol these are great
Everything I see about Disco Elysium intrigues and confuses me in equal measure. Will I enjoy it if I hate politics? The affinity some internet communists seem to have with it makes me wary.
You can literally treat all the politics as a joke in the game if you don't care about it
legitimately, play the game with no care for politics
its possible
the game itself isnt to everyone's taste though
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>I hate politics
that's ok anon you can just play as a moralist and you should feel right at home
I think it's an extremely well-written story (presented in the format of a game) and I'm not at all interested in the politics or history or amything like that. It's one of those works of art that change the way you think for a while after you experience it, I really love it.
I think it's fun and I don't give a shit about politics.
>Will I enjoy it if I hate politics?
You will enjoy it much more if you love shitposting about politics. The main character is the ultimate shitposter who says "fuck women and foreigners" to one person, then turns to another and says "we must hang all capitalists".
nazbol harry nazbol harry
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Harry is man of many believes, how does he do it? Its a mystery but its fun going knee deep into two opposite spectrum of it an see people go "huh, wut?".
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>top left
board's fast-ish today
I love that Kim puts up with so, so much shit from you and even entertains your bullshit occasionally, but the moment you try to become ICEBREAKER he suddenly soijaks at you and asks if you're "fucking insane"
It has little to do with the ideology and everything to do with this apathy being a strong sign of a suicidal depression.
All this talk make me realize there isn't any major game stuff done with the compass ponies (well, ignoring the addon mod to the EaW),a VN with some simple romance or mystery story would be nice.
that depends on your word choice to him (and if you pass your rhetoric rolls), if Harry states that he is the last knight in modern time and is using this ideology to quit drinking and smoking, Kim will find the idea somewhat charming.
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Wasn't planning to update, but I ended up getting the game and starting it. Made my character, performed exactly one action (reaching for a necktie), failed, had a heart attack, and died.

So thanks for the recommendation, anons, I can already tell this was a good choice. Remaking character now, since I didn't live long enough to save.
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>(reaching for a necktie), failed, had a heart attack, and died.
psy is a really fun first playthrough preset, if you reset again
has the most fun dialog imo
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please let us know how your second playthrough is going
On second playthrough, I reached for the necktie again, and died. I feel like I'm really in sync with the Mc here
Word of advice, when you get to the option to shoot a child, do it
Man, put more than one point in Physical...
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Alright, you fuckers. I'm finished torrenting the game off fitgirl. You won. What should I specialize in if I'm obsessed with fucking over communists while still adhering to chaotic-good-ish ideals? I'm going into this almost 100% blind.
Don’t worry about it now, just play the way you want to.
Mm, fair enough. I'm just so totally lost on what the game's fully about and how character traits are determined, kek. Lots of weird ass stats and voices to choose from and I'm not even close to understanding it.
Guess my first playthrough will go slightly less badly than the tie-grabbing anon's~ But the unpacking is taking a little bit...I can't believe that I'm playing this game on two hours of sleep, twelve hours before dental surgery with work afterward. I wonder if it's actually possible to be as much of a fuckup as the MC.
So far I'm going whole hog on INT (6, with 2 in the other stats) with a focus on Visual Calculus. Deduced where my other shoe went, spoke to the lady-of-the-night upstairs, got shat on by the manager of the diner, and got some of the rundown from Kitsuragi. Huh, this is coming together nicely.
Update on third playthrough: I am the sorry cop. I do not know what my face looks like, and I cherish and protect this innocence. The bookstore owner has made the interesting decision to lock me in their haunted cellar because closing hours passed while I was inside. The body is still in the fucking tree.

I would rather die. Literally, and comically.
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>The body is still in the fucking tree.
>The body is still in the fucking tree.
looool, same. Body's in the tree, put a round in his ribcage too after some nagging from Cuno. Going to explore the parts of town surrounding, another time. I have surgery soon, and then work, but after I get the time off again I'll check out the bookstore.
>The bookstore owner has made the interesting decision to lock me in their haunted cellar because closing hours passed while I was inside
lol didn't know this can happen
Jean ViqueMARE..........
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That last interrogation with Klassje
My fucking STATS begin arguing with each other
the crowned one shall be your compass
he is the only one you can trust
you cant even trust your gut
He truly earned every spike on that crown
Would you be more willing to believe her if she was a mare?
Kim is the opposite of a moralist, though.
He acts and doesn't believe in anything.
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He doesn't need to believe in anything, because I believe in him.
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he used to be a moralist though, and is shown to still be sympathetic to it
Our guy
It's not pro or anti anything. It criticizes all of them and makes you look the sad humanity under all the illusions. Probably the best written game ever made.
Hell if anything it's anti politics while still showing the horrors of anarchy without it.
I remember seeing some dude do a playtrough of Disco Elysium a while ago, sounds fun, wish there was a pony mod for it
It would be incredibly Disco Elysium of you, and also easier to, just give yourself schizophrenia and imagine the horses in the game, very in-character for MEHSTER DU BOIS
and since Disco Elysium went out in the most Disco Elysium way possible, don't *buy* the game, the creators of the game no longer get money from it
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It only took 138 posts for someone to tell me what the fuck this thread was about.

What the fuck is fagisco gayslum?
I keep thinking on how could one make a "port" of the skills system to a Equestria like game, 24 seems like a little bit ambitious number (specially even in the game not all of them get the same degree of usage until the mid/end game) but what if they were limited to just pony related stuff, like 6 for canon harmony (Magic, laughter, generosity etc) than filler out the rest of personality stuff (being awesome, bookworm, shy etc) in the thought cabinet?
Schizophrenic cop loses his memory and now has to solve a case. Political hijinks ensues
Well, since you called it gay I'm not telling you, you meanie
Love this idea, so I took a crack at it for fun. Folded phsyique/motorics into Body, mixed some intellect/psyche together into Mind, and then added a Harmony Category. 18 total skills, 6 per stat.
>Mind: Reason, Study, Awesomeness, Socializing, Creativity, Regality
>Harmony: Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Magic
>Body: Fastness, Strength, Stamina, Awareness, Hoof Dexterity, Earth Connection
These are great, I can already imagine stuff with these. I was gonna say the harmony traits seem a bit difficult to play against the character (as any stat can do in DE), but I realized the show is full of examples of how they might be made to be contextually negative.
Yeah, I'm liking this idea! It's not quite the level of esotericism of DE's thought cabinet stats, but a good chunk of it follows from the Elements of Harmony well.
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Honestly seems like it'd be perfect for a cyoa as well. Kinda tempts me a bit.
Added some brief descriptions styled after the game ones.
>Reason: Logic out your problems. Understand the complexities of reality. Turn chaos into order within your mindscape.
>Study: Contain an encyclopedia of knowledge within yourself. Call upon facts at will. Harness the power of research.
>Awesomeness: Impress and dazzle. Defy limitations. Be cool.
>Socializing: Meet new ponies, and make them your friends. Deftly navigate conversation. Keep spaghetti within its appropriate receptacles.
>Creativity: Use the power of imagination. Get in touch with your artistic side. See the writing behind the walls of reality, and know you are the author.
>Regality: Inspire awe with grace and presence. Maintain composure through force of will. Breathe into the paper bag.
>Laughter: Entertain with theatrics and humor. Use spontaneity and satire as your sword and shield. Keep hope alive in the darkest times.
>Generosity: Bequeath what you have unto others. Be selfless. Let the magic of sharing fuel mutual gain.
>Honesty: let your genuine self show, and be true to it. See the truth (or lack thereof) in other's words. Be a rock of principle.
>Loyalty: Cherish and aid your friends. Be dedicated to your choices, and inspire dedication in return. Stand up for what you believe in.
>Kindness: Empathize with others, and step into their hoofprints. Do the right thing, even when it's hard. Vanquish all evil with the power of forgiveness.
>Magic: Tap into the wellspring that is yourself. Feel the energy of concepts. Manifest the metaphysical as physical.
>Fastness: Be quick of hoof or wing. React with speed and instinct. Understand "fast" as a way of life.
>Strength: Become an unstoppable force. Perform herculean feats as a pinnacle of physicality. Buck life in the flank.
>Stamina: Become an immovable object. Endure hardship and adversity. Push through and get things done.
>Awareness: Notice all of the things. Have the eyes of a hawk and the focus of a second hawk. Read the room.
>Hoof Dexterity: Defy reality by manipulating objects with your hoofsies. Step carefully and deftly. Turn your limbs into instruments.
>Earth Connection: Feel the world beneath your hooves, and hear its whispers. Taste the dirt, and nurture nature's bounties. Tap into the animal-geist.
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>ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Challenging: Success] - You know behind that glassy eyed stare is a pony that desperately wants a party. She needs one almost as much as you do. You know you should bust out the party cannon.
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>LOGIC [Formidable: Success] - You can't throw a party for the pony. They're dead. The closest thing you can hold for them is a funeral, which are just lame parties with shoddy catering. And you can't do that, because you lost your shoddy catering license after you put the fun in funeral one too many times.
Did you color this to look like Pinkie? Neat.
>shivers is pinkie sense
You know, this is making more and more sense.
I will bump the thread
I don’t know anything about this game but it’s fun to read so I’ll bump too
Find the thing creating it (Inevitably a partially equine monster of dubious redeemability) and hit them with a harmony blast.

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