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[Chapter 2: Flight & Fight]

Under the cover of the Everfree Forest, you were humming an tune as you walked with the girls, the plan to retreat to the Castle of The Two Sisters, where some solace and the makings of a plan could be made. "I'm a Wanderer, oh i'm a wanderer, walking through the undergrowth, through tough and rough, together with my mares hand in hand, oh I'm a Wanderer, passing town to town, castle to castle, strength to strength and love.~"

"It's a wonderful melody Aulas, where did you learn such an tune?" Nightmare asks as Chrysalis Perks her ears, intent on knowing as well but still keeping that tsundere attitude.

"I made it up on the fly, I am a Wanderer from the northern isle of Pelos, I love to sing to lift my lonely mood, and it's good to exercise ones voice and heart to protect and guard with one's being." They kind of understand in their own roundabout ways, power to cherish and protect what was their own property. An more evil-neutral perspective.

"Alright then...once we get to a stopping point and rest, we can see what this hand mark is about." You say as the other two nod as the way keeps going onwards in silence, broken up by birdsong and the shuddering of leaves.

[What shall you do in the meantime?]
1. Look to train as you travel
2. Try to conserve energy and carry on.
3. Detour to find an more obscure and untraceable tract of pathing
4. Other
3. We won't have much solace if we let them figure out where are we going.
By the way, how far can ponies teleport?
(Combat Teleportation is usually short range, 100 feet at most. Long Range Teleportation requires a lot of prep work and focus.)

"Hey girls, we shouldn't make a beeline for the castle, we're going to get tracked and caught." You see as you point to an off direction from the castle, "Make it seem we are passing by to elsewhere. Then circle back to this castle of Nightmare's."

Chrysalis rolls her eyes, "I'm not just going to waste time traipsing through a stupid forest for an idea that might not even do anything." She pouts and sighs as Nightmare pokes her with her horn.

"Who was that's seen us through all this, who let you absorb their love and gave us our strength. At the least we should humor him. We owe him a debt that cannot be easily repaid." She growls as the two square as if ready to tear at each other like dogs before Chrysalis sighs, fine, I guess he's the leader then. If anything goes wrong I'll blame him long and often, so lead on jackass." Nightmare shakes her head the two follow your lead as you explore the forest in an ambling path that zig zags towards the badlands exit before veering back towards the castle as you mount Nightmare's back and take flight and softly glide amongst the trees to erase any trace of you three for the most part. By the time you arrive at the castle it was sunset already as you hurried inside foe safety. Taking refuge in the throne room as Nightmare solemnly looks at the two thrones...you weren't sure whether to speak or merely make yourself useful?
Ask Nightmare to show us and Chryssy the castle. Chryssy may want to start a new hive in the basement and we want to see, hmm. The cellars? There's no way the castle still has any edible food stored after it was abandoned for centuries, is there?
"Hey Nightmare, care to show us the grand tour?" You ask Nightmare as she nods, "Yes, of course, right this way." She was happy to have yours and Chrysalis' company, but still it was an tad sour tone to return to the place full of such...defeat and memories.

There then came the quarters, barracks, storeroom, cellar, room of elements(empty), and other amenities associated with an castle.

"Well then, I think I'm gonna hit the cellar and see if I can't drudge up anything to eat or drink?" They nod as you headed downstairs to the cellars, where you find stored casks of wine and magically preserved stores of food. You smirk as you went to grab some drink and food into an sack and brought it upstairs, "Oh girls~. I got probably the most fine wine in the universe and some grub." They seem to perk up a little as you show them what was for breakfast-lunch-dinner.

"Guess your useful for something peon." Chrysalis says with a harrumph, despite being an ass, she still digs in to the food, moaning with delight at the cool flavor as Nightmare smiles and gently tucks into her dried and preserved meal. You munch on some raisins and jerky as you yawn, enjoying the night as you look up through an hole in the roof to admire the night sky. Perhaps, even villains need friends, "Thank you ladies for keeping me company." They nod as they quickly enjoy the rich and absolutely delightful wine.

Well then, to us! What do you do or say as night tarries?
Set up for the noght not too far from each other, maybe even in the same room. All three of us are spent and weakened, if somebody followed us from the city or if some creature from the forest randomly decides to visit the castle tonight it'll be easier to take us out one by one. Consider taking turns keeping watch, although it may be an overkill. Other than that? Nothing much. Wish them good night, tuck them in, go to the roof and watch the stars a litte. A lot of stars to see now that we are out of prison and far away from the light pollution of Canterlot.
"Alright, let's stay in one place at least and get some sleep. Thank you both for going on this oh so wonderful adventure so far. I'm sure tomorrow will be just as exciting!" You say as the girls groan and plop down to pass out after such an tiring flight from outright defeat and destruction.

You smile and look up to the night sky and admire its ephemeral beauty, destined to pass, only to return once more fair as ever. But you too could feel fatigue setting in as you went to lie down with the girls, resting back against Chrysalis' barrel. You close your eyes as the sweet embrace of sleep...

An dark mist surrounds you as you awaken, an sort of dark world with grey Mist around you as you get up, feeling sorta sluggish, your body moving as though it was underwater as you saw figure approaching. "How can you move? That should be impossible...no matter, I will take care of you come what may."

What do you say or do in retort?
How sluggish are we talking? Can we fight or, not really?
Bluff and intimidate. Imply that we know what's going on better than the figure does, imply it fell into our trap. "Welcome, what took you so long? Come closer." If it appears to work, tell it it can't leave this place without our permission.
Able to move in almost slow motion, you feel like an specter of yourself as you brace yourself to react if needed. "Welcome, what took you so long? Come closer~." Stepping forwards you see that they were an alicorn, wielding an Scythe as they looked similar to Nightmare Moon. "You cannot leave this place without my permission." You state as she raises an eyebrow at you.

"I suspect you an fool and liar with that statement, I have come to reave your spirit foul villain, I will not let you destroy our land." She says as she starts to pace around you as you work to keep pace as you swivel to face her.

What do you do?
Like hell we're going to die in some shitty colorless mist. Try to go lucid and change the scenery. Make it big and loud, like Reichenbach Falls.
"You foolishly believe I can destroy lands, but if I claim to have a slightly less ridiculous ability to lock somebody in my dreams, that's where your draw the line? Not fair! Decide, mare: either let your fears cloud your judgement or don't. You can't do it when and only when it's bad for me personally. No, you can, but only because you wield a mowing implement and my grandmother taught me to never argue with people who think mowing implements are viable weapons. Am I babbling? I'm sorry if I'm babbling! Is it a crime?"

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