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fillies wearing clothes edition
previous >>41133703
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>diamond tiara gets her allowance cut off but finds the perfect dress at the Carousel Boutique and tells rarity she'll do anything for it
"permit the fillies to come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"

"truly I say to you, unless you convert and become like fillies, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven"
i mean, should probably be 'foals' there
but yeah
need George Muller pone to set up an orphanage for all the foals
can't believe Rarity would let her little baby sister wear something so scandalous
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Which filly has the best rump?
You can't?
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>fillies wearing clothes
I agree

The one you like, but you would need to travel back in time to get King Arthur to separate me from Scootaloo
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I see you fellow scoots appreciator
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I hate Noi.
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This one right here, officer Belle.
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Cozy Glow would be the absolute tease 24/7
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nice chin on that lad
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Easily Cozy. It's unfair how good her ass is. If Celestia didn't exist then she might have the best ass in all of Equestria.
>Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the greatest ass of them all?
>You for now, Princess.
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It's so sad that Cozy Glow as so few clop stories.
It sucks she came so late into the series after writers started to drop out of the fandom.
Had she been introduced as an earlier villain, she would have had so many stories.
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An ass like that belongs on Canterlot's throne.
>Canterlot's throne.
what a weird way of spelling "my face"
Help her take over Equestria and maybe you can be that throne.
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Ah, I see you are a man of taste as well.
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There is no convincing me that Golly isn't at least down moderate for muscular boys. 36 seconds of pure succubus filly. Yall better be lifting for Golly, or at least exercising some, otherwise what would she think about your lack of ambition?
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Golly would totally be a filly into /fit/ anons
>a filly so small that all she can do is kinda kiss your flared end
0:31 proves Tirek doesn't know proper bench press form.
*proves that the animators don't know proper form and couldn't even bother taking a minute to look up a Jeff Nipples video to find out
Shitpost fillies are important for the health of a thread, even if these fillies are the kind of fillies you don't want to fuck
>the kind of fillies you don't want to fuck
Where do you think you are?
>the kind of fillies you don't want to fuck
No such thing.
I would totally fuck dyx
>shitposting fillies
So Dyx, Nyx and Anonfilly? these three sound very fuckables
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shitposting fillies deserve love
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sweet lil pone
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shes a qt
Really soft filly
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I need to refind the sweetie belle one
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I'm a skinny cardioanon, is that good enough?
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love fillies with a little attitude like this who are still cute.
her lil feathers blowing around are a nice touch
imagine if you let her live with you, all the tiny orange down that builds up here and there. in your bed. around your stuff. then every time she sees you erect her lil wingboners shoot up and a few little feathers ploop out and settle to the floor.
She looks less shocked and more turned on at whatever she's watching.
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>Back in the other hiding spot, Bloom and Sweetie were shadow boxing to get ready.
>Apple Bloom was at least.
>Sweetie was practicing stabbing with her horn.
>Both of their ears catch something.

“And make sure to have them cleaned by this afternoon. And they have to be dry clean only. And…”

>It was the miserable nagging of Diamond Tiara.
>Scootaloo and Silver were with her.
>This was going to be their moment.
>They stalk their prey from the shadows, waiting for them to get just close enough.
>And then, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom leap out from behind a bush, stomping their hooves on the ground.

“We’re here to-”

>Sweetie Belle's triumphant one liner was cut short when she realized she was facing the wrong way.
>She turns around.

“Butt we’re here to Diamond’s kick! Shoot I messed it up.”

>Silver and Diamond look confused.
>Scootaloo’s heart twinges at seeing her friends.
>She instantly understood Sweetie's incoherent battle cry.
>And then her eyes go wide seeing her friends.
>What do they think they're doing?

“Ugh! I can't understand your made up cruddy mark crusaders language.”

>Diamond throws her head back while scoffing.
>She's filled with arrogance, strutting right up to Apple Bloom and Sweetie.
>But she's stopped.
>Apple Bloom lays a hoof on Tiara’s shoulder.
>Scootaloo and Silver instinctively tense up.
>Apple Bloom looks right through her.

“This is for yer own good.”

>Apple Bloom haymakers Diamond right in her temple.
>She doesn't even let out a yelp on her way to the ground.
>Apple Bloom turns her back to face where she thinks Rainbow Dash is.
>She flexes her little front legs and strikes a heroic pose.
>Some cheers and lamentations over who owes money can be heard.
>Apple Bloom is feeling quite pleased with herself.
>That pleasure is swiftly knocked out of her along with any air in her lungs as she is tackled to the ground by Silver Spoon.
>She is screeching incoherently.
>Sweetie Belle rushes to Bloom’s aid but is tripped by Diamond Tiara on the ground.

“What is wrong with you subequine psychos?!”

“You hurt our friend!”

“I don’t care! You’re crazy!”

>Diamond stalling for her moment suddenly throws dirt at poor Sweetie’s eyes.
>Sweetie lets out a squeal.
>Diamond picks up a rock while Sweetie is scrambled.
>At the same time Silver and Apple Bloom have been wrestling on the ground
>Silver is seeing red and going at Bloom with all she has.
>Swiping at her with her hooves and biting at her.
>Thankfully Apple Bloom was no stranger to a little ground ‘n’ pound.
>She defends her face with her forehooves, pushing back at Silver.
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>Apple Bloom gets her off just long enough, making just enough space to pull back her hind legs.
>Silver goes for another pounce but gets bucked straight in her chest.
>Sending her flying into Diamond, saving Sweetie Belle from the rock.
>The two of them roll back and topple onto each other.
>Just before they can steady themselves Sweetie charges with her horn.
>Placing it directly into Diamond’s cutie mark.
>Diamond reels in pain but quickly realizes it didn’t hurt.
>Sweetie Belle and her locked eyes for a moment.
>Being just a filly her horn wasn’t very firm or sharp or anything resembling dangerous.
>To break this awkward moment Sweetie takes a bite out of DT’s cutie mark instead.
>This does hurt.
>Now Diamond really reels in pain.
>Silver is about to go back into her frenzy as Apple Bloom gives the pile of fillies the pony’s elbow.
>All four of them were now a mass of kicking, hair pulling, and biting.
>Scootaloo was rooted to the ground, watching all this unfold.
>She was overwhelmed.
>All the ways this could turn out running through her brain.
>She was scared.


>It’s hard to make out who shouts her name from the fight pile.
>It doesn’t help her.

“What are you doing? Get them!”

>Something in Scootaloo finally clicks.
>Something that tells her “go”.
>Scootaloo dives into the brawl.
>Bloom and Sweetie were shadow boxing to get ready.
>Apple Bloom was at least.
>Sweetie was practicing stabbing with her horn.
I love so many of the details like this you put in
little fillies
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Thanks mang.
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I wonder if she is also an...
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Built for minimum wage and unpaid overtime, m'kay.
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It's hot.
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that explains the powerful filly musk in the air.
I’d rather be on the leash instead of her. I want to be her property.
Now this is a filly with heavy daddy issues
the only heavy daddy issues is when you have to be on top because otherwise he squishes you
>quibble was such failure of stepdad that Windsprint got into a really early goth phase
date date and date
which filly would be a skibidi fanatic?
Silver Spoon—she doesn't know what the fuck it means, but DT seems to, and that's good enough for her
>oh my Grogar me too
Flurry Heart if shining and cadence aren't careful
sadly true
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she cute
She have a nice simple color palette, really minimalist but it's pretty pleasant to the eyes.
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apples, peaches, pumpkin pie
who's not ready, holler aye
I'm more into the grape filly
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>There is no convincing me that Golly isn't at least down moderate for muscular boys.
I don't think it's just about physical strength for her. Cozy's entire belief system hinges around the idea of power above all, so imagine she'd be inherently attracted to anyone that had a lot of power. Physical might is a path to that, yes, but so is money, influence, charisma or magical capabilities.
The real kicker with trying to romance Golly is that she'll be constantly trying to take for herself the very thing that makes her attracted to you.
which filly would be the most addicted to a fidget spinner?
Kettle Corn
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Scootaloo is: The MILF Hunter!
So scootaloo is the one that tease cheerilee with her body for a good score on exams?
that is a look of pure horror, like she is restrained and not into it at all but scootaloo will not take no and consent is entirely optional to her. More?
She has sort of slit pupils. Could the Nightmare, after being defeated for a second time in Nightmare Rarity, have fled into Sweetie?
Nightmare Belle, or maybe Nightmare Chime.
>pure horror, like she is restrained and not into it
She's horrified because she's into it and thinks it wrong to indulge those desires.
>Do not tempt me! I dare not take you, not even with your consent. The desires I have to degrade your pure filly body would be too great for my strength.
That cheerilee is at one single word whispered on her ear to crumble and just do what scootaloo want.
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what is reverse grooming called?
bratty oji-san needing correcting
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I believe it's still grooming, the unique difference is that scootaloo is the one doing the grooming.
It's called "seduction" when the 'victim' is an adult.
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Would you have happy time with offbrand filly Fluttershy?
how is it that i'm able to recognize her doing the 'heart' gesture with her -hooves-
noi is growing on me
yellow horse
i would give her cake-batter milkshakes.
>baby-batter milkshakes
that stuff only goes in her other mouth
What "other mouth"? All her other holes are primarily excretory.
not so cheerful now, huh?
>vagina junction, what's your function?
Like all other systems, its function is to do what it does, which is to excrete offspring and various debris & waste, and occasionally take in semen for reproduction (and pair bonding, but every other hole a penis will fit in does that about as well, so that barely counts)
And the troon squad has escaped.
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I'm extremely attracted to Megasweet's line work, yet unsettled by Crookedtree's coloring.
colorists can't make things better than the original art, otherwise they'd be real artists
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Noi is a slut
and once she has her sights set on you she never stops...
it looks like overlay or multiply was used but not all the shadows were then color-tinted to avoid the 'gray shading' look (since it started out gray shaded)
her neck and part of her face have it, but the arm doesn't. also her ear is WAY too high and far back.
i made the same coloring mistake myself once, and i forgot to fix it and it's kinda too late now.
counterpoint: Oddrich
Now that you point out the gray shading, I can see it. I was mostly speaking of Crooked's uncanny valley realism painted over MS's cartoonish cute. Comparing the original sketch, the ear position doesn't look so off there because her ears and the eyes are larger and closer. So many tiny style tweaks in addition to the shading, like the smaller nose and pony Belle's ears becoming pointed, completely changed the feel. Not that unsettling is bad; I quite like Crookedtrees for that.
counter-counterpoint: Colorfags are not artists. They are stunted attention seekers who ride the coat tails of people better than them while acting as if they carry the burden.
well Oddrich did a lot of creative and quality improvements to my art.
Crookedtreees has 211 drawings on derpibooru tho. His colors and his style have always been off.
Twibooru tags
black and white: 18457
colored: 26902
The number of artists that don't bother with color are too high for backwards takes like this to exist.
colorfags add SOVL, you wouldn't get it
tiny ponk is cute
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and funny!
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and that's exactly why I love it
so fluffy
this twist looks a lil weird.
There's just something about this image. I can't stop opening it and looking at it. It's not even that it's really sexy or lewd, just sweet(ie) and lovely and compelling.
there are other nice feelings besides boner!
if scoots was your daughter, would you dress her in stupid outfits and take pictures just so she'd squirm and look embarrassed
and then if she sits through it anyway you buy her ice cream
>Anon, does my vagina look the same as the other ponies?
>I can't see it myself, Mom and Dad don't believe in mirrors..
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it's comfy, like, self love.
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Learn to shade
Learn to basic coloring
Learn to color key and complementary colors
Learn to global lighting
Learn to reverb lighting, highlights, diffuse light, tone, lighting temperature.
Learn to draw.
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What's the point if an AI can do all of this automatically and better?
And what's the idea behind transforming a traditional art into something soulless and photorealistic?
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I know this might seem crazy to you, but people like doing things for fun.
>What's the point if an AI can do all of this automatically and better?
The same reason people still write greens for this board. We like to.
i just want cute and well drawn and well written fillies, i don't care where it comes from
What if they come from my ass?
now what would the fillies be doing in there
Anyone have the smutty horse link to the cunny life poem but with fillies? I think it was also in one of the anthologies

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