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Previous thread: >>41227873

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map - WIP

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Mareadise, Earth/Pega/Uni-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mareadise/147/157/21
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Baltimare design/planning channels:
https://app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare:pony.cx - Change homeserver to matrix.horse

>Live Baltimare stream
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first for creaturefag drama
Imbibe your medications
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still doesn't disprove my point, enjoy your drama blessed thread now.
cute though
Baltimare is a bestiality fetishist sim and we're just ponies living in it.
It's true. Gilded is the beast
I can't believe I'm making movies now.
Pure kino.
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love this
Thank you!
It's so much fun to see stuff in the camarea stream, get ideas and actually turn them into a complete little project.
Since it's raw footage from the stream the difficulty is to make the best out of the material that I was able to capture and can't just direct the actors around the way I want. Playing with playback speeds, crops, duplicating of scenes, sharpening up timings... There's so much to try. The time limit of 2 minutes max because 4chins webbum is another difficulty.
It's great when I can start a fun project like this, finish it in the same session and the best feeling is when you guys have fun with it.
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What's the plush Quote drawing?
Futa on Mare impregnation.
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An even bigger Twistie
two princesses fucking is even hotter because not only do they breed each other but the balls are touching the entire time
Princesses are female, so they don't have balls.
You're looking for "Princes"
well stallions don't have a pussy and teats either so idk what you expect me to call them
I want rarapony to turn me into her diaper critter
that doesn't even make any sense. A pony is already a living thing. You couldn't make a living diaper.
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it's true, zephyr's master can't make magic creatures. that's why the unicorn horns are just cosmetic. they clearly didn't pay attention to the source material.
First I get my hoof tickled and then my fancy
I need a nigga to do zephyr rp with me fr fr
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Zephyr was overrated and honestly quite boring
I had a friend named zephyr over a decade ago, she was one of my first online friends if not my very first, and she drew the very first version of the blue alicorn roaming baltimare...
life in baltimare always seems to be like 2 months ahead.
I remember when it started snowing last year in like mid october
That's normal?
Not sure if you can call anything here normal but it sure is something
Not for much longer I'm sure, I live in the mountains and every winter is more pathetic than the last while each summer is worse. It was 95 degrees today, celestia is FUCKING DRUNK
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will you ever shut the fuck up
The thread isn't your blog dude.
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But also, sorry, my memory functions entirely on association and seeing the name zephyr transported me to 2013 again
row row
Before getting too angry at anons for posting weird shit, just remember that 4chan users and horsefuckers have much higher than average rates of autism.
Now combine the two and you’re sure to have some socially awkward ponies.

Remember to take care of yourselves, get plenty of sleep, and hug a stallion or three for good luck.
i still rember the day they told me i came down with a case of the ass burgers
I have autism, severe anxiety, and depression and really want to kms but at least I can hang out with you fags before I reach that age.
Can somepony move Camarea closer to the fire pit? I want to watch sleeping ponies
Perfect, thank you
That's called being a petfag and wanting a master
Join the line
It's really odd having a dominant personality but hating petshit and having to push away popens that want me to leash them.
Kek, that's hilarious. What's the sub selection that isn't into petfaggotry like?
what if I'm a sub but I like to have pets
Most of them are into leash and collar with generic D/s and Master/pet honorifics not actual petplay.
Too many perfectly sweet ponies have been chased out for not being cool enough or being too cringe autistic, and that's not very four channy to me!
Who was chased out?
Reply with a random horse from your folder

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It's still comfy hours so HERE YOU GO.
Still kinda sleepy and for some reason my brain interpreted "Meadow Poker" as slang for a pony liking to hit the meadow often.
I mean who doesn't like lush grass
Might as well also post this rascal
cozy but it does make me wonder why was someone questioning the authenticity of the word bunting.
I'm a dominant mare, however I'm not into leashes. I prefer the psychological leash, it's invisible but ten times as stronger. There is no yanking the collar with me, the carrot is simply living up to my expectations. Fail that and I wont get angry, merely disappointed~
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How is it a word?
Sounds like "punting" but pic related.
Also, is there a Spurdo popen?
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does it really matter?
Bunting is by definition; a thin cloth used chiefly for making flags and patriotic decoration according to google but it's the flags used on ropes around celebratory times they're around the circus in the sim currently.
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I wonder how many popen versions of this meme exist out there
It does not.
What matters though is how you use that fifth leg.
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>popens are actually ayylmaos
it seems so natural
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unban zeeb aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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who's that? she looks pretty
that nohooves on the left is truly living the moment
My wife. Do not touch.
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cute pony
That isn't a nohooves, that's an IMPOSTOR
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Well now I'm going to touch her.
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I love looking at vintage horses
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featuring two random horse pictures, one I cannot send directly;
why must i suffer
I assume that is Silver Shift on the left? I love seeing proto-popens.
I'm glad this game had some documentation, what a good one it was.
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Today I dreamed we had a YUPPIE POPEN EVENT.

Everyone was dressed in professional office attire. We had a tall office building in Balti and everyone was busy running around with laptops, pens and notebooks.
In the end we watched American Psycho together in the conference room over a projector.
That would be cute and very achievable with how many marketplace offices already exist ready to be populated with cubicles and printers.
>yuuuuuuuuuuu p p p p p p p eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
im gonna have sex in my cubicle with my marewife
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Updated reference for the thing, chromacubes are nice to have
I'd love to have my own little cubicle and secretly browse the internets on my office pc
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Would it be possible to set a parcel in Balti to no-autoreturn for a day?
Basically plop down an empty office building on that parcel and then let the ponies storm the building and set up their little cubicles with their office PCs, laptops, etc.
In the evening we'd have a fully populated office building which can be of course completely demolished and removed once the event is over the next day.
Also me
Hey - that's an idea. Create an "event" parcel for this sort of thing
I'm sure this will be labeled as shit stirring but I haven't seen any more of that cute fluttershy-looking femcolt's impressive photography/art since he started hanging out with gooey. Now I just see mediocre photos of him taken by gooey. I miss the femcolt's content and am not interested in gooey's clique photoshoots where he goes to random sims, to be completely honest. I hope he sees this and starts making his own stuff again.
Maybe he doesn't have time rn for that kinda stuff.
I do edits like these too and they take time, time that we often don't have
burn the coal, pay the toll
>one I cannot send directly;

I-I can see why
With how many pictures gooey drags him off for, yes I would wager he does not have time for his own art.
Good morning my little ponies.
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Oh no....
give us the balls version
wtf who impaled him
you and the rest of the princesses have forsaken us by allowing this enclave of hate to grow
THIS is basically the friendship endgame.
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does anyone actually like horselover
yeah me
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NSFW please
A man like a tower
you (and only you, since there are no other canon princess accounts) have forsaken us by never fucking logging in
can you tell me why? all my experiences of him have been seeing him be a proud asshole. a more subtle desu.
Unfortunately that’s what happens with whichever pony Gooey is grooming that month.
I’m sure the femcolt will be back soon enough with cute pictures once Gooey gets bored with doing satanic sacrifice RP with him
Never had an issue with him. Talked many times, seen around many times.
Some characters might just clash with yours which is normal
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can you guys show me more horses building buildings
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I really hope so.
I'm gonna huff those nuts
I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
open ponies look better without bits.
prove me wrong.
I should make one of these.
You're either new or retarded then
Yeah. In a group setting she has some vibes that Trixie would (no shock, a Trixiefag with a Trixie like avatar) especially when shilling the Bungle, but one-on-one or in small groups she is agreeable to be around and took some time to show me some stuff I might like completely unrelated to Bungle stuff.
Yeah, a perfectly decent horse, the only thing I dislike are the bungle advertising gestures but if I got up in arms over every gesture that goes on for too long I'd have lynched half the sim by now.
I have no idea what you're talking about here either, and I've been here since the start of /opg/.
This is the kind of thing that R1 was supposed to filter
You're wrong about the reason:
It's about accessories in general, you get your open pony and it looks okay bare at first but then you want to put more stuff on until you feel like it looks too busy and then you start taking it off again and going more simple until the basic look gets too boring etc etc. Bits are just another accessory.
>"Anyone else annoyed by this person"
lmao begone threadshitter
I think it depends. Overly realistic bits definitely look wrong, like nording's horsepuss or most horsecocks. But I think Kuro's marebits look fine when properly positioned and adjusted so as to blend in nicely; they match the simplistic cartoon style, don't stand out too much, and add a nice dash of anatomical correctness so to speak.
I don't know if I've ever seen a pair of balls that blends in quite as nicely, though. But maybe that's just because I'm not gay or something.
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Oh my god HL is a tranny
I think the problem is that there's really no fancy bits made for OpenPony. It's basically jury-rigged user-made stuff in order to hamfist the ZAX horsecock into looking somewhat normal on OP.
Shilling the bungle is an obvious bit, if you're taking it at face value you may have autism.
Post meant for >>41235759
Yeah, I forgot to mention that I recognize that bit for what it is.
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Oh okay, no worries then.
Can you crop out the bottom part of the pic please
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someone needs to make a popen version of this historic event
ugly ass oc
The only one capable of not getting that act and then calling it out was, perhaps you guessed it, Blackjack.
Skyline and staffie both are making an horsecock and staffie's balls are what most ponies use, so at least those should look good if what you're saying is the reason, and I guess same goes for deeraw's
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I can't believe I got fucking rused
I'm glad I made zaf balls fit my powy because every fucking popen has the same exact pair of balls and it drives me crazy because I can't unsee it

I'm also surprised that OP doesn't have a dedicated cock, back in the day the old pony avatar (the cel-shaded one) actually had its own dedicated cock by the name of big apple, which I spent way too much time resizing and adjusting to make it fit the openpony before someone ended up getting me the zaf

(I also noticed the psicorp one but it seems to fit the popen style even less)

I've heard about Skyline's cock though, looks like OP is going to get its own big apple counterpart soon
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i like the glied horse cock, feels chunky like clop art
>had its own dedicated cock by the name of big apple
I think you mean the creamsicle, I believe "big apple" was just one of the sizes you could get
It also wasn't really a "dedicated" cock, as it was just a cartoony celshaded option for full bright ponies, I saw it used on multiple different pony avatars, it was just that the EP was the most popular at that time
Ahh, I just remember how the UI for the EP and the cock all fit together, so I assumed it was like, official or something. It was like, 2016, so I don't remember it that well.

That one's pretty cool, I like the "With great horsedick comes great responsibility" line lmao
The EP HUD was just pink with the MLP font, so the creator of the creamsicle just matched that style, and they weren't the only ones to do that.
When is Rara going to sell Baltimare again?
Yeah that tracks, I kinda miss it, the OP hud is damn near impossible to see sometimes depending on what the background scenery is
when the guy who offered 20k puts his bucks where is mouth is
When the kind richfags who are paying for it for him stop being so charitable
I should stop being charitable?
if you are paying for rara to own baltimare, please stop. we need a change in ownership.
You have like 5 topics you keep rotating around every time to decide to shit like an actual ape
Don't include me with (You)
>this shit again
Imagine a board with moderators
pay me instead so I can start a pony sim it'll be fun
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How would that be moderated?
You have the bappu's attention
i offer the creature a mango
I'm keeping rara in charge forever because it's funny
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oh fuck they tried to warn me about this but i did not listen
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New MDE theme has been made, i hope you popens are good with technology

>big stallion fella
I love him
fuck I forgot to slap my drawing in the MDE
>You like pony content?
>Great! Why don't you also watch some dude flicking a bug
>Browse youtube
>Click ONE random video different from usual set
>Go back to home page
>Entire page nothing but references and similar videos
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enjoy my funny drawing intended for the MDE that I didn't have time or energy to finish between commissions
DW. ill archive in the kube and stuff in post, just hmu when youare done
Stop projecting faggot. They look cute as fuck.
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The only ugly part is the cat tail.
They're the only OC I've seen that makes heterochromia actually look pleasant
He isn't going to sell it to me...unfortunately. Despite his dumbass being in debt.
Rara already said in public chat he's selling it to Poochie.
You're retarded to think that's actually true.
It's so funny that he paid off his car with credit cards and is now in piles of debt. So much for that move going smoothly huh nicklebackmountain?
No that’s yeehaw before they were yeehaw.
are there brazilian popens
Not Top Clue
Midnight Haze though i haven't seen him around lately
Wft I thought Topclue was brazilian
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but wait, there is more
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in bed with the goblins
imo the gap between the legs that's obviously meant for your bits looks wrong when they're not there. sfw ponies should have less of an obvious gap there, but that would make it harder to wear bits
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what a weird looking plant
Anon, say something good about a pony you like!
cute, sweet, always pleasant to talk to, even small talk and chitchat
I think Si is one of the very, very, very, very few ponies who actually pulls off a beard extremely well all while managing to still look cute and pretty much would fit in the show. I think I've barely ever talked to him but seeing him around always makes me smile.
Are we suppose to water it?
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Friends, I have some news I have to share and I could really use any kind of support right now because this is really damn hard.

On Saturday I visited Fallen Oak Horse rescue to visit the horse I sponsored. This was supposed to be fun, but it's been anything but. I've learned of the owner, Kim's, struggle with losing all of her doners due to nsfw images reaching members of the greater horse rescue community in her area. These people dedicate their lives to rescuing horses, and word spreads fast amongst normies that she's giving money to what they perceive to be animal abusers and involved with ungodly degeneracy.

Seeing her house in shambles as she struggles to maintain her operation absolutely broke my heart. She knows how to take care of horses, that is her passion, but it takes so much work and so much money and I just can't let her and these horses suffer because of our terminal onlineness and degeneracies.

I know not many folks ever visited Mareadise, but I've talked with everyone who did regularly and was relieved noone had a problem with me shutting it down. This will happen on 7/18 because I cannot justify paying this kind of money to LL over Kim.

There's more I'm not sharing that will probably be sometime soon. I've been on the phone with Kim all morning discussing things. But honestly I just didn't want to be a part of this. It's changed my perspective of everything here in general.

Mareadise means alot to me personally, it's a place I created to cope with not being able to play another game it's modeled after. It was comforting, but it feels so hollow now. Maybe I needed this reality check even though it sucks.

I'm just down right now, and if anyone can help Kim and FO please please please do. I never ask for money and never support causes but I feel so strongly about this because I've lived it now.

If you want to read this more in depth the current situation is:


Consider doing something ANYTHING for FO. I'm feeling very alone in all of this. https://fallenoak.org/
thanks for the headsup. didn't know they were doing that bad
She's a thirsty little flower
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>hurt the horses because evil bronies
That's just plain evil.
More depraved than the clop imagery.
yeah yeah fine I'll sponsor a horse
>most of the ones you can rename are stallion
Understandable but also don't forget that when taking it down it's not "lost". The items are still in the inventories and you can reopen some time in the future maybe. Do what is necessary but it's also not the end of the world.
the situation isn't great

if you're serious then THANK YOU seriously, please DM me

Thanks, but I'm not even down because of the sim at this point. There's more I wish to share but I'm waiting until the appropriate parties are notified.
Didn't you have like infinite crypto money? Just sell some shitcoins lmao
She has a good taste, and her characters always appear warm to me. Very creative, charming, emotional, sweet and loving, she is very precious to me and always makes me smile, I can get lost gazing at her for hours while she is asleep.
I don't mind being transparent. My crypto portfolio right now is $107,146 typing this. It's been way up and way down before, but I do not take money out of this because I don't know what the future will hold as well as I have dreams to retire some day. My LLC and my personal account funds are way worse off and I'm doing what I can feasibly do. If my portfolio ever skyrockets to millions you better believe I'm giving a crap ton to Kim.
Oh, alright, never mind then yeah. For some reason I had the idea that you were a crypto millionaire or something, but that's actually not a lot.
>if you're serious
no this is a meme, so I picked one of the cheapest sorry
but seriously tell them to add more mares, it's literally just sunny who I didn't want to steal from under you for a meme and just one more, everypony else is stallions

not doxxing myself to you
Kim has some kind of guidelines for what can be sponsored, I don't know all of her rules or any regulations behind this thought process.

But THANK YOU anon, I don't care if you sponsored the cheapest, you did something and that means alot.
Starlit Skies is also a mare and re-nameable
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saw this while going through the most recent posts trying to find one of my own, and it really puts everything into perspective and way more concisely than the string of posts in the other thread are. I was considering maybe buying a sticker at mare fair or later on down the line, but this convinced me immediately. I can't believe what a terrible thing has befallen Kim, and I'm absolutely crestfallen that this has become the situation.

thanks for doing what you do, and hopefully things will get better over time.
yeah thats why I said one more
her name is pretty I didn't wanna change it
You know it's funny the website doesn't update automatically, I assume they have to change it manually once they see the donation coming through, so what happens if after a post like that multiple anons decide to sponsor and some happen to pick the same horse
Yes I reached out to the webdev about this.
They're working on it now i'm told.
green is out we go full spectrum nao
Horses with RGBs?!
Wow, Camarea crashed and so did I.
>Wow, Camarea crashed and so did I.
wtf don't rockroll me like that
Wh-what did just happen...?
that's some trippy shit
Sent to the abyss
What do you think the g in rgb stands for? I'm very personally offended right now.
you just got basscannon'd bitch
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No idea! I blasted her away and, for some reasons, HH had not loaded for her BUT she still saw me flying after her. Looking at the coordinates, she was still considered being in Baltimare, it went into the negative values.
And my viewer crashed when I got close to her in HH.
Looks like it's been updated at this time!
> popen silent films
Truly we are living in the roaring 20s of Baltimare
>silent films
oh shit you're actually right it really fits the 20s theme
This goes hard
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That's strange.
Seriously, SL's jank creates the trippiest fucking "phenomenons"
I uploaded it with sounds because I love how surreal it is with the sounds of Baltimare getting louder out in the middle of the sea and that background music that was playing


The further she got pushed from the border, the closer she got to the sounds happening around the campfire in Baltimare, and you can even hear me getting closer. That's really spooky, especially since my viewer crashed when I landed next to Camarea, she had reached the other side of HH

The vortex is just the bullet I chose for the Dubstep Gun, it's a soundwave!
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who are they? why are they waiting for us?
SL's jank accidentally created a Boards Of Canada album cover.
ive been having some really bad problems with my firestorm as of late, slow loading of... EVERYTHING (yes ive turned up my bandwidth) and several stutters and almost crashing a lot, it's really annoying. any ideas of how to fix this shit?
I dreamt silverflank sent me something really cool thank you silverflank
If you're on the most recent release build, lower mirror resolution to 512 and set it to update every 2nd or 3rd frame. You could also just disable mirrors altogether.
I'm having a good laugh right now
my issue is that it's been doing this even before i updated, and i didnt have issues up until about a month ago
my pc's good, too, so wtf is going on
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Only now am I connecting the dots here that you are not just a musician I've enjoyed for a decade now, but also the dude behind MareQuest and now you're on a mission to rescue Fallen Oak, what an absolute fucking legend.

Are you also cuteredpony in Baltimare??
but what was it???
but actually I want something more akin to writing
Unfortunately I don't have to spare at the moment because my situation is also tumultuous but I'll see if I can poke some of my more financially fortunate friends to see if they'd be willing to help once I explain the situation. Given I know several who can probably help (and those who know of fallen oak and helped with organizing it as well) I hope to get something done. Sucks that this is how I'm finding out, life just hasn't been giving me a chance to breathe lately so I haven't been able to visit the fallen oak thread for a bit.

Thanks for everything you do! Hopefully we can turn this situation around.
yes congratulations.
holy shit, I owe you a boop next time I see you, this fandom really blows my mind sometimes with how things can be connected together at seemingly random
oh I'm not him, but you are correct.
well I owe him a boop then, lol
it is a small world
Ever since discovering super ponybeat and foozogz in 2012 or so, my music tastes just kinda veered towards a library of MP3s downloaded from all sorts of old pony music youtube channels, and it hasn't really changed as the fandom ages.

Seems lately it's a lot of Vylet, Vul, and BGM, but it used to be all Fooz, SP, and other artists like Kaplosion.

And yeah, sorry about the blogposting. Popen thread and all.
half of this thread is driven by offtopic anyway
take the disc out of your playstation and blow on it
Alright, I spoke to a few others who showed interest in helping out soon, one of them mentioned a sponsor or another friend who lives in Florida might see if they can visit? Whether or not it'll amount to something, I dunno, but I'll poke em again if that's the case. Nothing's lost in the process.
Thanks friend, that's amazing
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What time is a good time for combat raids?
I was thinking on Saturday but I've moved Havok from then to Sunday on account of overlapping so many events. 1 to 3 PM SLT is workable for me but basically nothing beyond that and if combat was to return as an organised thing it'd probably have to be around those times either way. Thorts?
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ban cumkin twist
does anyone have pictures of teas zebra
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what kind of pics
preferably pictures where i can see her markings clearly
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love her
Ban Pumpkin Twist.
Ban Pinkie Pie. This is the fifth time she's filled my house with confetti because she keeps trying to guess my birthday.
birthdays are important... :(
No Cranky Doodle
could you send one with her necklace and one with her ass so i can see the markings there too
Is this the place that had the honse that /mlp/ helped sponsor and rescue awhile back? If so, that sucks, and those donors are petty puritanical bitches.
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thanks, i needed references for my scat commission
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Have to eep, please document the rocket flight of Camarea
>not a diaper commission
If you're thinking of the one that housed Verity, no, that was Days End.
Seems like Camarea is trying to evacuate from the rocket, look at the stream
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ignore the low frames black dragon sucks for performance
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The culprit
AI Sloppa NSFW: https://files.catbox.moe/yz1u2s.png
speed is around 1 meter / 5 seconds, can ground control confirm?
someone will fap to this
camarea not cut out for space travel it seems
>for the thing
what thing??
She got up 537 meters.
Wasn't Baltimare the mare reaching higher altitudes in her cardboard box last year?
i wan to very gently kiss this mare on the lips
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She's so retarded, I love her
its crazy how localized rotation is, aru and sugar are both facing completely different directions on my screen
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Poor camarea
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We'll be watching more Konosuba today at the hangout! See you at noon SLT!
>go to sleep
>get up
>check stream

>the pot is even FULLER now
silly horses get out of the pot you can't all just get cooked its silly dont do that what are you doing
6 horse soup
I looked up that bug video its fake and gay go back to ponies
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This frame is beautiful
perfect representation of the soup life
thanks scan
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the kirin is hungry!
Thanks Tapi!
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Lotta activity for a Tuesday at Euro hourse
Who's the cat that looks like cloudy?
so many qts
Eliza, she's nice enough. Always down to fuck
Good morning my little ponies.
good mooning
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Is Batty worth fucking? Do I need drugs for her too?
She offered to me but I was too nervous
I had to nerf my dick to make it fit....
Worth it though.
Interesting, she didn't seem like the lewd type to me
Albatross with Frost-beard
how do I get my horse to go zero-g? drinking soda pop or are there other ways?
>Collada file format about to get removed from Blender
What the fuck.
So what now? Will we have to export new meshes to an intermediate format (since opening new Blender version files in old Blender can lead to problems) then import the resulting file into an old Blender and use that old version to export it to Collada before we can finally upload it to SL?

I'm not sure if mesh gltf import in SL will be ready soon
Blender is python my dude, there will be a plugin in no time, colada is such a simple format
Fuck Blender and open sores fags
I am going to rape Marble. This is a warning.
Nah, pretty overrated desu.
you can just export a mesh from substance painter as a collada .dae lmao
why is frost such a self absorbed cuck
Better question: Why do ponies slap each other so much
violence is their nature
>Check catalog
>See /mppp/ thread up
>Shitwise getting torn a new one
Today is a REALLY good day
TLDR, also samefag
Kill yourself, you waste of oxygen.
Well yeah, if you're using Substance Painter
i wish someone was this obsessed with me like you are with bitwise
>getting "torn a new one"
>the same kind of shitter in every project making it as dramatic as possible while contributing nothing
>genuinely throwing tantrum because they didn't get the toy they wanted
It's poetic, a reminder that there is a number of anons on this board that are the worst kind of manchildren who are only here because 4chan is the only place with loose enough moderation rules that nobody will stop them from having a gay baby fit.
opinions on completely black iris+pupils combo?
This. It's a nothingburger of an update
I don't like it.
>cue tinny music
The current dae exporter is already just a python script.
I don't think it works well if both iris and pupil are the exact same color. Unless you're going for that old toony style look.
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Blender itself is a python script
i love neri
I love you too random horse!
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>call mulch cute
>get called GAY and slapped across the face the very next second
only call mulch cute if you can handle the consequences
the question is... if the backrooms are so dangerous then why are there backrooms in the first place
I love the ponisu
Oh yeah?
Name 5 of their best features.
mane, tail, snoot, belly and frogs.
wings wings wings wings and wings
there's gotta be something behind the frontrooms
it's like how a piece of paper cannot have only one side
tealove post
The ears
Bottom text
if you currently see a popen near you that is rarely in photos pull the trigger right now and post a screenshot of the pony in this thread
Incredibly based, I will wingplap you or winghug you any time you ask
Mouth, neck, belly, tummy and flanks.
why is this femcolt so fucking hot
I wouldn't mind being plapped by Neri's fat balls.
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just sign the petition anon
Then do it faggot
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shes so random :o
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what is a cunt carrousel
It's when you tie up a bunch of mares to a carousel but have their tails forcibly flagged so stallions can just spin it around and choose one to mount.
If you thrust your hips at the perfect speed, each thrust puts your cock into a different mare! Always a fun time to be had at the cunt carousel!
This would be pretty unsatisfying to the mares. Unless there are enough stallions around the cunt carousel to maximize stimulation.
i wish this would happen to me
Fucking fantastic idea anon.

Okay, so we put 50 mares in the carousel, then 50 stallions around it, and if everyone times their thrusting properly then it will all work out. Every 50 thrusts you're back inside the mare you started with.

But how can we make them all cum at the same time?
how do I update FS
How are popens doing? I have no time to get on. Only enough time to get home and be tired for a few hours before falling asleep. Tired and apathetic all around
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Have a totally SFW angle as well;
If only we had stallions that weren't just flaming femcolts...
Femcolts get bitches.
Stallions get other stallions....
We should start a club for people like us.
stop eating spiders then retard
Ugly bitches
I hate "femcolts"
Hind is fine
has anypony made pigeon wings pattern bom yet?? i need pigeon lines i'm a trashmare i love garbage and various litter also rubbish too
Reinstall the launcher
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That's because Hind pony is kinda a normal guy (at most maybe a tad twink'ish) while many other stallions are really on the actual FEMcolt flamboyant side of things.
i think it's a win-win situation.
the huge amount of femcolts comes handy for those who like seeing mares around (since femcolts don't stand out too much in a crowd of mares) and since there aren't many really stallion looking stallions it makes you appreciate the couple ones way more.
Rara has pigeon markings, ask him
>i'm a trashmare i love garbage and various litter also rubbish too
That reminds me of that one pony who had a literal garbage mountain used as one texture for the entire body
>since femcolts don't stand out too much in a crowd of mares
It honestly depends. Some femcolts look just like mares with a dick (and sometimes they don't even wear a dick). Others just look like flamboyant faggots in drag
For example, looking at >>41240400:
>Neri just looks like a mare, maybe a bit too sparkly for my tastes
>Quickie looks like a twinkish colt, which isn't too bad, would be more aesthetically pleasing without the big whore eyeshadow
>Hind looks like a pretty cool guy all around
>Staffie looks like a flaboyant femboy in drag

More femboys like Neri would just look like more mares, which is fine. But I'd take more Quicks over more Staffies any day. (And Hinds over Quicks but I don't think Hind even counts as a femcolt, he's literally just a stallion but cute.)
hind is the perfect stallion
>neri looks like a mare
She is 'technically' a mare, mare with a dick as you pointed out, but yeah not a femcolt there.
a mare with a dick is a femcolt
you cannot change my mind
there's not a lot of leeway anyway for "real studly looking" stallions with this model anyway. if your stallion isn't at least somewhat on the cute side it will look weird.
>big head
>GIANT eyes
>cartoonish torso, legs, hooves
the open pony just really isn't made for manly shit. if you tried to turn it into something manly it'd look like those manga moments when a cartoonish exaggeratedly manly man does girl UGUU UWU faces with giant eyes. it doesn't work. also, beards do not work on the op either.
acura does his best to not make his look an eyesore and while he does look cool and not bad he still looks weird because of the open pony model.
Shemale or futa are things. Just never call them mares, unless you are going to go call Luna she/her as well.
What if they say no?
I think it works for Acura since he edited it so much it barely resembles an Open Pony at this point.
We prefer the term "Shestud."
Black Talon is also okay but he still does look better without a beard
You should prefer the term "turbofaggot"
Yeah that's fair.
I prefer the background pony wallflower life.
>don't get noticed
>no one cares if you're a stallion or mare
>can just enjoy being a pony in a pony world without hassle
You just made me realize that in that pile, the more feminine the stallion looks the bigger their cock is
Good morning my little ponies.
Good Morning.
So are you this Celestia or someone else?
Haven't seen her in a long time.
Imagine inhaling the cheetoid dust of this one. Must be extra spicy
You are absolutely right, Hind does not radiate that annoying gay sparkledog energy others have
Good stuff. I like this kind of thing; I didn’t know Quickie was packing it that Neri was a fourth leg owner.
>a fourth leg owner.
who doesn't love having four legs
Shit, fifth.
I think Gryph and Gilded have really nice stallions.
you could say gryph is very natural
Copper is also cool.
We do have quite a bunch of cool stallions.
Copper is a bit too german
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why so many vertices DUDE
>a bit too german
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ty anon, im sure your powy is nice too
More vertices means more detail, duh
It’s why every face needs a 4K texture too
>you now need MINIMUM a RTX 6699 Ti SUPER EXTREME MEGA XXX GIGA TITAN ++ WARLORD OBLITERATION EDITION for the absolute steal price of just $3999.99 to be a popen at 15 fps
You don't get it bro I have to subdivide 4 times or it doesn't look good bro I need it bro
My sides
That was a very nice little tour, batty. Thank you!
I think the problem being that many try too much to look more stout and use a bunch of deformers. The OP still has the problem that the hindlegs can't be modified so if the legs are long and the body big, they just look like toothpicks in comparison. In contrast, many of the femcolts try too hard to look like mares or appear like flamboyant highschool attendees. Many of the stallion specific manes for the OP carry that vibe along unfortunately while beards in most cases just look awkward.

Stalwart, Pensive or Copper all look completely fine maybe because they don't try so hard to make their character look particularly male (or female) and just be a pony.
Sign me the FUCK up
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
>Doesn't stop conversations to rant about "Flügengebölseschuhenkuchen" or some other random hilarious german word.
>Doesn't claim everything made in Germany is better with no room for argument.
>Doesn't relentlessly make puns.
Copper might actually be the least germany german in germanystan.
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>"I should kiss her..."
Nothing hotter than a feminine stallion's cock bouncing/slapping against your snout while we ride on your smaller cock as a means of expressing dominance over you.
that's Molestia, some say she died deep in the halls of tumblr, but the rest of us know she still walks among us, waiting to strike
dom femcolts are fucking hot especially when they're powerbottoming
this is why i kinda hate hmart. there is so much geo-detail and little to no use of normals at all increasing frames draw times.
flaggots deserve death
i have been rewatching the show and i somehow never picked up her name being pronounced "min-you-ette" and have been calling her "minute" for years. a little embarrassing.
Who, colgate?
>It's under So-crates!
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You could try modifying the mesh to have thicker legs, at the cost of not being able to wear anything that overlaps the hooves like shoes or long sleeves/pants.
A lot of deformer animations for sure, I'm still wondering how the op alicorn body is going to look in comparison if it's ever finished.
three cheers to pumpkin and gilded, the two worst people in baltimare being together! they're perfect for eachother!
three cheers to clueless threadshitters, the worst people in baltimare! they have no idea what's going on!
three cheers to the powies that don't care! the best people in baltimare! they don't give a shit what's going on!
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>if it's ever finished.
So I need to delete and reinstall the entire thing??? What about all of my settings?
Who is she equalizing?
my dick (with her mind)
HMART mostly makes clothing, which needs to be more complex than the underlying model or else it risks clipping issues during animation. This is largely due to SL's paper-doll dressup design, as a normal video game model would include the clothing and character in one mesh.
Just run the installer for the new version; it's that easy. You don't need to do a clean install unless you're having serious issues (and even then, you can backup your settings first via the old version, which is recommended anyway).
>else it risks clipping issues during animation
That's what the alpha hud is for.
I don't think she's in to dicks.
Theoretically, sure. In practice, a lot of clothing doesn't line up vertex-perfect with the straightaround cutoffs created by the alpha HUD. It's especially an issue with smaller items, like the collar that started this whole reply chain, or things that run diagonally like v-necks.
that's why she's using her mind so she doesn't have to touch them
Is there a reason why popen can't use alpha boms like normie bodies can?
Very true, but why the hell do I have to model buttons when they can be a texture on a normal map? Or have clothing seams in the normal maps too? It doesn't bother me to add a bunch of details to my meshes, but it's the fact that I HAVE to do it so it matches the high quality stuff that hmart dumps out is a bit irksome because it's detrimental to viewer performance. I just wish they'd put more effort into optimization and proper LOD's..but because they don't and no one cares...why should I? I'm rambling, here but it's how I feel about it all, and I don't know if you share the same feelings or not.
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Something is not quite right
that is some very realistic looking grass
Wtf Red don't jumpscare me like that
>Quick going full pigeon
>"be right back"
What does he mean by this?
>proper LOD's
Now that is something I absolutely agree with, and I vaguely remember Izzy admitting it's a weak spot of theirs. It's especially evident with furniture.
For some reason, the OP body's links are almost all set to opaque alpha mode by default. I'm not sure if that offers any performance gains over masked alpha or what, but it's been the case since version 1.2.
is that a new photo? incredibly awesome if true
>Lilac Trails spinning Red turns Camarea into epilepsy TV
I'd like to comment on that nugget
LL Finally rolled out a bunch of combat updates? Do you care? It depends if you care about combat at all and maybe sim performance.
This means that sim restarts can be scheduled, in case you want them to happen daily to make it so they work better if a lot of high intensity stuff happens on the sim. I could see this being useful for anyone and not just combatoids, however.
>Combat 2.0
This includes the ability to make it so when you die you don't get sent home but instead get sent to the sim's landing point or telehub. This means that it won't be entirely necessary to set your home every time you want to set a spawn point! Yippeeeeee!
It also includes the ability to make it so you can throttle damage so all damage on a sim isn't an instant kill, the ability to let you sit on an object and not take damage without it being an NPV, spawn invulnerability time, objects detecting damage, and some other crazy shit.

What does this mean for you? Doing raids at Cydonia and potentially other combat sims will probably suck slightly less! Otherwise it's kinda like PBR in the sense that it'll take people actually using this stuff before you can see it in its full glory, but I'm still excited.
>check wiki
Oh, LL. You make me laugh.
That's awesome.
Also, I'm always interested in system updates so thanks for these posts
Glad to share! Now if only I had a scripter with no sense of self preservation to make all of my dreams come true for free. Alas, I'm sure many scripters feel the same way about needing mesh artists, or they just go learn how to do it themselves.
The combat 2.0 features are only out on bluesteel sims at the moment but it's coming and that's good to know.
Region restarts are basically here so yeah.
I really dont like how the PBR update looks.
Many people don't realize that you can get really close to the old look if you take some time to fiddle with the settings.
For example you can reduce the ambient map intensity and play with the exposure.
probably some immigrant
>he's not a living meme
Proving my point. He's not memeing german, he's just really, really german in terms of character.

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