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There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

"lonely at the top" edition

Old thread: >>41098165

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4466 (April Fools' interlude)

Completed/on hiatus/ded greens:
GET OUT OF MY HEAD by Anonymous

Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman
https://ponepaste.org/4197 (part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/5562 (part 3)

A Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy (née YukkuriPaleHorse)

The Recruiter (epilogue) by pentapony

Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6

Stories by Pentapony

Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething

"Fleetfooted" by SadBoy

Stories by Aftercase

Stories by AnthonyC4

Stories by Horse Story Anon

Stories by YukkuriPalehorse

Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts & Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider

Stories by Trandhal: https://ponepaste.org/user/trandhal

Rocks out of the Quarry: https://poneb.in/aX2C686i

Stories by Tsar Anon: https://poneb.in/BnjZqwM3

Stories by Angry Wino: tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx

Stories by Crabs of Steam: https://poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam

The Broken Carousel (Part 1): https://ponepaste.org/1541
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 1): https://ponepaste.org/1543
(Part 2): https://ponepaste.org/1542
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 2): https://ponepaste.org/1544

This Heart That Fears


Low Self-Esteem AJ

All I want from christmas

Couch Surfing

A collection of misc. green since the 1st thread
Remember to be supportive of your wife
even if her taste in anime is shit
What if the mare is <not pure>?
That's impossible.
Best story you've read?
Minty's Careful Steps, probably
Good thing I don't have any stakes in this debate.
Please watch Cowboy Bebop, at least. You don't even have to read subtitles, the dub is better. The soundtrack slaps, too.
What if humans creampieing mares would result in start of milk production without actually getting pregnant and giving birth?
It would be an obvious telltale sign of a human and mare pair having sex. Mares going on about their day with large udders but without a foal with them.
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At least she's not watching seasonal isekai trash.
>What if Anons and their waifus can't have foals
That would be terrible.
Why that one in particular?
Besides being quite good, it's really accessible to people who "don't like anime" because it's very grounded and lacks a lot of stereotypical "anime" trappings like schoolgirls and mecha and stuff.
They have to go to Cadance and the crystal heart for that.
Keeping that in mind.
the real power of love was the waifu we made along the way
A workaround, but a meh one. Don't get me wrong, I love mares with supple teats. But the price for that would be a bit too high here.
Short still alive post. As usual, time is not my friend. Anyway, the next chapter is coming together relatively nicely, so I hope to have it done in the next few days. Who knows, maybe I'll already proofread it at the coming weekend. That's not certain yet though.
Mare defending the realm.
Zebra females are called mares, and Zecora has a boxy muzzle, so what did you mean by this?
I could save her, bros...
Mares shall always wear a choker.
What >>41242067 is trying to say is that he has a terminal case of severe mental retardation.
Take her back to my house
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Some mares are more direct than others. And they know what they want.
>Zebra females are called mares
Though jennies would be more specific.
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they do, but it's up to you to make sure they don't overdo it.
>Page 10 in 2 hours
Holy shit. Up.
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dunno what it is but something's scooting the board along. Probably a bunch of one-and-done shitpost threads.
I remember back in 2013-14 threads got archived within like 10-15 minutes if there was no bumps. Was kinda annoying, many good stuff got buried and forgotten quickly.
Sure, but we're way past these standards though. A thread slipping this fast today is usually a sign of severe shitposting on the board.
we could always use more mares in wedding dresses but honestly I've never been fond of AI slop. Yeah it's neat but it all looks the same.
Kinda true. That's why I only save the best ones I come across. A lot of them are just too mediocre.
Good thing that a husband will provide just that focus.
god i fucking love her
Think she could get used to a peaceful life in Equestria proper?
Some days I wonder about that
She's a special case, but I don't think hope is lost on getting her used to normal life
>She's a special case
Couldn't that be said for most raiders though? I don't think of any of them are born evil.
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What if you get matched with one of them?
What about it? Young adults are still adults.
What if you get matched with all three of them and learn that they rigged the thing somehow in attempt to get their cutie marks and didn't expect it was actually a real thing and now you're stuck there as a prank but apparently not?
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>making convoluted excuses for herding
I didn't say you have to go through with it, it was more of a comedy setup.
I mean, it is the basic "romcom that lasts 800 chapters and ends with no real resolution so fans can pick who wins" setup, but those usually go hand-in-hand with harem nonsense and personally I'm sick to death of it due to overexposure.
but yeah, sorry for pissing on your parade by jumping to conclusions.
Just got to the end of "A Heart Longs for Another" by AnthonyC4 after reading for hours. Couldn't take my eyes off it for longer than 10 minutes

Just to find out it ends unfinished at the absolute climax of the story. In the worst way too, literally a few paragraphs away from what I've been waiting for. I have actually been shattered into a trillion pieces
I don't have two best friends who could get matched with the other two so we could all go on triple dates together, so that seems unlikely.
Adult Diamond sure has the looks. And after her change of heart I'm sure she'd be a great mare too.
She's the best.
I wonder how you could convince her that you're not wooing her just for her money though. That impression could come up very quickly.
I actually have no idea how I'd convince her I wasn't just interested in her father's money—simping harder would obviously be counterproductive
When all else fails, make a contract saying that you do not claim any of her riches. It's not the most elegant way of doing it, but it leaves no room for doubt.
Really love her hair.
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It's also completely untenable since "her riches" includes the mansion the two of you are living in, etc.

Just love her more than the material goods around her and to which being with her gives you access. Appearance is downstream from essence.

The overwhelming vibe that I got from human females is that they wanted me to leave them alone.
So I did.
So you have chosen mares as your escape?
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>rejected by his own kind, the failed male resorts to females of other species for companionship
They are not real.
i used to have this as my background desktop pic. its so good
>mares are not real
Anon, I...
Love is a falsehood, a fairy tale we tell ourselves to hide the truth from our eyes - that nothing we do matters, and all ends in oblivion.
or worse, skyrim.
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Would you a rule 63 mare?
would drain my balls in every orifice
Sure, why not.
under the assumption the rest of the world's flipped too, and it's not a temporary thing.
That's in essence the idea of R63.
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Cheeky snow mare.
you never know someone could try to slip a "ha ha it was only temporary" line in there to make it gay.
I've seen it done before.
Dunno, I can't actually come up with a character I'd prefer more as r63 version.
That's not actually r63 Sunburst. Sunburst just looks really girly when he shaves off his beard. Why do you think he grows it out?
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for me it's eris
>talks like Sarah Silverman
you still on that boat?
she voiced Vanellope von Schweetz from Wreck-it Ralph
thats cute, sure
Nah, man, she's voiced by Ellen McLain.
no way, it's Gilbert Gottfried.
I would a r63 version of a rule 63 mare
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A mare of many faces.
Imagine showering with your mare. So much wholesome intimacy.
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She does that only when she wants to annoy you.
Which is to say, frequently.
The very definition of "good, clean fun".
Way too anthro.
a happy family
Having all three in a house as separate ponies would be wild.
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I hope to make my mare the happiest mare in all of Equestria.
Same. But there can only be one happiest mare.
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Poor mare always runs into the horror.
>We Made This Man And Horsewife Touch Poison Joke And You Won't Believe What Happened Next
He got her stripes?
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Don’t worry broskis I gotchu
Thanks, Pinkiebro.
Saving the mares.
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look at this amazing mare
I remember the days this thread was full of cool stuff and stories and art. Then deerfag struck and this general has been reduced to a shambling corpse as dead as /ggf/.
>give her a lick—she tastes just like raisins
Some guy who wanted to fuck the TFH deer
I guess the guy died with the game.
as someone from there, he died off before the game did.
all that's left now are lizard and sheepfuckers. It's more of a zombie general than this one is.
Can't say I pity him. He was fucking insufferable at times.
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What dances would you try with your mare?
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Line, square, you know. The usual.
Plus whatever we get dragged into as part of a spontaneous musical number.
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i wish i could be there with her right now
That's only natural.
Unusual mares in lingerie.
I have mixed feelings about the abominable intelligence's artistic endeavors, but that one's pretty good, actually.
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As longs as the mare is cute I see no issue with AI.
It doesn't happen often, but it can happen.
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Anon? Why is mare bald, Anon?
She wasn't bald when she was Lulu.
Man, imagine a mare so special that she's the one spilling saddlebag spaghetti everywhere
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She just needed to know she was loved.
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It would be cute

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