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This fucking stupid purple thing won't shut the fuck up.
Anonymous, be nice to mare. She is pretty.
how far can you kick it? imagine making a field goal with izzy
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It's already too late, Anon. You're her new friend now.
G4, G5...the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Stuff a tennis ball in her mouth.
Kill it
No she's not, she's annoying. Also I think she may be retarded.
Have you tried putting your cock in it's mouth?
Naturally, all little ponies are a lil tarded.
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And that's a good thing.
Yo she's squishing
She'd kill you first. She'd sense your intention
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Try it
Izzy would never, but Schizzy? maybe.
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where’s it’s body?
Right there
Have you tried corking up her mouth with your dick?
Tell me more about schizzy
tried that, she's giving me this weird look
Man drawing fetish art really rots your mind, and you can tell what the artist is fixated on
Put some more balls in there
Your only chance of soothing the purple beast is to sing SoGreatAndPowerful's Dashy/Hearth's Warming Eve. the song's melodies soothe her body and put her on a relaxed state
Are you sure thats safe?
Yes, certainly
Ghost possession? She does talk to them
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Just a chemical imbalance
That's dangerous
Izzy has the density of a dwarf star. Your feet would explode. You'd get ingrown toenails
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She is not a clever pony.
She finally discovered her horn
Fill her mouth with cock, it’ll shut her up.
She chews with her mouth open
beep beep i'm a sheep
If Izzy was a sheep her wool would be so dense and curly.
She's so proud
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3 days? That's child's play
She's cute and sexy at the time
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So feed her
Oh no no no Posey help!!!
Posey would be happy you're taking the heat off of her
dang it Posey get my propane grill stat
She just wants to grill
Are Izzy's kids doomed to be autistic?
Only one way to find out
More like Izzy's fat rump
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I can't believe 3d Izzy has turned into a slutty after her show was canned
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She was already halfway there
And then some
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Y-yeah only halfway
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Yup, halfway
Claymation mare?
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What does it mean?
Why did they use lighting that makes it look like she's going to murder Anon?
Izzy LUUUUURVES You So Much Anon
>He doesn't darkmaxx
Yandere mare
It's always the lonerponers
I lurve her too
Posey's a loner and she won't go yandere on you
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She looks cute when she's not Schizzying out
I'd love to cuddle with Izzy in bed
She canonically wakes up in the middle of the night and takes walks
I love the details on her blanket. You can tell it's old
Sleep walking suits her, high maitenence mare
300 years old with no moths nibbling at it or the fabric wearing thin?

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