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Everypony is literally obsessed with her because she's so hot and powerful
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But mostly hot.
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hey trixiefrens, i made the tough decision to finally drop out of the mlp community, it's gotten to the point i no longer enjoy it or the characters, especially trixie. (i'm sure you can guess why)
after 5 years of seeing it get ran into the ground by zoomers it just isn't worth fighting for anymore, it's a shell of its former self, and frankly it's never going to get better, plus it isn't good for my mental health. mass respect to those that will continue to hold on, i wish you the best of luck.

thanks for the past 10+ years fags /)
total zoomer victory
Some of us need a rest from mares from time to time, Anon you'll eventually come back.

In mean time, take care and find some nice hobby.
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Nice copypasta. Mind if I borrow it?
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See you tomorrow /)
See you tomorrow, friend! You're not the first who thought the ride ends, and you won't be the last!
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You knew what you signed up for anon
Don't throw your stuff out or you'll regret it.
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The size of a pony's hat is directly related to the size of a pony's racism.
I have thought about ponies nearly every day for the past 13 years. Guess not everyone can be as mentally strong as I am to endure the ceaseless stream of mares.
You are the wrong type of fan, someone who causes trouble and argues within the community, no wonder you are worn out, go away and don't ever come back
Weak mind, weak spirit.
See you tomorrow, boykisser
You know that Faust started this?
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>No self awareness
I think we need studies on this. Are there (((ponies))) with small hats, too? Because I wouldn't like that.
You'll come back. Everyone does. You can never leave the herd.
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I am the only one who's still pissed that Twilight and Trixie never directly interact with each other again after To Where and Back Again? Their last one-to-one interaction was Twilight being a jealous little bitch that Starlight chose Trixie over her. While I am more annoyed by the fact they never properly make amends (despite nsp trying to do this and the writers just fucking it up again not even a season later) it's just baffling they don't interact again at all after this.
That's because they brought Trixie back to be an accessory to Starlight and not her own character.
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It's too bad. I wish Hasbro was more willing to reduce the m6's presence in favor for building up secondary characters. So much potential left on the table unused.

I'll take your pessimistic view over her never appearing again.
It's just a fact. I never said I didn't like her as an accessory to Starlight, I think they're fun together.
Well if by accessory you mean that she doesn't get to appear in an episode without Glimmy in it, then I agree.
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Well, this is the closest I can think of.
>it just isn't worth fighting for anymore
You were fighting? Kek what a retard. Just delete your twitter
How is picrel related to small hats? I don't get it. Didn't some of the rodeo clown ponies in some of the episodes have small hats? Generally, you find that clowns and other fools insist on wearing small hats.
Unintentionally based??
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Idk what I'm supposed to look at, maybe put some red arrows?
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Tamers just released a new Twi/Trixie-centered episode. It's very wholesome and the art style is so indistinguishable from the real show that most people are calling it the official G4 continuation. It sounds like the sorta stuff you're looking for.
>so indistinguishable from the real show
this looks nothing like g4's art style
he's joking. the video is supposed to be "le so bad it's funny!!!".
It's legitimately the best long-form pony content I've seen this decade, this includes G5. Yeah, there are some jokes in it (just like the original show), but there is a good underlying story.


You don't have to like it, but this is the best pony stuff coming out right now. It's the only Trixie stuff to come out in forever so I'm eating it up.
It's for the best. Don't waste your life in this stagnant shithole with us. Everyone here is a fucking loser and we all know it. Go anon, make something better out of your life. Don't be like us anymore.
I'm not sure why someone would willingly watch this. Waste of a post.
>purposely ugly
>text to speech voices ruining any possibility of a joke hitting
I'm here to whine about this overhyped garbage again. It sucks and is forced. I don't believe anyone genuinely finds this funny. You guys must want it to be funny so pretend it is.
Ah, I just skimmed through it and it's the exact opposite, I see. More of the same "trixie's a loser and eats shit" for the 274th time. Is this partially what >>41237210 was referring to when he said "it's never going to get better"?
It gets kinda wholesome towards the end if you like the Twixie ship and the next episode might possibly have Trixie and Luna together, but yeah the creator loves to bully the characters hard and insert his fetish every chance he gets. There's a reason his content gets so little views, it's very niche.
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No one gave this a (You) yet? Come on guys! Even if it's weak bait he clearly put in a lot of effort
>There's a reason his content gets so little views, it's unfunny and boring.
I just jerked off to her. Can confirm she is the sexiest horse
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How long would you last all up in trixie's pussy? I feel like she could just turn her head back to smirk at me, as if she knows how powerful her pussy is, and i would just insta nut not even 1 minute gone by. Also I would love for trixie to rape me in a horny frenzy.
I can't have this mindset. Ponies until the end
>Be trixie
>Always call yourself great and powerful
>In actuality are mediocre
>Bad, even
>Kinda suck at magic tricks
>Kinda suck at actual unicorn magic
>Always broke due to traveller lifestyle
>Categorically powerless
>Well, actually...
>There is one thing that you've always been unusually great and powerful at...
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i'm sure i will return eventually, but for now i just need to get away from it
i'm not going to change my mind on it never getting better though, because it won't, it's beyond the point of no return for not just the mlp community, but other communities that have been overran by lgbtq+ zoomers.
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>he's already back
Kek. Just do what i do and stay away from the parts you don't like. Block profiles, delete accounts, set up extensions to block websites, hide threads. You can choose which parts of the fandom are worth your time engaging with
The cute and kissable trixie
>back already
Right on schedule
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Whats her favorite sex position?
She unironically doesn't know, because she has never had sex, contrary to her extravagant claims of being the greatest and most powerful sex machine ever.
doin' the spell
I cant decide if i like slutty seductress trixie better, or virgin trixie who insta-orgasms when i deflower her
I would totally fuck her up the ass
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You know, this made me realize MLP did teach me something after all.

You either leave the fandom early, or stay long enough to watch your favorite character get molested to death.
night bump
>More of the same "trixie's a loser and eats shit" for the 274th time.
I'm getting tired of it too. She got shit on half the time in the show already, fans out there defile her character, fans in here make her commit suicide. Call me insane, but I just want to see her happy more often.
Dumb little autist
I doubt Tamers is appealing to non-autists
>She got shit on half the time in the show already, fans out there defile her character, fans in here make her commit suicide.
Trixie can't catch a break in her universe or ours.
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>You either leave the fandom early, or stay long enough to watch your favorite character get molested to death.
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>I cant decide if i like slutty seductress trixie better, or virgin trixie who insta-orgasms when i deflower her
She's both at the same time
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I love my wife and I'll always love my wife no matter what other people want to pin on her.
When I go to Equestria I'll be her live in her muscle and stage-hand to make her great and powerful shows even more fantastic and exciting.
Based and correct Trixie enjoyer.
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Don't let others extinguish your love for the things you like. Ignore them and their heresy. Your love for Trixie and what made her special to you can never be taken away, don't let others make you believe otherwise. Enjoy pony for yourself, independent of what zoomshits and other faggots do.

I'll miss your Trixie content, man. You were the #1 Trixiefren in the modern times. There are few who understand her like (You) do. If you ever decide to return, stay away from Xitter, here, and the like. Its for the best. Until then, take care of yourself, trixiefren. /)
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idk if this was posted already but it makes me really sad after having read the creator's story, idk if it's related but it makes sense
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Fuck you
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bump for best pone
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got bored and randomly thought of what trixie's fallout stats would be

S - 5
P - 4
E - 7
C - 5
I - 5
A - 8
L - 2 (broken gypsy mirror)
She deserved better.
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sleep tight poner
Literally me
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key item
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hey it's the actual trixie thread! had to hide that other one with 3dpd eqg in the op.
This probably would have gotten more attention if it was called a Trixie Thread.
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I've got mares that jingle jangle jingle
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47k views in 7 days doesnt lie; the people love Tamers12345's pony videos.
I can an understand why this masterpiece of digital artwork and storytelling would fly over the minds of children and those of poor taste but they are not bad people! They just dont know any better. they haven't yet discovered the kino writing that is the tamers12345 universe and especially how good of an artist he really is.

It's just another late reminder that (current) /mlp/ is a discarded scrap of /co/ and other communities that actually value artists.
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Would someone who hated Trixie really draw her like this in MS Paint? In this context? (spoilers I guess)
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I wanna cuddle her so bad you have no idea
Stop being disingenuous, acting like this bullshit fanon hasn't ruined characters before and boiled them down into 1-note memes for them to subsequently kill.
You're so desperate to enjoy this unfunny slop lol
Everytime i see this post i think it's a musical scale for a second. Because there is such thing as the gypsy phrygian scale
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>luck 2
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Show her
>Trixie peeking over the bathroom stall
Quit posting this fags art, you fuckers really don't learn anything.
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I don't know what the fuck a mirtash is.
I see Tix. I save. I see Tix thread. I post.
Love me Tix.
Simple as.
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You may love Trix, but artists like that do not.
They try to get others to believe in their delusions by making art like this and encouraging others to spread it, further justifying their delusions.
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?tfw you realize that if this was released a decade ago it would have well over a million views in the first week and Tamers12345 would get the respect he deserves.
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Yeah... uhh... this wasn't released in 2014 though, bitch. It was released like a week ago. Times have changed. Opinions have changed. Going back to S1 fanfiction and treating it like it's breaking new ground is like pissing in your bed for the first time since you were a kid. It's the same as what you did before, but more embarrassing since you're now a grown-ass woman pissing yourself, in your bed.
Trixie was justified in her hatred, as one of the few confirmed non autistic ponies in Tamers canon, Trixie shouldn't have to tolerate the autism of a purple pizza eater
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Your love for Tix is undeniable, but certain implications are created, Anon. Ergo, that was not Tix, but a mere stallion's trickery.

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