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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8

>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old Mare: >>41168270
birdbrain faggotus
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You let the little faggot escape, you fools!
Mares better than fillys
There's already a thread for turning Anon into a pony. >>41240632
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did a delivery of filler inna draw thread please enjoy.
qt scrunch :)
what kind of music would anon-filly listen to?
super autistic shit like death grips or top-40 shit?
how're we feeling?

a little drunk, am listening to katatonia

thank you very much for filly, very appreciated
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>highly mobile shitposter
More like highly cuddlable
More like highly fuckable
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More like highly boopable
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lil' filly big eepy
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she needs a snack
hungry filler
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because 7 8 9, right?
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>9 again
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She's a determined little shit today
cute draw
Will be in my skin a week from now. ever closer to fillyfilly
What compels you to get filly tats?
Fix the bottom one's muzzle first, everything about the draw is extremely cute but the bottom muzzle is weirdly spiky
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loaf anonfilly so much uuuguu
based saved
That's her mane in front of her face
Fillers give dopamine, and having fillers from friends or people who've contributed to filly adds to that. It was just a couple but then others asked or were asked to add a filly and that's how it's gone. Started with Lockhe4rt and smol, after those the rest have all been drawn specifically to be on me. Imma leave it with that before we hit blog post territory, but you can always ask me in person if ya see me.
>That's her mane in front of her face
Understandable, I have retard syndrome
I saw the same thing after you said something when looking at the thumbnail, our syndrome is similar. It won't be an issue when colored, and we'll see how the final art is. These fillies are extra special and breaking free of the filly arm to begin the takeover of the watercolor arm.
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can you believe how smart she is?
wtf literally me
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Binary brush's fun
Is she eating the chalk?
She's eating the chalk sticks.
And the glue.
And the glue sticks.
And she's been sniffing the markers.

That's how you the truths she discovered are truly truthful!
But why would you backwards the buttmark
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>Anon discovers the batpony part of her "heritage"
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>tfw always loved mango
Now it's perfect.
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Big Flappers
Is that filly part griffon, or something?
No, it's just a coat with wings.
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she should really watch her mouth around the younger foals
Anonfilly makes learning fun!
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this but unironically
filly... where did you get those wings from? do you have permission to be wearing them? I better not be hearing about a super sad little pegasus later.
like a wing costume almost? that's really freakin' cute! so much so that I upgraded the period at the end of that last sentence to an exclamation point.
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remember to feed your filly lotsa salami!
read above like luigi from hotel mario
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skinny filly
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thread of fags
>"Mr. Anonfilly Get Down!"
But who was gun
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fillies are very cute in suits
Nyx & Dyx best secret service agents
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pull the fucking trigger
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Trust no one, not even yourself
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>the would be assassin was another anonfilly
Which one of you fuckers was this?
Not me but gosh do I have some dumb pony shit on my car.
I'm imagining baja or some trotcon OC as the shooter
Look at this peak outfit
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evil anon filly
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H0NK !
The con chair probably has a fursona.
Green idea.

Princess Luna, while dream walking, stumbles upon a dream of a strange creature. A human man. Intrigued at first, she observes this strange being and his fantastical dreams.
Eventually, curiosity won't be sated by watching alone, and she approaches the dreamer. The two talk, share stories, and over months, become close friends. The two even begin to fall in love.
Whenever Luna brings up meeting in the real world, however, Anon becomes evasive and won't say where he is.
Luna starts to worry what he's hiding, and even asks if he's already with some pony, a little irate at the idea that Anon might be cheating on some mare by flirting with her.
Anon assures her that he's not in a relationship no pony is even interested in him romantically in the real world, and under his breath, adding any that are should be locked up.
Anon has guards looking for a human in Equestria, wanting to find Anon and his secret, but they have no luck.
That's because they're looking for a human man, not a little green filly in an orphanage.
Anon wishes he could be with Luna for real, but knows she'd never love him as he is now.
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I adore tatzlfillies
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What the fuck even is this thread

Like do you people actually unironically want to be turned into a child cartoon pony so you can be fucked or "bred" by people from /mlp/ or you yourself fuck an /mlp/ user that has been turned into a little filly? Do you realize how ridiculous that is
This is by far the most degenerate general on /mlp/ I mean it combines fucking pedophilia, transformation, beastiality and/or xenophilia and whatever other fetshes you might have and Tbh I gagged a lil bit upon discovering this thread
Please consider psychiatric help and reevaluate your life of you unironically browse this general and look at anon filly pictures
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nobody give that retarded tourist any (you)s for his bait
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I adore fishfillies
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Silly filly.
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>wow im finally a filly
>oh wait...
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My filly is an annoying retarded faggot is this normal
not my car but that's my sticker, cool to see it out there
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she is only as celestia made her
>Sun Butt casually resurrects anons as fillies innaquestria
She needs better hobbies for her retirement.
Unless… unless she knows Twilight will fuck things up and is planning on using anons to fix it.

…that fucking cunt has been playing everyone from the start!
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extremely dumb filliy
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Filler pls do not the dumb
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teh real anonfilly they dont tell you about
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Cursed filly, do not open image
Cute filly, open image
image cute, insert into filly
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Anonfilly discord?
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This fucking thread
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If only we had similar quality anchor pasta for other fetish threads...
I would pet this filly
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I do miss this artist
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She's hoping they form a plausibly deniable militia and finally deal with the yak problem once and for all.
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filly stair
oh my god they are making ai horses now
my money is on the ligger
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It appears that he's mostly moved on to vtubers and doesn't do art much anymore since 2021, but he's still active on twitter. If any mildly horsefamous people are in this thread (jargon you nigger) maybe politely @ him and see if he's interested in drawing filly again.
I do not like them, Sam-I-Am
As someone who literally has to deal with one of these small bastards daily she is a biter for sure
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If you mean a discord server, the one that’s currently up for the thread is invite only, you’d have to know someone on the thread to get in. There isn’t really anything interesting or cool there though, just a bunch of losers ranting about how their lives suck and trannies + liberals are ruining it. If you want something like that, just go to /pol/ honestly.
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Yeh, I know he's there. We're mutuals but he's very much on the vtuber thing.
have some friday filly ink.
Fair enough, always sad to see but he's given us a lot of great work >for free so I can't begrudge him for it. Hope he's doing well.
i'd bite that little shit back to assert my dominance >>41267157
based ink retard those are some cute fillers
So much filly, and so much based delicious brown kirin. A real hero.
This is the authentic fannytastical experience.
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the filly on the left i saw in /bale/ and I thought she was cute so I decided to draw her vibing with my filly. sorry that it's total dogshit, but I've been having a lot of fun with drawing purely mouse crafted black and white images.
Those fillies are not dogshit. They are fillies.
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