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gonna be commissioning my dumb fetish for a while.
any characters to recommend?
Mayor Mare, Rainbowshine, Cheerilee, Cherry Jubilee, Suri Polomare, Harshwhinny, Upper Crust, Fleur De Lis, Whoa Nelly, and Wrangler.
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>suri polomare
maybe. i'm gonna commission mayor mare and Harshwhinny together at some point.
>upper crust
holy unf
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right now I have my eyes set on windy whistles and this glimmer
holy based
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also thinking of carrot bun
Do Nightmare Moon. Armor stays on during sex.
spoiled milk, celestia, luna, kefuffle, chrysalis, sassy saddles
what about with her and daybreaker?
seconding cheerilee
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>spoiled milk
what a name, maybe I'll do her younger self in her older counterpart's clothes.
I like her fluffy outfit, added to the list
I like her but she's too chitinous, would have to be creative with it.
>sassy saddles
I have saved this one on my hard drive. I need moreeee.
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got an outfit for her? the cheerleader one is hot but not for this specific commission.
alright then, I'll save those two for later.
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also thinking of doing fluttergoth. currently have glimmer and a police uniform rarity in the works.
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her younger self looks like she would have some nice fluff on her chest
Thank you. I can guarantee it will be stored in two different offline storages if I ever find this coomission.
>would have to be creative with it.
well just make her transforming into a random pony, maybe someone that didnt make it to the list, to be softer
Revealing her true self mid chestjob
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glimmer done, really like how it turned out.
gonna upload to derpi later.
I'll consider it
would either need to give her fluff or a really good outfit.
you're welcome, it'll be somewhere on derpibooru.
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rarity is done
gustysnows wip
Just checked Derpibooru. All of a sudden my favorite fetish has gotten a bunch of commisions within a month. This is awesome.
Chrysalis and have the dick somehow go under her exoskeleton
no results when I open this link
Double chest job from Cadence and Chrysalis.
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Pipp Petals
Octavia. One without and one with cum.
Need to have filters set to "Everything"
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Oh boi!
Do Celestia and Luna from both sides, like this but with chest fluff!
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Welp, I have a new fetish. So thanks for that.
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other comms getting finished soon, will post later.
this fetish or another one?
you guys really want chrissy maybe I'll put her in a sweater or uniform or something.
cute pig, their 3d designs are overhated desu, I'll think about it.
do you want her in an outfit or bare chest?
already doing one with nightmare moon and daybreaker.
>from both sides
like this?: >>41242358 your image confuses me
welcome to the club anon, feel free to share any ideas you have.
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>me when I realize ponies don't have boobs
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this hoers is in progress
gusty done
they do actually
>do you want her in an outfit or bare chest?
This outfit.
It's based on https://derpibooru.org/images/1578319
hot. you want the dick poking out of her collar or bulging against her shirt?
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This chestfluff one specifically. It's rare to see any pictures or stories involving it. One idea I always have is for a picture where one pony is laying on anons face with her chestfluff and making him breathe it in, with another pony having his cock buried in hers, and they both dirty talk about how he can't get enough or he's a pervert or something. Maybe some ponies that were already picked would be good for that idea. Or a Spitfire/Rainbow Dash combo would be great, and they're wearing their wonderbolts suits zipped down with their chestfluffs exposed, the fluff all warm from being trapped in the suits all day.
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sounds hot, rd and spitfire are great picksbfor that. trixie and glimmer or fluttershy + pinkie sounds like abgood duo for it too. I should experiment with more dynamic poses and positions. so far it's just been pov stuff. And yeah I've always liked those spitfire pics as well.
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I did a spitfire one here but im doing a more on-model one under her suit.
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fluttergoth/flutterbat is done
she's almost done too, I really really like how this one turned out. makes me wanna comm inky rose.
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also found this sexy mare
carrot bun is underrated! imagine she comes home from work smelling like fast food fry oil. she's grumpy, but a quick hug makes her relax into your arms.
Yes, please.
One from Bulk Biceps please
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at this point I have multiple options so I'll roll my own post number
1-3 spitfire
4-6 pic related pinkie
7-9 upper crust or wrangler
0 double fluff !
she's done, turned out really good
yeah she seems like a very nice mare, something about mares in certain clothes really sets off my monkey brain.
bulging it is.
these two will probably be done tomorrow, windy whistles is in progress too!
eh you're gonna need a VERY nice looking stallion in a great outift if you want me to gay with this.
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fuck jews
lol he has that zoomer hair, I can't into this anon
Celestia, Cadance, Mane 6, Fleur.
got an outfit for cadance and/or fleur? not really feeling bare fluff right now. I like suits, sweater (vests), ties, button down shirts, multiple layers, etc.
Something blousy that's still revealing.
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any examples? I like these two though not sure I'll go with either.
Something similar to this is ideal. I imagine the blouse a light color or white so I can see the dick's silhouette against her chest.
hmm a v neck like that with the dick sticking out or fully covered?
Sticking out, please.
how much of the dick should be covered then?
Sweetie Belle
I think just the tip (lmao) should be sticking out.
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might get her done at some point as well
alright, anymore references for her clothes?
would have to be aged up belle
>alright, anymore references for her clothes?
No. It's just important that her expression is come-hither; I want to see the "fuck me" eyes and a smile on her muzzle. I want to see her lithe body posed seductively.
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getting this celestia done right now by another artist, hoping it turns out good. will include an open shirt variant.
i really liked this glimmer one, I might commission her again.
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this sexy mare is getting added as well
chest fluff is the stupidest most retarded shit i've seen in the last five minutes. it doesnt exist and you are stupid for wanting it, and i hope you step on lego really really hard
>posting the unfunny version
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celestia wip. finished product will be higher res.
getting an animation of this glimmer done. windy whistles still in progress as well.
mmm horse fluff
Unf, mean Fluttershy and her excessibe chest fluff. I wish she'd bully me with it
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NTA, but something like this seems more in tune with what you're looking for.
Cant see the fluff in these new pics :(
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deciding between pinkie, octavia, and the apron mares
celestia is done, her expression is really hot
she's finished too, uploaded to derpi as well.
yeah, I should definitely get something of her smothering a dick in her fluff and teasing you for getting so worked up over it.
update: doing that one
yeah this is a pretty hot outfit, really fits the teacher aesthetic too. added.
sorry anon my cum through clothes fetish is in control right now. new celestia one has fluff though
Holy shit that was you?
Thank you so much because now I have that fetish
Absolutely based, I call them bellyjobs and it's without clothes, just a mare rubbing your dick between her belly and your body. Lyra with a black band t shirt on would be awesome.
Finally, a fetish I can dig.
nice, which pic set you off and which one did you like the most?
don't tell anyone but I'm commissioning B&thro too and this pinkie is driving my dick crazy. normally I don't like anthro horses but that outfit and those tits are captivating, better yet their attached to pinkie.
I commissioned this with her and am comm-ing it with another artist as well.
not an invitation for anthro suggestions btw, just wanted to share this.
>Aged up

Coward. Your weakness is revolting
I'm just not into fillies :P
older scoot can 100% reverse mating press me though
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yes yes, i know. However, PHAT pinkie titties.
Don't remember which but two of them were enough to made me look up what the name of the tag is.
good stuff
Nice fetish, anon. I’d like to see one with Littlepip and her vault suit.
The legend that singlehandedly filled a tag on derpybooru, while supporting local, organic artists.
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yeah I've been thinking about that too after seeing these.
kinda want one where anon just makes a huge mess under her suit, with a ton of cum leaking out of the opening.
I'm not all that, I'm just happy other people like this stuff too.
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>completely smothering anons dick in fluff
Something about a mare slowly unzipping her suit down to her chestfluff and inviting you to press your face into it gets my pp excited
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>kinda want one where anon just makes a huge mess under her suit, with a ton of cum leaking out of the opening.
Yes, please.
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>No one has suggested Trixie yet
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been thinking about her, I like her haughty personality. need a good outfit or a nice pic of her fluff though.
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I like her babysitter outfit though it does give her a different vibe. Luckily she's pure sex in whatever outfit she wears.
Twilight sparkle giving Trixie's big juicy marecock a chestjob PLSPLSPLS
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>submissive futa trixie
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think I've found something for her but I think something like the button up in the octavia ref would be better
post fluffjob glimmer, grammar error getting fixed soon
she's done, really hot
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windy whistles comm, gonna get it changed a bit.
someone please write a greentext about a pony teasing your dick with her fluff
will do one tomorrow anon
>The Cake's application for a building permit: denied.
"What in Tartarus is she still doing here at this hour?"
>Request for emergency crown funds to fix town hall: sent.
"My bucking lasagna is getting col-"
>Pinkie Pie's proposal to rename Ponyville to Party City: denied.
"Out of my way. I am her horseband."
>Complaints about Derpy Hooves misdelivering mail: damage control.
"I don't give two bucks how much paperwork has. She's coming home now!"
>Discord trying to help Fluttershy evade property taxes by hiding her cottage in a pocket dimension: cease and desist.
>Mayor Mare looks up from her pile of papers to the angry man standing in front of her desk.
>He's wearing a robe and slippers. His face is covered in a mud mask.
>"Sorry, Mayor Mare. I couldn't stop him."
>Mayor smiles amicably.
>"It's okay. I think you deserve to go home. Thank you for your help today."
>Her assistant picks up what Mayor is putting down and leaves them to be alone in private.
>"Hello, horseband. To what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting me at work?"
>Anon sputters.
"'To what I owe the pleasure?' she say. Mayor, it's time to get your ass home. I have been slaving away cleaning and cooking. The least you can do is be home on time to eat my lasagna while it's fresh and hot. I am your horseb-"
>Mayor Mare bears the onslaught of an angry horseband.
"-I am sick and tired of these constant late nights at the office. Most of the inane shit these ponies pester you with doesn't matter, anyways. I matter. My romantic lasagna matters."
>Mayor's horseband crosses his arms and awaits her excuse.
>She thinks "oh dear he's angry. I have to fix this."
>Mayor Mare walks up to her horseband and puts on her imaginary diplomacy hat.
>"You're right, horseband. I'm sorry. I have been neglecting you. Let me make this up to you."
"Bah! I am sick of hearing 'sorry' and 'I'll be better next time.' It's like you don't even love me. You want to stay inside your dusty office pushing papers instead of coming home and spending time with me. Even when you do have time, you go to the Cider Fountain after work for a night cap. I am losing my spaghetti here."
>Mayor Mare feels scared of estranging her horseband. She needs to do something quick.
>She glances around to make sure they are alone and the door is closed to block onlookers for what she is about to do.
>"I am a terrible waifu, Anon."
"Damn right."
>Mayor presses herself against his bathrobe and looks up at his face with lidded eyes.
>"It's just like you say. I don't appreciate you as much as you deserve."
>Mayor unties Anon's bathrobe while she talks.
Tasteful... very tasteful anon. Let's get some more of this
>"Your Twin Tower lasagna is delicious and best served thermite hot, but my foolish flank keeps ruining our special time together by rubberstamping all day."
>She pulls down his underpants and his dick flops out.
>"Cold pasta."
>She grinds her soft chest fur against his cock.
>"Cold bed. Celestia I am such a bad filly."
"So bad."
>He's putty in her hooves.
>"There's nothing I can do or say to make up for all of the lost time, is there?"
>Mayor breathes onto Anon's skin and it makes his hairs stand up.
"W-well, I never said that. Maybe if you come home now and take tomorrow off I will consider forgiving you."
>She strokes his length up and down with her chest.
>"You are so patient, Anon. I don't deserve you. Of course I will come home and take a sick day. It's the least I can do."
>Anon groans.
"Oh fuck I'm close. Don't stop."
>He lays his hands on her neck.
>Mayor makes Anon finish on her.
>He plasters her coat and jobot with his cum.
>"I will follow you home. I need to lock up and leave a note. Have dinner ready for me."
>Anon nods dumbly and covers himself back up.
>He spins 360 degrees and walks away.
>Mayor Mare congratulates herself for averting a diplomatic crisis and gets ready to leave.
>Her assistant walks in suddenly and the color in Mayor's face drains.
>"Sorry. I left my keys in my rush to give you two space. I waited for your horseband to le-"
>The assistant sniffs the air and grins.
>"I smell that the two of you have things patched up."
>Mayor looks like she has seen a ghost.
>Giggling to herself, the assistant finds her keys and leaves.
>"Goodnight, Mayor!"
>Mayor Mare closes up shop in record time and gallops home, praying to Celestia that this all blows over.
>The End.
we love a nice happy ending
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>dumb fetish
That is nowhere near a dumb or even shit fetish, especially with the trash fetishes that pop up here. Commission them all anon.
I was too lazy to write out a whole green. Might be some errors and repetition, but here is a story I prompted with ai and edited
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based, I'll read it in a bit
god i hate fluttershy
such an annoying and ugly character
not even baiting this character just fucking sucks
But imagine the sex
your loss, als this is 100% bait lmao. thanks for the hunp though.
this not to mention her many different forms. fluttershy, flutterbat, fluttergoth, meanshy (there's like 3 different ver. of that alone), etc.
Celestia of Equestria obviously.
Coco Pommel.

OP I only have two questions; what is your income? and how much do you usually pay per comission? and fine a third question why are you such a lazy piece of shit of a furfag who doesn't know how to use AI or are you too busy to even generate art using AI?
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here's an octavia wip, I asked for it to be changed to pov though.
whereever you come from, please return to those decrepit lands.
>Niggers complaining when you use AI
>Commision artisits
>Niggers complaining you don't use AI
Please die soon.
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Suggesting Copper Top
already done anon
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pov version
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updated wip
McDonalds mare wip
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have this short lewd story I made a while ago based off this image of AJ I found.

"see something you like, sugarcube?"
"huh?" You blink, breaking from your trance
turns out you'd been staring at applejack a longer than you remember
no one can blame you really, you'd just finished your work on the farm and she was a sight for sore eyes
that beautiful orange coat, those nicely toned legs and shoulders. unf, all neatly tucked away under that jean skirt and jacket. You wish you could just peel them off to get a glimpse of her tight toned body.
she trots up to you and you snap back to reallity, still blushing from her previous comment. "That's not just an apple in your pocket is it?"
you let out an embarrassed laugh, trying not to look her in the eyes. She takes a deep inhale, seeming to smell the scent wafting off your boner.
it makes you twitch a bit, you hope she doesn't notice the teasing getting to you.
"So", she says. "you ready?" Ready?, you ask back.
Before you can think of what she means she pushes her chest against your bulge, grinding against it. You let out a short moan, still surprised by her actions and how good it feels.
You feel your cock throb hard against her chest. "You love that don't you", applejack teases. "f-fuck, a-aj", you moan, slowly grinding against her chest.
you can feel your cock getting even harder and you get comfortable and follow her movements, humping hard against her chest.
she pulls back with a sly grin on her face. Staring at your throbbing cock through your pants like a mad mare. She shoves her muzzle against your dick, taking a deep whiff of your musk.
You try your hardest not to buck into her face. you let out a deep grunt as you let her abuse your dick.
There's a heavy air around you crotch. A mix of your musk and her breath. "lets- lets get those pants off" she huffs.
She's becoming noticeably horny you figure, her legs rubbing against one another, the deep blush on her face, the panting against your dick. You can only wonder what her wet, winking pussy looks like. The thought alone makes you throb hard and shoot pre into your underwear. AJ can tell, the scent became incredibly strong just then. It only makes her more adamant to get your pants off.
applejack bites your belt, pulling your pants down. Staring at your throbbing erection, she suddenly gets an Idea.
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AJ unbuttons the low button of her shirt, revealing her toned muscles and chest floof.
she grabs your dick by her hoof, and plants a firm kiss on the head. your dick throbs, shooting pre against her cheek. She looks at you with a sly, lusty, smirk.
"we're just getting started, sugarcube." She guides your dick into the opening of her shirt, you feel your tip press into the soft fur of her chest. it makes you shudder in pleasure.
Aj fully envelopes your dick inbetween her shirt and chest, leaving a prominent bulge outline on her shirt.
Slowly she begins thrusting against your dick, pinning it against her chest and shirt. you can feel the nice thick fur softly rubbing against you and moan in pleasure, your tip pressing hard against her shirt with every thrust.
"you like that huh?" AJ teases you. She speeds up, grinding your dick against her fluff harder and faster. You begin thrusting with her, shoving your dick hard against her soft chest fluff.
her fluff peaks out of the opening in her shirt, the soft, thick fur warmly massaging your penis
"fuck, AJ I-" you moan as she presses more of her soft, toned chest against your dick.
"you getting close?" she asks, pressing her chest fluff harder against your dick tip. it takes all your resolve not to thrust against her chest and blow your load right there. you close your eyes, feeling AJ's soft fur moving up and down your dick, her thick coat envoloping your tip in chest fluff. Soon you can't take anymore.
"ah! applejack!" you moan as you thrust against her chest one final time, with your tip pressing right against her shirt you shoot a fat load right through it. "f-fuck", you continue thrusting your tip against her shirt, shooting load after load through the thin fabric while her thick chest fluff massages your aching, throbbing cock.
"woah nelly, calm down there partner", applejack says as you shoot another load through her shirt and right onto her face. "such a messy boy" she scolds you as she wraps her lips around your tip still under her shirt. she presses her fluff against your throbbing cock while she bullies your head with her lips and tongue. you buck against her chest shooting spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth. A sizable pool of cum has formed under her shirt and paints her chest fluff with white streaks.
A bit rough around the edges, but it is hot imagining receiving a casual chest-job from Applejack. It sweetens the deal.
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I never even really liked rarity all that much but she is absolutely teasing me with all these outfits.
thanks, i wrote it when i found that aj image way hotter, her expression definitely helps.
another glimmer done
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...is what I would say if I was a pathological liar.
AI looks average by design, it he generated them all using AI it would look much worse; it have a fuckton of retarded mistakes, and have that identity-less, mediocre watercolour artstyle.
god i want to nut in this fucking mare
>gonna be commissioning my dumb fetish for a while.
Based artist supporter.
hey op, who's on the list right now? what mares are there to look forward to?
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I was wondering why Derpibooru had so many chestjobs going around. Not that I mind, I actually saved several, thank you for all your money well spent

If I may request another one could you get one of Limey? I just can't help but love this tsundere ass horse
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I've got octavia, derpy, windy whistles, rarity,
meanshy, wrangler, a glimmer animation, and an oc in progress. might take a bit because the usual artist is on a week long vacation and I'm expirementing with other artists. Trying to find one I like and hoping they both turn out good and don't take too long.
Besides that I've got rarity in 2 other outfits, spitfire, carrot bun, trixie, nightmare moon + day breaker, ms. harshwhinny + mayor mare, pinkie, aj, suri polomare, upper crust, kerfuffle, cheerilee, news flash, littlepip, and fleur de lis all to be commissioned eventually.
sure, you have an outfit for her to where or any other ideas to add? If not I could just go bare fluff.
I must admit, I really love spectacular outfits and huge tits as well. The outfit doesn't do much for me (aside from being nearly bottomless while there's a lot going on on top), but I dig her bosoms.
octavia is almost done, just waiting for a few added details.
yeah a lot of it is the outfit for me
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alright octavia is done!
gonna try wrangler and rarity now
also I misread something, the usual artist is NOT on a vaca
old glimmer comm has been updated
McDonalds mare is done too
I can't really think of her in any outfit. But she would look nicely on a maid outfit, considering how much she'd hate it
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wrangler done, love the way it turned out
rarity will be done tomorrow
penis status: wrangled
Nice. That Rarity outfit needs more love.
more chest?
other rarity done
Nice. I like how all of these are first-person, an underused perspective in pony pornography.

Filling a tag isn't hard. I've done it too. You only need a few hundred dollars to spend.
yeah pov is underutilized. too many people obsessed with "hey what if these two characters/oc's fucked" and not enough people digging "wow I want to fuck that character" despite that being what a large portion of the fandom is known for. I blame furries but I doubt the lgbtq zoomers will help much. I guess the majority of people into pony porn aren't gonna be people who can just wack it to tamer shit. human on pony seems to make up maybe 40% of all mlp porn, need to pump those numbers up to 100%.
>Filling a tag isn't hard. I've done it too.
What tag?
saving for moar chest
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spitfire is done
waiting for artists to respond, sometimes takes a day or two.
now do Nyx
My problem is there aren't too many different first-person views good for my fetish, so I usually get character pieces over first-person perspective stuff. It's still nice when I have a good idea, however.

Oh, I misspoke. The first five images here aren't my commissions, and if you look on Twibooru or so, another image or two is tagged with it. Still, I'm the only guy commissioning this, and I made the tag:
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considering moondancer
rarity done again
updated wrangler neck fluff
anonther mcD mare
carrot bun wip
two shy wips
one finished
>retarded fetish that's allowed to stay on the main board
>it's literally just vanilla sex but the cum hits somewhere other than an orifice
I had zero expectations and yet am still let down.
it's a one off thread for people to make requests in and not a general with a bunch of retards who shit up other threads by being obnoxious. looking at you futatards, ptfgfags, and pony on ponyfags.
Don't like it commission something else ffs
You should be celebrating an anon willing to put in money towards pony artists to make pony contents that ponyfags want to see, retard
Damn these new ones are fire
Thank you for setting up all of this, anon
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Harshwhinny and derpy in progress. Artist immediately thought she was a milf which I found pretty funny.
McD updated
carrot bun done
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meanshy, derpy, and harshwhinny finished
thread seems to be losing steam so I'll post any other comms I might recieve before it dies and do a roll call of characters anyone is waiting on. You'll see them on Derpibooru eventually if not here.
Thanks for sticking around and being degensnwith me.
You're welcome anon!
upper crust, ms cheerilee, and suri polomare
Waiting on Fleur still.
Also hoping for Cheerilee.
This. Nightmare Moon with her armor on would be so fucking hot.
Bonus points if she has an evil smile on her face and her fangs are visible.
who are some good human on pony artists to commission?
Wouldn't that be hurtful for the phallus?
No new commissions to post? I'm still holding out for a pip, personally.
Cute Derp.

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