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>Captain you seem a bit distressed. You were on that pastel, equine planet for quite some time and you never called for help.
>Love for equines is a human thing, Mr. Spock. You wouldn't understand.
Reminds me of an old thread where they ended up fucking every pone in sight...
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>the Enterprise crew lands on Equestria in search of Lithium crystals
>Kirk and Rarity have romantic shenanigans
>Spock tries to make any sense of the magic of friendship as he's pestered by Pinkie Pie, who won't give up until he smiles
>Mccoy helps Fluttershy with taking care of animals and she tries her hardest to fix his shitty attitude
>Scotty gets into an argument with Applejack over their antiquated way of life and technology, ends up upgrading the entire farm
>Uhura has to endure Twilight sperging out about how space isn't real and how the sun and the moon are moved by alicorns
>Chekov introduces Rainbow Dash to real alcohol and they get into a drinking contest.
I think Twilight would think space to be real though, but the movement of Sun, Moon, and stars would definitely be the big debate
Oh thats why you made the slide thread.
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Number One, I'm concerned with the amount of time you have been spending recently in the holodeck. What is this program, IWTCIRD-47? You've ran it every single day for the past month. Not only that, but you have encrypted it and you have locked the holodeck doors every single time you've run it. You've also disabled safety protocols on 12 separate occasions. Care to explain?
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That was a good thread.
Ive lurked ST threads on /tv/ and /co/ and they always seem to have some degree of unity in them compared to others.
>Uhura has to endure Twilight sperging out about how space isn't real and how the sun and the moon are moved by alicorns

This needs fixing. Pony planet (Equus) is a rogue planet, got thrown out of orbit, away of it's star. Ponies created artificial sun and moon to save their world. Equus's sun is actually very small and very close, but this is not perfect, which is why Pegasi help with the weather. This is why Starfleet took interest in this world.
I like how Equus is regarded in fanon as the name of the planet
>See I'm part of a group of responsible snowpity users.
>We adhere to strict rules to make sure things don't get out of control.
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>"Lieutenant M'Ress, I understand that you have some, familiarity with this planet. According to our records, your great aunt Catrina, once resided on this planet. Perhaps you could, share any insight you may have on the equine residents of this planet's culture with the crew."
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I love the Galaxy Class design so much it's fucking unreal.
It may not be the "coolest" ship but for me it's the most beautiful ever.
it's my favorite. it has both beauty and power, without looking too sinister. it also had the most lavish interior in Canon
>0 g gymnasium
>Captains Yacht
>Cet Ops (massive aquarium with whales/dolphins in it that helped the ship with navigation
>arboretum, which the Constitution class had, but the Galaxy class has a much bigger one

the galaxy class is also one of the largest ships ever put into service if you calculate it by internal volume. at 642 meters in length and 447 meters in diameter, it has 10x the internal volume of the Constitution class. You can even fit the saucer of a Constitution class into the main Hangar of the Galaxy class.

I wish I could go to Equestria in a Galaxy or an Oydessy class.
>Cet Ops
I hate that it never appeared in the show. What a colossal waste of potential.
>going to cet-ops to see your shark pony gf
The Galaxy is fine, but my favourite will always remain the Constitution-Class Refit. It is iconic, its old school grace remains simply unmatched, and it has the best introduction scene of them all. Six minutes of pure goodness that gets me every time I see the scene.
>boomer ship
>Implying the Galaxy is much younger
Anon, they're literally just 7 years apart as far as their respective introductions go.
>Banned from Argo
>Canterlot Edition
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STOP making me feel old
I know that feel, Anon. Trust me, I do.
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>Scotty, don't beam me up. Everything's under control
Oh god I can’t unsee it now.
Preach, brother.
Aw fuck, now I want to write the lyrics for it.
Damn, I never made that connection.
Dew it.
I kept a thread alive once with a green where Celestia and Luna invite the Enterprise crew to tea. I'd like to write a green about the OG Star Trek meeting ponies, but I just haven't got the time lately. I think it would work better than Next Generation because the chemistry between Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scotty is so good. Also, Kirk is a more interesting character, in my opinion, than Picard.
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>Captains log 48670.5
>The damage done by first contact initiated by the rogue Caitian colony ship is extensive. The local dominant race on the planet appears to be the target of a slavery operation, desired for their capacity for hard labor and strong psychic powers wielded by the members of their race with horns. Our away team continues to keep themselves hidden, but report a complication in the form of what they report to be a human girl who appears to be from a different era, leading this dominant species and an extra dimensional entity we have identified as Q posing as a god of Chaos to the local inhabitants. For now we will continue to monitor and try to come to a more peaceful resolution, but I fear that our only option will be to break the prime directive if we are to save this improperly first contacted species.
End log
Eh, if it happens in Kirk's time, they're in luck. Kirk is much more hands on in these matters than Picard et al a hundred years later.
Picard > Kirk
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>You're meddling in my personal project, Jean-Luc. You don't understand, or I should say you can't understand just how much damage your meddling is likely to cause. Your Federation's Prime directive could be at stake!
>And unlike you I have a very important lesson for a future leader, much in the same way I mentored you. Besides, my cute yellow wife resides on this planet. I wouldn't want you to inadvertently cause her any discomfort. You're walking on thin ice with me Picard. Hope that You don't fall in.
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>"Mister Data- report."
>"Sir, we appear to be orbiting 'Equestria', a system known for its unusual solar and lunar behavior, among other notable anomalies."
>"This is the world Captain Kirk discovered almost sixty years ago is it not?"
>"That is correct sir."
>Your heart races at this development.
>"What do we know about it?"
>"Accessing... accessing... accessing... Sir?"
>"What is it?"
>"I am unable to access any information about this planet. In fact, it appears that almost all information regarding this system was scrubbed from the record by the Federation."
>This intrigues the Frenchman with a British accent.
>Time to make your move.
"Sir, when I was an ensign, I heard a rumor that Captain Kirk encountered sapient equines with extraordinary abilities on this planet."
>Picard gives you a skeptical glance.
>"What kind of 'abilities'?"
"Magic, sir."
>"Magic?" Picard repeats with a furrowed brow. "And what of their technological capabilities? Are they a space-faring civilization?"
>Oh shit, Captain Prime Directive is about to ruin your chance to see if there was any truth to Kirk's mad ramblings about "horse pussy" before you can even say "Energize" to O'Brien.
"Uncertain, sir. But if there was any truth to Kirk's claims, some of the equines' natural abilities are superior to our technology."
>Picard sits down. "Good Lord. Did Kirk mention if they were hostile?"
"On the contrary, sir, he said they were very friendly."
>"Then why would the Federation erase them from our records?" the captain wonders aloud.
"Sir, I'd like to lead an away team and make contact with the equines' leadership."
>Picard mulls this over for a tense five seconds.
"Very well, Number One."
Kirk would punch him in the face and kiss Fluttershy.
Knowing Kirk's special fighting moves, he'd use Discord's own noodle body as a weapon against him.
>I kept a thread alive once with a green where Celestia and Luna invite the Enterprise crew to tea.
You mean this one? Because it's fucking great

You will never love horses as much as Picard.
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What does a chaos god need with a pegasus?
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>"Are you telling me there is a rainbow propagating across the surface?" responds Picard, britishly
Picard is French.
Kirk did it better in the Nexus.
Yes, as it points out more than once in the story, he's a Frenchman with a British accent.
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Take it easy spike
Came here to post this. This is a goood green.
That's the one. Glad you like it.
I remember that one. It was fun.
Considering this episode is all based on a huge misunderstanding, it would almost fit into MLP if you cut out the kill count.
>Warp 10
Never good.
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>"Captain do you remember the first ship I served on, the Pegasus?"
"The one that didn't exist until we found the wreckage inside of that asteroid? Yes."
>" The stealth technology wasn't the only Black project being tested. The mutiny had to do with a whole lot more.
"How does this relate to your time on the holodeck?"
>"Those IWTCIRD simulations were training scenarios for a very specific mission that was to be carried out by the crew. The Pegasus actually owes it's namesake to this particular mission we were never able to carry out."
"Why run these simulations after all this time."
>"The world we're in orbit above, Equiss, that where we were to begin Operation Satyr."
"I don't understand."
>"A black operations genetic project. Similar to those used during the Eugenics Wars."
"Number one, what exactly are you planning? Both of us know how risky resuming genetics research from the 1990s could be to humanity!"
>"Captain respectfully, if we don't master the magic of friendship in some way with the Equestrians, I fear that someone else will."

[Zoom in on Riker with a musical sting]
[Cut to commercial]
>Both of us know how risky resuming genetics research from the 1990s could be to humanity!
Oh Lordy. Wait until he tells Picard about a small transport ship called Glue Factory.
>slides half the board in 25 minutes
That's not natural.
English accent, not British.
You can't sound English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh all at the same time. Such a monstrosity would need to be shot.
English accent.
There is no English accent, You cant sound scouse, mancunian, cornish, etc all at the same time.
English is the accent, scouse etc is the dialect.
Of course there is. I'm from America, and everyone from England sounds like they have an accent. Therefore there's an English accent.
i don't think all english people have 1 accent. hell, noone can understand geordies.
They have regional flair, but it's still all an English accent.
Where it really starts getting fucky is when you go north into Scotland, you know the Scottish accent clear as day in comparison to all other types of English accent.
That works the other way round too.
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>People from the British islands getting ready to form the English accent.
You know everything is under control simply because the communicator is still working.
>geordies mentioned
Would you look at that.
I know I'm biased but I think it's much easier to understand than scouse or a Northern Irish (Ulster english is its name apparently). Dads side of the family is from Derry and I used to struggle speaking to them on the phone cause I couldn't hear a word of what they were saying kek.
Good thread
drop to warp 4.2 ensign

50% of shit on this board are bumpfests anyway
I think it'd be pretty difficult, prove me wrong. DEW IT
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Doesn't Warp 10 harm the environment and contribute to celestial warming?
And it turns people into lizards.
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>Listening to butthole head propaganda.
That's warp 11
It was briefly a plot thing, then Voyager got nacelles that bent in order to fix it, and then nobody ever talked about that shit again because it was hamfisted and lame
Warp 11 even. Damn, I misremembered that.
It's okay, that might have been the dumbest episode in Star Trek history, worse than Spock's Brain of the entirety of ST:D. Well, maybe not that.
if you exceed Warp 10, the ship occupies all of space instantly. it also heavily damages the systems, warp core, and warp engines
>the dumbest episode in Star Trek history
The Way to Eden says hello.
But this is a good (semi-)bumpfest.
>group of Space Hippies trying to find a mythical planet need a lift from the Enterprise
Nah. It's goofy fun, and I didn't feel insulted by it.
I don't like it because it's one of those stupid crossover episodes that tended to be popular at that time for some reason I'll never understand.
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Strike the rape and this could be Kirk alright.
>Page 8 in 90 minutes
What mess is happening on the board this time?
shameless buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
Shame on you!
avg 2024 /mlp/ thread quality
>Warp 9
I've seen much worse than that.
>Warp 9
>Picard falls in
Best thing about this pic?
Wesley died on the way to his home planet
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Now that we're in the future, would Worf be transformed into a Yak if this was made today? If not, what species would Worf get transformed into? What MLP species would other Star Trek species get transformed into?
So would I. fuck that stupid ass character.
Yaks aren't canon. Buffalo are, though
No, I'd think he'd just be shown as a bigger pony, possibly akin to Troubleshoes or Rockhoof.
Well it's established in dialogue that the Klingons have their own counterpart to horses but they're never actually shown, so it gives an artist free reign to draw a klingonesque pony and call it a Sark.

The real question is would Wesley become a baby dragon?
So that's why Spike is so annoying.
>Inb4 they're actually very buff horses with a similar klingon-esque crest on the forehead
That would've been something. Bonus points of they also had pointy horse shoes.
I know this is completely wrong thread, but why does people automatically assume fantasy worlds are planets, and can't be anything else?
There was also a globe shown once in the show. That kind of stresses the whole planet thing.
makes it more believable
Try doing something other than planets in Star Trek. Unless it's a ring world or a dyson sphere, you'll run into problems.
Unless Q or Trelane is involved.
Starting to sense a pattern.
We've reached the end of the thread's shelf life.
Let it expire peacefully.

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