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Take a deep breath and discuss why acid/skitzo pony man is the best active artist in the fandom
I don't know if "acid/schizo man" is what he goes by, but yes I really like his pony art.
I like his art.
he hasnt posted new art in a while. i hope hes ok.
Good riddens
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Peak snowpity art
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He came at a good time to exemplify what snowpity/soul in pony art really is. I love his art, I don't want to overstate it but I expect he'll be inspiring my own pursuit of art for a long time.
He evokes a radical sense of creativity without delving into something grotesque or disturbing. It seems at any moment anything's possible and yet nothing I would be unsettled by. In that sense innocence is maintained, but it never feels like a limitation, rather an impossible, continual reimagining. In that sense it feels childlike, in the best possible sense of the term. Free and wonderful, which is what pony was meant to be.
One of these rare times when an actual honest-to-god artist just so happens to also like pony.
wtf is that schizo bullshit
Looks like it's made out of worms, this ain't it chief
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yea this guy is awesome lel
based schizo
there are far more grotesque examples in his portfolio but he really is an artist
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I love him
He's still active.
Well said. I wish I could have a tenth as much creativity as this dude.
inb4 he comes to mare fair 2 and he's taiwanese miyazaki
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I hope he never leaves us.
I really like, admire, and respect his creativity. even if his content isn't my cuppa tea i always respect the fuck out of it. he always makes pieces that are interesting to look at and engage with.
duuuuudddddeeeeeee this shits fucking evil
>shes in your head
>good syndrome
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Holy shit, the architect. I didn't know he was /ourguy/
big greenteaneko energy
from the ashes of page ten
He didn't just ponify the shotgun, he thought about how it would look and move and what kind of powers it would have.
This guy has a powerful imagination.
Cute mares that shouldn't be on page 10
Imagine you go to work out and suddenly your weights are cute poners cheering you on
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Jack says looking at this thread has made him very happy and is requesting I post this picture he made for you all
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too dope
im glad i kept the thread bumped heh
>when you see it
I love it
why can't he post it himself, though? is he banned? unban ja0822ck or the mods are gay
He posted too much milky
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I feel blessed!
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based, confirmed for best artist ever
I know a thread for just that.
I know a thread just for you.
>I know a thread for just that.
Holy based
Q&A maybe?
this pic makes me think i saw this in an episode that dosent exist
Maybe you're thinking of the MLP 'n Friends episode Fugitive Flowers with the big flower people?
maybe? idk
anyway dudes a kaiju enjoyer too
turbo based gigan pone art
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I like that he can also do more normal stuff.
This man's schizophrenic artwork cannot be contained. Q&A?
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>Pony submarine uses pony sonar to locate octopus.
This is an absolute overload of cuteness.
There's mares everywhere for those with eyes to see, love this guy's creativity
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a jack thread?
>a jack thread?
THE Jack thread!
This guy is the brony picasso, love it
dear god......
mega woona!
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he has amazing bug ideas
someone post the one where she tries to imitate a human
This thread is relevant to my interests.
4chan is banned in his home country unfortunately
Really? Why?
Ponies are too sexy
I hope one day he revisits these monitormares. They're adorable.
Really? Wikipedia says there is no internet censorship in Taiwan.
I love it!
>Flat screen ponitor
>ICBM's not ponified physically, only written line
Missed potential
holy shit
I love Jack's artwork and unbridled creativity. These threads are lovely to read, but also bum me out in a weird way when I find myself envious of Jack's skills and ideas. But he also reminds me that drawing pones for the love of it is what really matters, and that I should focus more on what brings me joy and not try to be someone else. If you are reading this Jack, you are a wonderful artist and I hope I get a chance to meet you in person someday.
>Ponified ICBM
Oooo! That's a good idea.
>Pony ICBM launches.
>Flies through the air at hypersonic speed.
>ICBM Pony enters terminal maneuvers on target.
>Target is an enormous cake.
>Cute ICBM Pony becomes cute Thermonuclear Cloud Pony
>Bits of Cake everywhere
>The bits of cake turn into little cake ponies.
>Everyone is happy
Might just be his carrier.
this is too cute
dude has to be protected
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>chrysalis when she sees anthro

I can actually hear the submarine dive alarm when submareine sees the destroyer mare

I thought the ICBM was meant to be a weapon of mass ponification. It would explain the absolute degree of ponification in images like this >>41244627
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this is a good thread. thank you jack
why is flatscreen mare so seductive?
I want to watch pony porn on this monitor
I want this framed on my wall
This thread made me smile, thanks for all your art
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Irrationally Cute Boopable Mares
This one is really funny
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This guy is a true artist. Dancing on the edge of aesthetics and concepts. Unironically some of the most creative and dense pony artwork I've ever seen.
a mare is in front of you anon……
Nice self promo. Very subtle
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I'm not him lmao.
He doesn't speak English.
I know it's hard for you to believe, but sometimes people enjoy things and praise them.
I wonder who his waifu is
im gonna guess chrissy
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He looks more like a sunfag. There are many arts of Celestia. It also matches my little stat from derpi:
Chrysalis - 35
Luna - 58
Celestia - 161
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Picasso's art is really bad dude. I went to an exhibition of Picasso's art in Europe, the only thing he draws is naked women, and he draws them out of mosaics of random colors. Incredibly uncreative and repetitive, a four year old could make that
Sounds like some kind of tripped out sex analogy. Cool idea
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This is some creature collection shit right here.
Imagine a game where all the mons you collect are just pony variations created by this guy.
i was gonna say thats a gay idea until i read
>created by this guy.
if he was the creative lead on fucken anything i know i would dig it
>just realized her eyes and muzzle have a RIP drop shadow
fuck thats good
This is just nu/badumsquish
I don't get it.
I don't disagree, and the thing is you look at his earlier art and he had actual artist ability. Then he decided "hmmm instead of drawing things with skill, I'm gonna scribble some random shapes... and if anyone asks I'm gonna say 'it's my style', haha!" and got world famous for it
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Nooo don't hurt monitor pone
Sometimes it's a measure of 'healing' monitor pone, as well as (lovely) slaping her.
This is just the foreplay before her whole body is shaken with pleasure by a good degaussing.
Doing this accidentally when I was a kid scared the shit out of me
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He's more of a ponyfren Van Gogh than Picasso. His art looks pretty expressionist, but with some elements of Abstractionism I believe. It's an interesting art style that I'd love to see more of in general.
Nah, he's more like Dali. His work has a surrealist bent.
Oh crap, you're right! How could I have forgotten about Dali and his melty clocks? Also, thank you for reminding about surrealism, can't believe I missed that too. That's what 4 hours of sleep and accidental whatever morning equivalent of all-nighter is called (all morninger?) do you. You just start brainbraping all over the place.
Dragons are immune or resistant to magic in lots of stories.
How is he going to strike the killing blow?
That implies the resolution to this is going to involve killing the dragon.

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