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Previous Thread: >>41183178
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8
Sunset Shimmer sings https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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>go on vacation
>anons let the thread archive
I can't trust you faggots for shit!
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Sorry, I had an internet outage.
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It wasn't my fault
I expended all of my Sunny pics to keep that thread alive
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Don't like the face on this one.
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Did I get it right
Yeah, the face could be better, but the rest is great.
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She's got bacon hair actually
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>Reiduran is beb and hats us
Who is Sunset's best friend?
Is it Twiggy or Glimmy?
Glimmy is the best
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I love them so much
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It's aSci-Twi. Sunset hung out with Glimmer because she thought it was what Princess Twilight would have wanted, but she actively chose to hang out with Sci-Twi.
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>Wake up from nightmare
>No Shimmy to stroke my hair and soothe me back to sleep
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Cute! I want to kiss her tummy and hold her hand.
Pinkie Pie
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Sunset's favorite sex position?
>Sunset's favorite sex position?
The Shimjob. It's just a regular blowjob, but performed by Sunset.
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>Chest fluff is the pony equivalent to breast size in terms of attractiveness
>Sunset is proud of her super fluffy pony form fluff.
Best friends.
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Look at her go!
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>POV: You made the mistake of asking Shimmy about ponies
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I'd happily listen to her rant about ponies.
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So you wouldn't a Christian Sunset?
Heh, reminds me of one of my favorite weird-but-actually-really-good fanfics https://www.fimfiction.net/story/515321/seeking

>Sunset Shimmer knows Equestrian religion is false. She has her doubts about human religions, too. As always, she turns to her friends for help. Unfortunately for Sunset, her six friends have six rather different ideas about what lies above.
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lucky lizard bastard giwtwm
Last weeks the captchas are just not loading for me on mobile. Can't keep on posting unless I'm at home, so yeah

>Most screentime shared together out of any pair
>Canonically spend lots of time offscreen
>The least confrontative against each other during the first EQG and Forgotten Friendship

If they're not fucking, SunShim and Ponk are best buds
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they are pretty close
BEST friends
Listening to Sunset spiel about ponies for hours and hours would literally be a dream come true.
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Everyone loves Sunset
It's a fact!
But what's her best outfit?
Swimsuit, obviously. All her regular outfits are great too though.
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powerful choice
they really did allow the girls to be sexy in EqG
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I ship them so hard
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He's living the life us Shimmerfags could only dream of
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sunsets hair is impossibly hard to draw
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That one! With the cyan dress and jeans. It's not "unf" or "SEXOOO" but it is very cute and charming. To me it has that "very pretty girl you want to be your gf but you didn't put the effort into talking to her" aura.
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Umf arrest me, officer~
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I'm gonna say >pic related.
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Same, shirtie mark Sunset wearing a Skirt is the best look, and that was her best skirt and shirtie mark.
The wedding dress where she marries (You)
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Sunset looks great in everything.
Post the followup to that image
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Last one.
God I love her so much
Why did the best voice actress who does her voice have to out herself as a pedo? Now I can't gush about how hot her Sunset audios are
What? Shoichet?
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Wubcake? I thought she just had DID or whatever? Is she a pedo?
Iirc she tried to molest a minor. Also she's nowhere near the best Sunset VA as >>41255236 noted.
Apparently she invited PegasisterReacts to a sleepover with her and rubbed her off while moaning, when she was 13

And she turned out to be a pest to work with, but damn if her Sunset works aren't some of the best I've heard (aside from official ones ofc)
I'm not gonna lie, I always found her attempts at any voice other than Adagio grating.
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any receipts?
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How would you feel if the EQG finale had Shimmy turn into an alicorn?
She fuckin should've, wtf
She really should've. It would have been a beautiful ending for her to finally earn her wings. Not as a tyrannical ruler, but as a benevolent leader.
Princess of Empathy.
And let's not forget there's a movement that's literally going after her for her misdeeds, and the victims name is Jennabun, and now wub renamed and rebranded herself too the hellova boss/Hazbin Hotel community and furry and all those communities are becoming aware of her and her bs. And to this day she continues too deny/respond too all allegations. And she has an arrest record too for punching a special ed teacher and choking her grandmother, and was left homeless numerous times.
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You can't really beat her Friendship Games look.
Sunset's main design feature, at least for me, is her eyes. Her entire body is comprised of hot colors and is clearly meant to evoke the image of a flame. It screams anger and danger at you. But then her eyes, the windows to her soul, are a soft, cold aquamarine, because THAT is her true nature.
But almost every outfit of hers tries to match the fiery aspect of her design, which makes the FG outfit stand=out by focusing on who Sunset is on the inside. Makes sense too, considering the outfit is paired with her most deeply personal song in the show.

Another thing that I really love about it is how it's both feminine and masculine.
Sunset is at least to me not a tomboy in the same fashion that Dash is, but she's definitely straddling a fine line between masculinity and femininity.
All other outfits go too hard for one side or the other, but this one just strikes the balance perfectly.

is there sources for this?

you got any names?
I would look up #stopwubcake on youtube and x there are numerous victims that came foward and spoke thier word on her.
Princess of Friendship. Then, her and Twilight can rule as the Twin Princesses of Friendship, just as Celestia ruled with Luna.
It was set up by God.
It's only right for Celestia's daughter to take after her mother eventually
Shimmy has to be Celly's daughter, there's no way she would let Shimmy run off like that, Celly would send her own sis to the moon before going after Shimmy for playing around interdimensionally.
I think you needed to give that post a 2nd read through anon.
my proof that Sunset is Celestia's daughter is that I wrote fanfiction about it, so it's true
The Sun will not set on this thread
Damn that's erotic.
it's an erotic show
>that awkward blush from Rainbow Dash shuffling away after Sunset says "Thank you"
Still can't believe that made it past censors, top fucking kek
God bless Studio B
They are awaited in Valhalla, where they shall ride shiny and chrome, forever
I bet Rainbow schlicks herself stupid to that memory.
EqG staff were extremely horny. Especially near the end.
I swear all animators are extremely horny.
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They also got really into /u/
They knew we were the only ones actually paying attention, so they did it for us

But damn I'll never forgive Hasbro for not giving us the Human Sunset special
We don't have any receipts on her molesting Jennabun, other than Jennabun herself
But it all makes sense when you consider all the other shit that she saud to other people she worked with publicly, during streams and the like

There's a police report on her hitting a special ed teacher though, doxxing her by name and all
Rumor has it, she has police reports filed against her and she could be under investigation, and let's not forget the hoe herself ain't loyal, she literally cheated on all three of her lovers with one or numerous guys, last lover she cheated on, had her pay 500 smackaroos for sex at harmony Con
Wait you can literally have sex with her? I'd pay that to fuck her on a dark room while she moans like in her performances desu

I don't care about her as a person, as far as I'm concerned she only exists for pone-related purposes
I mean she would but that time-line got reset so Rainbow Dash doesn't remember it

What could have been...
Yeah well, she's now hellova boss and hazbin hotel shit now, and she could care less about the pony community and the pony content and besides, no content creator will hire her fat and ugly bald headed ass anyway because of all that shit she did in the past, and she claimed before she left the 1st or 2nd time that the fandom abused her n' shit, which was false she literally treated the people in the fandom like trash, and she harassed the big Mac VA on X or Twitter back then and Tara Strong too as well. You could say she's the bitch who cried: abuser, but in reality she's the abuser in the end, just sayin tho.
that and backstage pass of course
Honorable mention to the rainy day outfit. Her cute little hair squiggle poking out really makes it.
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I'm sorry Shimmy, boys don't wanna eat pop-tarts for dinner every night when they get married.
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>that see though dress with bikini
slightly see through gets me so hard
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Vampire sunset is the best
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I'd let her drain me
Headcanon: she loves human food and beer.
That's why she's so big.
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maybe not the best, but I like this one
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Praise the Sunny Buns
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love this hag
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Cute casual Shimmer
I really really really want to kiss her on the lips.
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I really want to hug her in her local library.
I want to hold her hand.
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You fuckers need to control yourselves.
It's hard to with such a beautiful horse-girl.
I just heard Sunset Shimmer audio for the first time, she did not sound like what I imagined she would. I didn't know her voice was so deep.
What do you mean you only just heard her for the first time? EqG's been around for over a decade!
But yes, Sunset does have a relatively deep voice.
She got that sultry, smokey tone to it
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