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Applejack appreciation thread!
But where are the hooves?
overrated and discarded
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Where did this suddenly come from? Why is it so ugly?
Unf ablejack
newfag, that image is older than you
Older and gayer since it was from EqG cyoa porn trash
made for titfucking
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I find it funny how they gave her and big mac more human skin tones.

This outfit was amazing! If she wasn't sick during the boat trip I'd place this outfit on the same level as that.
I prefer to call it "applefucking".

She was seasick, then she got sunburn on that yacht. Poor Appuls ;((
does aj like country music or .... i mean id think she'd like that recent bass cover of big iron that marty robins used to sing
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Damn I didn't know that. She looks cute with it though.
She's more orange lol
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>normal human skin and not some pastel abomination
What the fuck did they mean by this??????
Imagine getting hip checked by that thing...
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>updated filename
Very cute!
Don't know if this answers your question; but there's that.
I wanna lick apple juice off her skin
I love a girl in Daisy Dukes!
and you failed to post applejack on the first fucking post WOW
there is no other Applejack
I used to jack off to this gif every night when I was 12.
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Here my post will be the first to actually contain applejack.
>couldn't even see >>41249347 not even 40 posts in
That's how I know you're a shit stirrer, an offboarder, a discordfag, a tranny, and most importantly, a dumdum
OCs don't count, no matter how hard your headcanons make you believe
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this is what appul horse looks like folks.
That's actually unf.
I need to eat an apple right now...
no, this is how Applejack looks like. keep your G$ OCs to yourself
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Man... I miss those days.
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She's thirsty
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So thirsty she forgot how to drink properly.

Also morning bump.
In more ways than one
she's snorting the drink
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Captcha: AJRJ
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idk, enjoy
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the better thread
This guy's indeed appreciating Applejack. Really based in my humble opinion.
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Nice outfit
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this but with AJ and apples
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Page 9 again?
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Let's fix the page counter!
Does anybody know how to figure out the speed of the board?
>Dale Anon, ¿Posta le decís "soccer"? Vení a celebrar que onions bicampeona, te voy a pegar tal garchada que para lo único que vas a ser un "sucker" es por mí.
What? I don't speak Messi.
I can't believe they let Messi play after his injury, he's the best in the goddamn world! Man singlehandedly won the world cup and that fucking POS manager sends the golden boy back out to play!?¿¡!
Added to my meme folder
I love you, man.
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Share some apple memes with us, Anon.
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They're mostly pone aj
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also this
I've seen this recently and kek'd

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