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From every story that I hear it's always consists of people getting hedonistically inebriated with alcohol, enjoying the after dark vendor Halls and after dark panels and enjoying debaucheries that are an abomination unto Celestiadon
drinking is what normal people do.
>inb4 hurr durr normalfag
A man chooses. A slave obeys
that's just how people I have fun. I don't like it either but there is nothing you or I can do to change that
Not with that attitude. What's needed is a shock to the lemmings that will ultimately reorient old ways of thinking
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I'd say you are the opposite of a normalfag for this. they drink and party and sleep around all the time. you are not alone, Zecoranon
Thanks, it's not often you get someone who understands that things that are considered normal in society really aren't normal and should not supported in favor
I think it's too late for change unless there is some mass societal shift. it's too fucked now. the levels of Degeneracy go up during the late stages of a civilization and we're probably near that
So what's your plan, little nigga?
As of now? I have no idea. Realistically the only peaceful method is protest and attempting to convert people from the wicked ways like Jonah in Nineveh .
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>this thread again
Why do you hate after dark panels so much? Did a porn artist piss in your cereal or something?
>Furfag adjacent conventions are degenerate
You ought to receive a Nobel prize for such a new and novel insight
Effectively yes, they piss in our cereal every day and just expect us to not call them out under degeneracy because they're gilded golden calves who are seen as divinely protected in that you can never criticize them whatsoever
If you’re talking about something specific you’re gonna have to elaborate anon
I don’t care about drama enough to know what you’re getting at
It might just be a Twitter or Discord tranny thing but it seems that you try to criticize porn artists for their absolute degeneracy and moral repugnance, it's almost like you're talking to a brick wall because these people are totally depraved
And that’s /mlp/‘s problem because…?
Because not only do they congregate on there but they also congregate on here
>Guy draws porn for a living
>It’s on his twatter feed
>Whine about him making porn
>He tells you to fuck off
He’s in the right, you’re just an autistic retard and nobody wants to deal with that
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>People are whining about pony porn again
Time really is a flat circle
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Let me get this straight. You’re shittalking a nondescript convention that you haven’t been to because porn artists who don’t care that you exist sometimes visit an anonymous imageboard to talk about ponies. What exactly were you expecting to get out of this thread?
You wouldn't get it. Porn enjoyer.
Obviously I don’t get it, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking. I don’t consume porn either, but it’s telling that you resorted to name calling instead of answering the question. Seriously, what’s going through your head?
Most of you guys LITERALLY never leave your houses huh
>what’s going through your head?
He wants attention.
So, are you opposed to all porn then? Or, just certain kinds or porn? Either way, nobody is forcing you to look at it.
People have been into the most depraved shit since the dawn of time, the only thing modernity changed was the availability of content on demand. In one way of another porn will exist as long as humans continue to posess sexual desires.
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>I don't consume porn either
Don't listen to the neighsayers moralanon. If you need excessive alcohol to party and have fun then you're a turbo loser and a bit of a fag too. Especially at conventions. What kind of mare is going to want a man that drinks and sleeps all the time?
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look i get it. the constant hornyposting is annoying. everything has its place but when its constantly being blasted theres no time to relax and enjoy chill stuff. just gooners constantly talking.
i've found that despite being autistic and weird that most people who go to conventions are still human and therefore engage in such ape-brain actions. we may be one or two social layers away from normalfags but most are still adhering to the normalfag way of thinking. i feel its inevitable, as breaking out requires serious introspection and personal action, which most people dont do to begin with.
as for porn artists they are whatever. its the weird cultlike following that they can generate that goes to their head. nobody i've seen has dodged this, it always fucks them. to top it all off they have a habit of drawing and posting about their irl sexual habits which nobody fucking asked for, frankly. keep it to yourself.
the whole situation creates the same dynamic as normalfagland.
>im better than you, loser. i draw good and have sex look at me look at me
you're drawing porn, calm yourself nigger. you're not holier.
this pattern has repeated time and time again, its amazing.
What's the final solution then?
make peace with yourself and accept that there is much in life you have no control over and cannot change.
Learn to deal with it or blow your brains out.
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People always say this and that are curious as to why people convert to radicalism because radicalism fundamentally changes things
When you put it like that, radicalism is just the equivalent of throwing a tantrum when people don't think like you.
mass murder changes things, yes, but when violence is the answer the only thing that matters is who is asking the question. when taking lives is on the table, you're one bad day away from being the targeted group yourself.
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Why worry bro? Just accept that you're better than them and that they'll burn in hell or whatever
You're right, alcohol is literally liquid ZOG mind control poison
You’re right but I don’t think OP knows it
You don't get it, if they don't follow in my every footstep and lifestyle then western civilization is done for.
Internet forums and imageboards are the only interaction you need. Wanting to go to cons or meet people who like the same things you do is the equivalent of intentionally walking into a chimpanzee enclosure at your local zoo. Nobody wants to interact with troglodytes.
Always have been.
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Have you ever SEEN a pussy?
In the mirror lmfao
bro why no one showed us this at school? This is a significant historical find
this fandom runs on lust for horse pussy whether you accept that or not.
anon calls himself a pussy, but everyone knows he's a FAGGOT
I just want to have sex with a female at a pony con and nerd out over pony stuff with her.
>no hooves
>dark vendor Halls and after dark panels
these are degenerate, only good point in your OP
>an abomination unto Celestiadon
cringe, outside of a real religion there is no need to be moral. having this post followed up by a cartoon deity is retarded
>it's always consists of people getting hedonistically inebriated with alcohol
yes, people socialise that is not a bad thing. you should try having friends sometime
>you should try having friends sometime
How? keep in mind not everyone here is a 14 years old with a whole class room of other kids to socialise with, a adult man is on his own and friends are in the pass tense.
wdym anon i just go outside and talk with people, its not that hard. You might want to get that checked
>14 years old
off by 10 years, sorry if you're a boomer
>a adult man is on his own and friends are in the pass tense.
lol, lmao even
I guess you don't have any hobbies, take on any sport and you will make some
also how do you not have any left over from high school/uni? I thought no friends was just a meme
some people cut ties but thats not the problem because you can still make new friends. I believe the anon you're replying to is experiencing self insolation
the only thing that tells me is that you don't have any friends either, the value of what you call ''a friend'' is so low that it's basicaly just a check box on facebook ... my friend :^)

I have many hobbies and I practice many sports, half of these ''left over'' people are literaly dead.
Also, you can be 70 years old and still be an infentilised imature shit, just a little fyi for you ... my friend ;^)
Excuse me what?
Excuse me, why don't you go to /co/ and /vp/ and critique bluey and pokemon porn instead? Oh, it's because they are in a large mass than horsefuckers and you're afraid of not elaborating better autistic words? Really, fuck off. Don't like something, don't see. There are way degenerate and worse people around you that don't have nothing to do with pony conventions and /mlp/.
I have the same question.
From the thumbnail I thought this was a giant mare about to pee on some tiny people or something.
The older I get, the less I care thinking about this stuff.
>Why? Why? Why society? Why morality? Why this? blah blah blah deep thoughts
Who the fuck cares? I'm an old ass man now. I dont care about what all these kids and people are doing now. Fuck em.
When you're young you think you can change the world. When you grow up, you realize and accept that your life is gonna be mundane. And thats okay. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Are you braindead or what?
>the only thing that tells me is that you don't have any friends either, the value of what you call ''a friend'' is so low that it's basicaly just a check box on facebook ... my friend :^)
I don't know if you misunderstood what i said but of course i dont consider anyone i meet my friend, and thats just the first step to know people better and find friends. For me, any new people i know is considered an aquaintance until i believe i want to be and can be his friend which might sound a bit rude but it's the best way i know. I'm not a friendship expert but i'm up to discussing more about it with you
It's my fault guys. I told them to be sinners. My bad, y'all!
Sounds like you could use the Gospel.
Based grandpa spitting facts.
Thats a defeated mindset.
Especially Twilight in Diapers!!!!
How old are you, grandpanon?
I want to fuck Applejack's sweaty ponut.
The West has fallen. Trillions must die.
Every fandom's like this and it's what happens when you go to any convention, what did you expect from a convention especially for autistic horsefuckers?
Is clop really even degenerate if I am married to said pony?
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>When you grow up, you realize and accept that your life is gonna be mundane.
massive boomer projection
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I don't know about changing society but there's hope for individual people who want to change. I was overwhelmed by porn, continuously. It affected everything else in life. I couldn't even go to the store anymore without strong anxiety. Couldn't even draw anymore. I was afraid of going to a con because I might be compelled to go deeper in stuff I didn't want to do but felt compelled towards

I asked Jesus to fix me, and started reading to see what He said about the issue, such as take extreme measures to cut off things that cause you to stumble. So I took a break from the internet for a few months and moved devices out of my house so I couldn't look at porn. Still was hard to not draw porn, but much easier than the easy access online had been.

The fight after that is a long story but the summary is that I surrendered my degenerate compulsions to Jesus, and asked Him to change me, and over time He did completely change me.

Now I'm not controlled by lust, and I can even talk on here without falling to the 70% lewds in the catalog images. Jesus alone has the power to change a life like this. He promises to do it for you too if you seek Him

He says in John:
"Truly I say to you, the one who commits sin is a slave to sin. And the slave does not remain in the house forever, but the son remains forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."
If you need to stay away because you're an addict, that's fine. You do you. Just don't come in here and try to shame the rest of us for not being addicts like you.
Wasn't trying to shame, just saying it's possible to be free from lust if someone wants to be

I will say that drinking and sex is not worth it long term. It never satisfied me. Jesus is the only thing I've found that satisfies me, and I've searched a lot
Quit responding to this obvious troll.
last mare fair i had sex with a 4/10 slampig i met...im sorry bros...i think you might have seen her in some group pics from the con
>Jesus is the only thing I've found that satisfies me, and I've searched a lot
Well you are in /mlp/ and there's no Jesus here, only Celestia. I suggest you board off.
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Why are zebrafags so retarded? It's a pattern, from puritanical russian foefags, to gay striped niggas, to literally whoot, to this christfag.
>What's the final solution
Pic related.
christcucks are the worst of the bunch, since they're all underageb& trying desperately to fit in.
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Jesus is always with his disciples, so Jesus is here on this board with those of us who have accepted him into our hearts.
Stay on the board for there is work to do here.
the huge black bitch? that was rhorse
thank you brother
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Unfortunately they don't know Jesus Christ.
Slave mindset.
Okay so this thread now is just shilling.
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Hypocrites, these chuds. I remember /mlpol/.

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