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Previous thread: >>41242080

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map - WIP

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Mareadise, Earth/Pega/Uni-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mareadise/147/157/21
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Baltimare design/planning channels:
https://app.element.io/#/room/#baltimare:pony.cx - Change homeserver to matrix.horse

>Live Baltimare stream
Full resolution of op, thank you to the photo popen that dedicate themselves to taking such astounding photos of such cute powy
Sweetcakes and Pajama Call still crack me up. Perfect outfit for the beach
there i am gary there i am
I love watching pegasi doing their thing
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Absolutely beautiful
what is a marebox
Jackbox for ponies
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oh lord the original iteration of slut ass princess polaris was from a jackbox session gone wild
And no I have not worn this shirt yet I do not know why I spent money on it
Thank you! Lilac and Ruby are absolutely great at aerobatics!
Silver is so pretty
when I see shirts like these I wonder if the chinese/indian sweatshop slaves ever wonder wtf is going on looking at these shirts or if they're just really jaded at this point. but of course there's also the possibility they can't read it in the first place
you have a point, funny thing about that shirt is that it's the first printed clothing of any sort that I've bought since like high school

I didn't even draw the image on there, someone else did, and I doubt I'll ever even attempt to tell them that they planted a seed in my mind that would eventually grow into a wack ass SL avatar

I did win the game by combining that image with the cheek spreading caption though
But how many foids will be at marefair
and how much can I expect to potentially add to my cringe IRL ponyfag encounters list
I feel sometimes like my extrovertedness and willingness to nerd out and be chatty is taken as an invitation for weirdness as all the times I've gone to IRL pony meets and cons I have been subject to some absolute wild shit I thought only existed in whiny tumblrina blogs
I wish I could go to mare fair but it's a thousand miles away and my vehicles are old and weak
Road trip with somebody else. Or take a plane
if only i knew someone locally who would want to do such a road trip :(
Go to the Mare Fair thread, say "hey, I am from this area, anyone wanna pick me up?"
Hearing so many foids are going, I'm regretting my decision to not go.
I want horsefucker wife.
i want to go to marefair with my lover just to mog on you all and maybe attack someone if im feeling special
I probs still wont go bc it's in florida
humidity doesn't sit well with me since I've lived in a dry state most of my life
They got AC like, everywhere in the con center
I can't even find the damn mare fair thread, and I even stooped to the level of searching the catalog page for "mare fair"
I want to go to Mare Fair but I'm broke and don't have a room
Not up right now since it dropped off earlier today. Probably coming up again soon
AC doesn't eliminate humidity from the air
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that makes sense, I'll probably post this image and ask if any western maryland anons want to ride a thousand miles south in a 1990 crown victoria

....but more realistically even if I do go to mare fair someday it probably won't be this year
Isn't that the whole point of air CONDITIONING? It isn't just a cooler but also handles humidty?
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the invention of modern day AC was developed for that specific purpose
let me rephrase, AC doesn't 100% eliminate humidity from all of the air that I will be exposed to inevitably, and going from a place that literally doesn't average more than 23% humidity to a place that regularly averages 70-90% humidity will most definitely make me feel like shit and make it difficult to enjoy the con as a whole
Now that I can agree with, summertime for me basically means going from one air conditioned space to another and trying not to die between them
ok gilded
yeah well I'm gonna go to marefair and have my lover beat up your lover
good luck hes so fucking big
I'm going to mare fair
ok poochie
so's mine uwu
ok pumpkin
Am I in the wrong thread? Who gives a fuck about some furry convention?
I want popen.
Half of the regulars are going to be meeting up and getting hammered together
>>41248509 This you?
Last year by my count there were at least 23 opg anons that came.
I'm sorry anon but the 2024 national popen clique convention is happening this marefair. If you aren't there, I'm afraid it's over for you.
Sounds about right, it's already ovah for me
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What is (You)r favorite piece of popen clothing
Mares in panties hhhh
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I prefer popens without clothing, but if they are clothed, normal mare panties.
“Mare fair this, mare fair that”
Nopopen coming to the gala? Other than red that is
I'm not in europe :(
Imagine the smell... I want to steal mare panties.
You can have mine.
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we almost all fell for hinds ass
wait till you see what i did to toppy's ass
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I still fucking got it
Nice balls, bro.
If this isn’t on a shirt in the group notices by tomorrow morning, I will be so disappoint in you all
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saved png from after game
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Here is today's Marebox archive!
I like that one
Literally the only stallion (on the right) I’d do.
>having to specify
Pony civilization has fallen
Bitwise, Deeraw, Red, Copper, Staffie.
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This, of course.
But in general, raincoats and glasses always do look good.
lace underwear.
Camarea's most dedicated cam operator
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Today we'll finish Don't hug me I'm scared, and then watch the movie Eega (The Fly, an Indian action movie by the director of RRR. It's going to be a ride). 11AM SLT at the hangout!

dl: we . tl/t-PTmD7NS3zc
probably more than you think, seems like the numbers are going to be higher this year
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Hoofball and movies at the same time it's so over
Oops I missed that. We'll do no preshow then, we start at 12 SLT or so after hoofball ends.
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t. fellow boomer
I generally enjoy the music tetsu plays
i wanna cum inside that minuette
The Pegasus is approaching!
sometimes these stream moments remind me of those mirror-like mall windows where women stop and check their makeup in not realizing there's dozens of people behind the glass standing in line at the checkout
I absolutely use camarea quite often in that way.
Checking if my avatar is showing correctly to others or if it got fucked up by some changes.
is there anypony that could help me make a necromancer cutiemark for my pony that is a skull with an arcane rune on it?
Do not stare directly at the pegasus.
There's something about seeing yourself from another's perspective that is just fun.
do you want it g4 style? and what rune?
i still occasionally have that "ma I'm on tv" feeling when I see myself in the camarea stream even though it is absolutely fucking retarded
yes and the rune of corruption.
can i get a ref of this rune
But that's a mare
For a sec I thought the chopper was about to enter a portal to another dimension
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Thanks, anon
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here i attempted to sketch up some pony skulls, i know the rune is backwards on a few of them, but lmk if you like the stylization of these at all, if you do ill do a solid colour lineless version to make it look like a proper cutiemark. if you dont like them I also understand, you likely have a different vision in mind than I. i dont really know how to feel about these sketches myself.
you can also use the dissectible figures for skull reference as it's shown as they fit actually inside pony heads
I've used them as reference before since the skulls in the show are a little goofy looking
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it looks really good i really like em i would love to have it as my cutie mark
the last one is my fav
this reminds me of the skeleton pony
not popen rigged though
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NTA but thanks for the reference images of pony skulls it was the only thing between me and making this image
>watching the garden channel on camarea
>changes to the sports station
It's like real tv
Watching Flower water the flowers was super cute
PBR nuked my framerate
Why are you still wearing the alpha hud?
cause it lets me hide and show parts of my body when I need to. You dont need to wear the op alpha clothing to use it
Hiding both the UI AND the HUD gives me a 10fps boost.
You still had your HUDs visible so try these:

SHIFT+ALT+U to hide the UI
SHIFT+ALT+H to hide the HUDs

To make them all show again of course simply repeat those hotkeys
what the fuck, this is how sl looks and works now? I remember back in the 2010s you could barely do anything without a one or two seconds of delay.
seeing this type of high speed gameplay and even with cute ponies is really cool
modern hardware also completely overpowers the 2003 jank. But I have been told that I have abnormally high fps so don't take it as the norm I would say
>20 viewers
Was it ever this high?
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Wet mane Myrtle
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I want to clean this mare tenderly and brush her mane to remove all the spiders
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I didnt have bits on fake news
>missed hoofball and shower sexo because I was taking a REAL shower
wtf sad
Wh-what did Snorm do
Havok soon
staredown between lilac trails and camarea2.
who will win
thx for camarea nudging albatross
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My havok wars in bio
check group notices for free 5 nukes on your HQ
come play havok with us!
Did I miss yet ANOTHER popen orgy?
>popen orgy
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i see. still, a ton has happened and i'm also amazed by the amount of details that are possible now like in >>41251823 .
now looking at screenshots is actually fun while back then it was more or less only to just document happenings.
Cute baker pone, and nice pictures!
THAT'S bad frames for you???
Jesus Crhist i should unironically retire from hoofball until i get a better computer.
It's one of the fastest ponies among us so no wonder Snorm is not satisfied with anything less but the highest performance possible.
Our sources say Firestorm is currently averaging 0.01 on the Snorm scale which is pretty damn bad. A steep drop from 0.015. A computer and Second Life viewer that can reach the maximum of 1 on the Snorm scale does not exist yet.
im pretty sure the video is sped up
unf camarea getting cleaned <3
based on the movement, no, it doesn't look like it
hmm maybe. when i played not too long ago, it was a lot more laggy. maybe more was hapopening elsewhere in the sim
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This week in Havok: Pizza Peetzer Chaos Star Edition.
I want what they have, bros...
You're laughing. Robo lost his marefriend and you're laughing.
You act as if though Red were dead or something

But, does absence not make the heart grow fonder?

just imagine what the reunion will be like
Imagine the sex
Are there any good resources on rigging clothing to the OP?
if you're not afraid of pisscord, the official OP discord has resources on top of a bunch of people willing to help out for free
>im pretty sure the video is sped up
it's not
I really like that snow-white bappu. The look is so "simple" yet it really stands out and is cute
Camarea should be there to show the action
I loaf this pojy so much, bros.
I agree with you but I think they mean videos or tutorials... Sometimes you don't want to ask random strangers for help!
nta but i would really like more resources for that as well outside of discord.
i tried using the tutorial in the OP and it just didn't work for me. i don't think it's the video's fault but my beginner knowledge. would be great to have some slower and more detailed tutorials for popen beginners
unfortunately discord has a monopoly on communication and technical support for freelance projects so get bent lol!
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A good start would be learning basic modelling/rigging knowledge from generic blender tutorials then, if you're a beginner
then once you've got that down, you move on to working on the OP rig specifically
will do. i started learning basics initially,
but working with the OP got me inspired more so i jumped the gun a little
Yeah, knowing your way around the program more will deff help with better understanding what content is there for learning to create for the OP specifically
short of that, your best bet is to ask someone else for help, and they might be willing to walk you through it
That's how I learned blender, honestly, was watching others make stuff and asking questions as we went
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heres my shot at it, feel free to use it if you like it
thats so fuckin cool
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It's ice cream day! There's an ice cream party going on at the hangout right now if you want to celebrate. Better get some quick before it melts!
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why does flurry heart look like skrillex
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>not being able to join cause feeling fuckign sick. OVER
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>New HarmonyCon ARG uses the boop sound effect on their website
kek which one of you did this
It's from RWBY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZL4K8BsFqo
am i too late to join these popens
probably 15 since he's been working on every major pony website for the past year
Worry not, anon. You can go to the next event.
I miss literally everything through bad luck.
But I never give up, and you shouldn't either!
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I hate you florida and I hate you even more texas
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I have a request of you all.
If you've made a plushie (or other easily identifiable creation) of yourself and never distributed it through the freebie box, please toss it into the group notices with copy/mod at least.

I'm working on a project and I want to hide as many popen as popsible in it.
i am going to kill penis stroke
ok indigross
Does this include TTS name gestures? Ponies ask for a few of mine, but I don't think they're in the freebies area(?).
I have my name as a gesture, how do I get it put in with the freebies :o
sausage fingers typed this post
small dick energy
not using it
I'm sure someone would appreciate that, but that's not what I need.
What I'm looking for are physical representations of popen. (The low poly powy won't work for this unfortunately)
Is it possible to achieve this style of DoF in a viewer that isn't Black Dragon? Whenever I try using DoF, the blur either envelops everything, envelops everything that isn't the specifc area of the popen that I set as the focus, or is pretty much not there. Is there a way to make 1 to 3 entire popens be the focus of the DoF effect in Firestorm or Alchemy?
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You need to mess with the F number and focal length a bunch. It depends heavily on field of view and range of the observer to the target, as well as the target to the background.
snorm only looks happy in pictures I miss seeing her smile bros
Reshade might help there
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Reshade is what I use to tinker with DOF. It's a nice toolset to work with.
o-okay anon
The better question is why Skrillex looks like Flurry Heart
it looks great thank you
Where are the mares at?
Is it even good for popens to eat THIS MUCH ice cream. I mean look at the size of that thing!
what are you really looking to make, manes, clothes, rigged stuff... animations?
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Anon do you even watch the show?
I just think popens are more delicate.
Höre die Geigen, höre die Geigen
(Hey yo)
Die Feuer sind angezündet!
(Hey yo)
Folge dem Tanz, folge dem Tanz
In Baltimares Nacht
>getting plapped on the butt by a DOOR
why do popens have such a huge problem with automatic doors
I'd like to plap her butt with my hips.
So we got a green anon, a yellow anon and a red anon

All we need is a blue anon and a pink anon and we can form the mighty morphin anon rangers
go go indi go go!
We already have a blue (teal) anon
Just switched on the TV, wow what's going on?
Just a sexy mare
a horse celebrating the monday morning
im mesmerized by the horsemoves
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I din't eat anypony!!! It was a gift from kezzie
Never mind then.
>someone is manually spinning the camarea
>start feeling dizzy
i wonder if flubber knows that the world is now staring at flubberbutt
It is a very elegant butt. Delicate even.
Thanks for saying so anon!
10/10 am sexo again
Imagine getting CLOWNED in broad daylight
thanks indi!
a cow frog
fuck we're getting spun again
ambitiously i'd like to do all of the above but realistically i am working on rigged accessories and manes right now. i am going to take the advice of learning basic rigging before getting into rigging for the OP for now!
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sleepy ponies
is there a name yet for the ponies who help camarea get into position?
camarea pushers? camaera nudgers? camarea operators?
in any case, they are all CUTE and I love them.
Camarea Wranglers
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attention whores

captcha: p0nyna
Attention Whorses, anon. You had one job.
Do you not see the captcha? It didn't want me to ponify it.
its me i am the pony north america
Does anyone have the POV picture of all the mane six having lunch. From that one interview episode.
in like 70% of the times you can't even really see who is nudging. you see a nosetip or hoofas
Except when they then post about it in the thread how they have grooming instincts about anonfilly
have been thinking about making a pink anon. maybe now i should?
is the updated dev kit for blender 4.x available somewhere?
i use the latest dev kit with blender 4 and avoid bloat like avastar
the gazebo view was really lovely
>tfw I watch this more than tv
>Quick Info
>Blender 3.3-3.7 : get Avastar-3.6.2
Guys if you want up to date avastar do let me know. I've given up on blender so I have no idea if getting a new version is actually useful/needed or not
Thank you for participating in forced romancing, Camarea Viewer.
You're welcome!
Whenever sweetcakes isn't around velvet seems to gravitate to camarea, mare needs friends
I love velvet's cameos
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feesh photobomb
Frosty looking good
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she hot i love her
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this mare looks at you like this, WYD?
boop nose
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you've disabled the mare's power supply
B R E E D.
suck her cock, obviously
wtf anon she doesn't have a cock
in that case, very thorough breeding like the other anon said
How about vore instead of sex
nope I want to be raped
pls do not eat the mare, she'll give you indigestion
That mare does things to me. Her design is pretty basic, but her personality... wew...
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do tell me more, anon
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I'll just say that I wish I was Lumos here.
Who are you?
that's soff
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I miss soff
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We're starting Konosuba season 3 tonight at noon SLT, see you at the hangout!
Scootaloo at home
I don't see the resemblance, there's no chicken here
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nope, no chickens here
I miss you too, anon <3
MDE announcement (forgot to do this yesterday cause i was distracted and not feeling the hottest)

for this current MDE and the next one im gonna be extented them to 2 weeks in length for several reasons,
1 is the cons that are currently happening so as to give any anons that might be missing out a chance to contribute.
2 is to give anons more time work on there drawings or to give them enough time to have a chance to do so, not everyone is a quick enough drawer to do it in a week or be able to get it fully done in time
And 3 is to expirment to see if 2 weeks length is better then one (also gives me abit more time to just think up ideas incase im stumped

Though if unsatified with this let me know
what the fuck I was just wondering where the MDE announcement was and searched the thread to make sure I didn't miss it
hope you're doing better today

i'm not entirely sure how small the mde group is but personally a week makes it where i don't stall and don't them last minute but two weeks seems good if other anons need more time thank you for hosting them btw i always look forward to them
I wish.
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damn I wish I was there
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Can you lick/taste a cheetoid cloud...?
It's all tiny particles that settle in your nose/on your tongue. Very spicy.
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Best Glimmer pic ever. A masterpiece.
spinning the other is the most powerful argument.
prove me wrong.
Lewd poochie? No way!
I think glim was just tipsy. they probably had some drinks at that place
It's dangerous to dip in the pond.
All sorts of creatures live in there.
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she's so cute why did we let rara groom her
NEW! From Baltimare Snack Co.
The Flamin' Hot Cheetoid!

(Side effects may include: OPEN, POPEN, death, cuddles, diapering, shitposting, and forgetting you had a first life. Cheetoids are not for everyone, consult your doctor before use.)
I'll take 3
I accidentally spelled it "camarea" when I wrote to someone today but of course they'll just assume a typo
i love these screenshots, popens are funny beings
Just ask gilded to take her instead
These out of context screenshots are great, thanks anon(s)

Basically a glorious ball night where everyone who has a princess popen can show her off.
just imagine how many anons would get PRINCESSED that night
imagine the princest
I will come as a prince, and you cannot stop me.
I WILL impregnate every princess.
Also known as the night of the long necks
But what if I'm not a princess, just an alicorn
that's okay, you can be the princess fluffer.
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Drivers of Second Life, the group hosting the grid drives, sent out this notification earlier today.
oh well
so they ever do donation drives or events? i didn't even know they asked for donations. they probably don't get any because people don't know
It is not made extremely obvious, but there is hover text above the hud giver and you can right-click and pay it.
It is definitely not as obvious as some other groups or sims make it.
The old hud giver would also give you some items at certain amounts donated, but I forgot what the exact amounts were and don't really know if the new one still does.
So true, most probably never think much of it.
Copper and I went to check, and the hud giver does have text hovering over it asking for donations, but it's easy to tune out stuff like that. I know I usually do. They used to have a cool donation thing that would give out gift vehicles depending on how much you'd donated. Wish that was still around. I agree that they could've done more to spread awareness or held events or something to raise money if they really need it.
that's a shame. i hope someone reaches out to suggest that they mention donations and incentives more. the group is active enough to get donations, it's just easy to miss. i would be sad if they ended up going under over this, since there's definitely options
kill yourself
Is there a deadline? I'm away from my computer for a few days..
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damn crackvores
8/8 SOON
Python Mk II release?
No deadline, or rush at all, I just want to gather up as many popen as possible
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i just read "URGENT MDE" instead of "current mde" and was all wtf
OP Vore Hud release date.
very cozy
>look at piercing right through one’s mother
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extremely cute ponies
extremes cutey ponlies
I've been thinking of a royals event with princesses, nobles and guards for a while now.
That's actually the deer hunter's sniping trajectory
it's gonna be a big orgy this year~
>Sunshiniero: I have some concerns.
That escalated extremely fast.
ty anon

ty anon i hope you recover from your stroke soon
extremely cute fillies
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"Hey newpone, wanna buy some high quality..."
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the newfag gooning ritual
>a sugar cube sliding around an ice cube
Are you a day or night popen? Which windlight setting do you prefer?
what is a windlight
basically your environment setting. you can either use the default one provided by the sim you're currently hanging out or use one from the list. you can also make your own or edit existing ones.
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>sit down with group of popens
>get kicked in the face 20 times by one of them
>they all get up and walk away
>start booping each other
how could popens be like this
it's a doggydog world
That pony is ASKING for correction.
I love wandering around the sim at night but it also makes me sleepy really fast
put a reflection probe down
It's BLU in there
It's all fun and games until someone gets a reflection probe up his ass
do I need glasses or is flimsy long now?
princess flimsestia?
never mind, my viewer was being retarded
Trying to make an EP pony, the box doesn't give me anything when I click colt or filly
EP's unpacker doesn't open for some reason. To get its contents, just Edit the box, go to the Contents tab, and drag the items directly to your inventory.
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snorm died for our sins
Tired of SL lately
tired of living lately
I'm a shared environment popen. Synced up day cycle all the way - it'd just be weird to wander around at night while it's midday for everyone, or conversely gallivant around in full dayight while everyone else is settling down for nighttime

Old name for what most viewers now call "environment settings" (or sometimes "sky settings"), but everyone still uses the ancient term for it
the correct term is actually EEP (Environmental Enhancement Project)
>fluttershy got hired as a project manager at LL
Me too. I was talking to some other popens about it but fuck even in SL I feel shitty about myself.
likewise. still enjoy being in sl to see the popens run around but barely interacting anymore. just wanted to say you're not alone
I'm loving life and most of the ponies that have been awful to me are suffering so win/win
It do be like that lately don't it
>Loves everypopen
>Still suffering
you should come to a militia raid with us ^:)
Is it possible to hire this mare to water my garden?
I have a lot of flowers
I'd just ask the mare. Gardens and flowers that need help? She's the mare for the job.
As we all know mare is for care
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Sure. I might even do it >for free.
>it suddenly turns to night for some reason
>popens are getting confused
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She fucking did it time is accelerating
oh fuck
what does this say I don't speak taiwanese
Many have tried, none survived.
something about sped up popen footage is very entertaining
At first back in 2023 I used it to squeeze as much as possible of the action into the very limited webm format but I'm amazed how well it works with popens in general.
Lavender looks ready to POLLINATE somepopen.
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What could Lumi want from the Crystal Court?
Doppler effect is SL's greatest feature

>Nutsy holding down scream and running around baltimare
>Sounds like a siren coming and going
>giant slab of plywood suddenly appearing in front of cam
i totally expected some sign to materialize
have 225 cards
zero foils
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incase you didnt see the notice
free box of stuff I've made for baltimare and SL in general over the last two years, there's an in world box in the freebie area in the hangout too that gives it out
has 100 full perm mesh things in it. from small mesh decorations to fully textured pieces of baltimare's infrastructure.
figured there was no reason I couldnt share all this stuff, rather than letting it all gather dust in my own inventory for the rest of forever
Awesome, thank you!
This will also come handy when I finally get my shit together and get a parcel
I like how absurdly rare they are.
makes them more special
if I printed stickers of popens would there be interest here to buy them
as long as I get a sticker of my popen. Show style popen stickers perhaps?
270 cards. Same.
>Show style popen stickers perhaps?
I was thinking of doing some memey things with some quotes, in my own artstyle, maybe
Do show? are you selling them at mare fair?
I don't have any concepts yet, playing with the idea presently
>are you selling them at mare fair?
I can't make it to mare fair, unfortunately
I'd be setting up an online shop for them and shipping them myself
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holy shit absolutely based
I love you tea so much I wish I was in your timezone so I wouldn't just stumble across you whenever I'm drunk or dead tired
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I would definitely buy some
thanks for the rescue derpy!
(You) can pollinate MY flower.
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He's so annoying; I hate him. Truly.
Popens just don't understand the concept of an eclipse
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War is happening
please be aware that war is very much happening
Friendship is magic and magic is heresy.
That being said the SLMC group Chaos has been very helpful in giving us gear so we can do recreational war while we work on our own, so we work with them gladly.
Aren't the Chaos groups closely affiliated with Kakuma and his faggots?
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fuck no lol, good on you for pulling that outta your ass
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>popen stares at camarea
>I reach out my human self hand and boop through the monitor
anyone else feeling like this
this but with my hoof instead
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Miss you, popens.
get better aim
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>shopping in the MP
>find item that might be of interest
>See item in Second Life
>TP to shop
>seeing that item in world is just looking at the same picture of it that was on the MP, plastered onto a wall
Thank you, very cool
Watching popens put a puzzle together is so relaxing
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Camarea crashed
someone ping the pooch plox
their internet crashed, can't be fixed till they're off from work, unfortunately :(
Those damn intertubes!
why's he wearing goth lipstick
what a fruit
Soff you horny fuck
Popenormal Activity.
I want to believe.
The Popen Files
unf. how do i get you to draw my popen
Camarea live!
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For all the popens going to gala, see you soon, as for the rest of you, loaf you, be back soon(ish)
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For a sec I thought he became a gear stick but then I realized it's a modern car and he's just sitting in a smartphone hole.

Safe travel and have fun!
>romantic date with fluttershy
dude is living the dream
Im coming!
Waiting for flight
Awesome, thanks!
What can we do about the balding epidemic
Time for Anon to shine
subversive nigger
no you :)
This is what a 90 year old gooner's hands looks like
elaborate or die
Or the hand of a guy who drove manuel for 90 years
I told you dumping all those uranium rods in the water supply was a bad idea
Worked for Kit
Who is Manuel and why is some 90 year old driving him
Manuel is the guy who hates it when things go autotragic
my car is automagic
usually you get art from someone by paying them money

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