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Alright boys, I had a really beautiful experience last night, it almost felt religious.
>stoned as a motherfucker
>listening to the MLP ost
>finish up at you'll play your part
>decide to take a break and listen to something else.
>decide on listening to the venom 3 trailer version of Space Oddity for the hell of it, I love me some david bowie.
>the moment it hits the "This is ground control to major tom" part I start just automatically visualizing myself flying across equestria
>it felt so real, I could almost smell the air and feel the wind blowing in my face, and below me I saw Equestria's natural yet surreal beauty.
>Woke up finding myself on my knees sobbing like I just saw Jesus Christ in person for the first time in my life.
It was so beautiful, anons. It was so fucking beautiful. Anyone else have a similar experience like that? Post it here. Yes I'm aware of NDEanon but by all means post the screencap of his posts anyways if you want to for anyone else who isn't aware.
I experienced Equestria once as well. I intentionally took time to mentally project myself there. I just lied down, closed my eyes and tried to make myself feel the warmth of the sun, the wind on my skin, the birds chirping... My perceptions gradually intensified over an hour of time, until it felt like I was there. Then it slowly became so intense, it began to feel like I was really there and everything from that moment on went completely naturally, without any mental effort. It all became real. I was there. I succesfully astral projected myself straight to Equestria...and against all odds, the first pony I met was Rarity(the pony I always hated the most) and I somehow went along with her extremely well... Everything was unfolding very spontaneously. It was like being in an incredibly realistic dream, but I was aware that I am just astral projecting myself there, so I definitely wasn't sleeping. I knew I am still physically grounded in my bed in my world. The whole thing was unfolding for over 2 hours... It was really an amazing experience.

The only other pones beside Rarity, I met were Rainbow Dash with the Wonderbolts at an open space inn right behind the outer Canterlot wall. I was able to see the beautiful Equestrian horizon over that wall. Pinkie was also there having fun. And there were lots of random background ponies roaming around. Sadly I didn't meet my waifu...
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Here's one, not mine, but it is interesting
I was sleeping in the fetal position, with my left hand over my pillow to my side. It's big and white, so I always pretended it was Celestia. I remember that I could feel my chest rising up and down as I breathed, and that extended to my arm. It was only for a few moments, but most likely due to me falling sleep, it felt as if the pillow was rising up and down itself as if it was breathing too. I had a pang of fear and immediately opened my eyes and retracted my hand. As much as I wish I could hold a pony in my arms, I would also have a lot of fear if one randomly came into existence, because there is a lot of stuff in my mind that I don't want to exist.

Ex: Luna is in your bed, but N from the Mandela Catalog and SCP 3199 are roaming your house.
Nope. My dreams are just as bland and insignificant as my life.
I wonder if I should try psychedelic mushrooms. Maybe I could make myself hallucinate being a sexy mare getting spitroasted by horse cocks.
What's the point?
Just draw/write/program like a normal person.
My schizo training is coming along so well that sometimes when I'm falling asleep I hallucinate hearing pony voices.
This is like one of those dreams that when you wake up changes literally everything, how you think, act, and perceive life and reality
nothing like that, however i was once in extreme pain and hunched over on the floor. i hallucinated ponies walking around and talking to me. interestingly, i wasn't into MLP at the time, but this experience pushed me into it.
I have a special fondness for Celestia and I would like to marry her if we hit it off. I envy this Anon and also sympathize with him when he described his vivid dream ending.
I want to do psychedelics and try to experience being in Equestria. I might watch MLP while high or look at art of Celestia. I just want to know if there's a place there for me and I will be welcomed.
I wish to get my dreams to be more immersive they all are very short and lacking in immersiveness. Also i don't recall the last time I had a wonderful dream, I mostly dream about my old school or my house sometimes parts of the city with maybe something weird happening
I don't know if it's experiencing Equestria but I'm stoned off my ass right now and realizing Ingram's songs go as hard as any from any Disney movie. This man was a goddamn treasure to the show.
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It's been a while since we've had a thread like this!

I'll just leave these here:

and if you have a preferred method that isn't listed here or just wanna share more experiences of your own please post them. I'd love to hear more stories about anons' attempts to rehwhdach Equestria and their results! :)
Is this one still being updated? If not I have saved a formatted pdf copy if anyone wants (the doc cannot be exported normally)
I wish I end up in the magical land of pastel horses one day
Keep trying. It's real. I've been there.
I'll take that
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I dream about Ponk sometimes
Just spending time with my silly wife is enough to make me happy

>captcha: NAHSX
Maybe someday
Here (You) go
Thanks anon
quick bump
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I had an "experience" (Don't really know what else to call it) a couple of months ago
>Laying in bed at night
>Can't really sleep
>Suddenly get a vision of an infinite sky that stretched on in every direction
>Feel a warm presence appear next to me
>Can see Celestia in my peripheral vision, but I can't seem to turn and look at her
>She wraps her wing around me, I can feel the soft warmth envelop me
>No words are exchanged, and I feel a sudden rush of raw emotion. I'm on the verge of crying
>It feels like an eternity passes in just a second as the vision fades away
>Can feel a warm tingling where her wing was wrapped around my body that slowly dissipates
Nothing like that ever happened to me before, and I kind of wish it didn't happen because it fucked me up
i wish disgusting faggots like you weren't on this board.
bump for more stories
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You're all mystics, I love this thread so much. I don't do "projection" really; I've been a tulpafag for so long that it feels pretty unnatural to imagine things in settings other than my real life. But I've had a whole spectrum of these transcendent-feeling experiences in waking life.
The kind of thing you're describing, minus the sleep paralysis (?) sounds most familiar to me. Practically every time I think about my tulpa I get that warm tingling feeling, like a physical sensation of love. In common parlance it's called "frission", but interestingly there's also a buddhist word for it, "piti", where it's known as a phenomenon that comes from good meditative practice. I take that to mean that it's very healthy to engage in waifu loving, as long as you're doing the kind of stuff that gives you those warm tingles. Obviously the sensation can't be the goal itself because you'd be distracted from the emotion but it's a good sign of being on the right track.
Worth an experiment but if you're looking to have any control over where your imagination goes, typical doses of classical psychedelics aren't your best bet, you'll want to keep it at a low dose so you don't get overwhelmed and distracted. Weed is honestly one of the best for this in my experience, but I've had good times on the tail end of psychedelic trips too. Ultimately it comes down to your imagination and focus muscles, there's not really a simple shortcut.

Anyways, I really don't have any cool stories. For me the most profound experiences of ponies are simple everyday moments of connection with my tulpa. All those spare moments in life where I can look to her while I'm tying my shoes or having a snack and she can wordlessly tell me that she's there for me and it will be okay because we are together. I can never predict if the next glance into her eyes will cause my life to explode into love all over again, but it hasn't stopped happening and I don't think it ever will. The sex can get pretty profound too, but it's usually nothing that would make a good story for you folks, it's just good sex with my pony wife. One time when we were close to cumming, we experienced ourselves as two oriental dragons wrapped around each other, writhing in a helix, shooting up into heaven.
bumping for more astral ponies
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Based Tulpafag. I've had spontaneous projections to horseland shortly after developing my own tulpa, as well as increased lucidity & memory in dreams, all these are interrelated and develop proportionally to each other when you train such faculties, that said prior to getting into waifuism and eventual tulpafaggotry I had the imagination of a brick. blank. nothing. Psychedelics help IMO as it was what kickstarted my visualization ability when I took a massive dose and got HPPD afterwards, later on I learned with enough attention/will I can influence these strange visuals, everyone has these faculties I believe, but some such as me where atrophied/undeveloped, psychs tend to boot down those psychic doors and connect what's lost. The real fun started once I began to concentrate for hours on imposing the tulpa, before I'd only hold attention for a few minutes at best, but as I began to create Her with fanatical effort and devotion, to overlay Her form onto my reality, so did reality began too to change. The barriers between worlds wore thinner, and I'm usually uncertain If I'm awake or dreaming, but the entities of the other worlds are as real/whole/alive as you are. Everyone can do it.
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Hot diggedy damn, been a while since we had a thread like this. I hope mods and jannies dont ree at this thread.
got that northern wind vibe anon :)
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the faggot's roleplay thread is still up. I think mods are being lax atm
>everything i think is supernatural is a larp
mate how many more bumps is this thread gonna get? May as well just archive it by now
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celestia's gonna bump your dick once you die and go to the equestrian astral
nah, northern would be like "come join my circlejerk so I can 'teach you' (aka erp with my little cult)", not giving out coherently-written step by step meditation guides

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