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Previous thread:>>41142713

Welcome to the Thread! Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison! To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here >> https://ponepaste.org/7630
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Oooooooo she's stealing the new thread
liddle shid
Pre bed boop
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have a boop
she has a sick bed
How would kinderponies react to Bluey and the like? Sacred texts on how to live life? Just entertaining? Some third thing?
it's probably the most 'adult' show there is
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This would probably happen in kinderquestria
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Don't let the kinder ponies fool you they are very cunning creatures
It'll never work, Bonnie! You're a hall monitor, I'm a delinquent!
>Anon's "Extreme MTG" sounded a lot more fun that it ended up being.
>Brainpower in Kinderquestria translates into physical attributes
>SciAnon immediately turns into a Martian with psychic powers upon his arrival
>Picrel he's chasing an escaped probee (filly needs her cootie shot)

A racecar bed would be twenty percent cooler.
>Rainbow Dash after reading the entire Daring Do series
Will Rainbow's head shrink every time a Daring Do book gets released?
Exactly how much would it destroy kinderquestria if i showed them the movie The Plague Dogs?
completely and utterly
No it'll just keep growing forever
Kinderquestria doesn't allow any truly world-ending anomalies to exist. The movie will be rewritten to be about a bunch of dogs in plague doctor masks who go around punching giant germs and teaching lessons about hygiene.
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Kinderpony brains cannot handle tragedy of that magnetude. It would short circuit and the pony would just forget it happened. All they would feel is some kind of nagging thought that something really bad and sad had happened, but being unable to remember it they would just brush it off and carry on with their lives. All those drawings aren't just going to color themselves, you know.
Kinderfillyguides: Same as normal, or the only competent military in Kinderquestria?
Hitler youth equivalent
Huh. I can kinda see it. Following rules and selling cookies is hardcore fascist shit.
I don't think I would be able to resist buying their whole stock of apple fritters
I like the idea of alien pones that act the same as regular kinderpones, just with more advanced tech.
>SCP-7601 but with Rainbow Dash
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Silver Spoon is a big filly, she's allowed to play adult games like Sonic, or Putt Putt Goes to the Moon.
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pre bed boop
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a cute kirin
I wanna make her pout so I can roast marshmallows over her.
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Kirin Moon Mission
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>She doesn't know hose water tastes the best
It kind of bothers me that she's not actually watering the plant that's in front of her
Obviously she's watering a seedling, no pony would be silly enough to waste water like that. Obviously.
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Super cute, but I'm gonna pic-related you.
*the only /thing/ I wish I had

(me in the back, btw)
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Sleeping bag for sleeping bug
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I guess you can stay they are cuddle bugs
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What did she do?
Abused countless loopholes and bribable officials to raise the drinking age for soda to, and I quote, "The current age of the eldest princess plus one year."
Reader's choice as to whether she's just plain evil or if she lost her parents to tooth decay and this is her misguided way of dealing with the grief.
that is cartoonishly evil
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heinous filly
>Ponies can't drive
>She just right clicked an NFT
>Flim and Flam's dastardly plan is averted
>Cozy Glow's sentence is remitted, including the additional charge for escaping
>She is now accidentally the hero
What'll happen if you connect the dots?
an interesting path of redemption for this filly.
you are automatically a genius!
Should I write one of those formulaic prison greens? I love those so much
>Should I write-
Wrong question.
>I love those so much
Yes. Write what is fun to write. Topic suggestions:
Whatever passes for a conjugal visit
Mystery Hay Lunch
Passing Notes
Chain Gang
Ive had an idea for awhile now. an Anon from a not so great earth ends up there. maybe a worldwide disaster. some sort of guy who lived an actual hard life ending up there and having to deal with what they consider big issues and how simple and easy life is. I'm not sure where to begin or how to write that. I've had a pretty cushy life desu..
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I'm doing something. its gonna be shit but I'm trying
Special Agent War Crimes (name changed to Banana Pie postwar, for obvious reasons)
>gives u a banan
>Eats the banan flesh
>I now possess a class 1 assault peel
>Through no fault of my own I am now on the run from the hall monitors
Fucking ATF (Bureau of Arboreals, Tomaters and Froots)
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Imagine a world without the ATF
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>Cozy does roughly the same thing she does in the show and is about to be turned to stone.
>Anon intervenes and asks if he can take a whack at correcting the evil filly.
>Having the memory of a gold fish, Cozy forgets she was just cowering before the princesses ready to turn her to stone and starts giving a spiel about how she'll never be a good filly and she'll take over Equestria one day.
>Anon asks Pinkie for a stool that she provides from her mane and Rarity for a brush which she provides.
>Mid sentence, Anon grabs Cozy, sits, slings her over his knee, and just starts paddlin' away at her rump.
>The crowd gasps in horror at the violence before them, Cozy is screaming in anguish, tiny wings buzzing helplessly to try and pull away from Anon's iron grip as tears and snot are running down her face.
>Every whack is punctuated by a word.
"You. Do. Not. Try. To. Take, Over. Equestria! Very. Bad. Filly!"
>When he's done, Cozy is listless, sniffling pathetically.
"Now, are you going to keep being bad? I can do this all day."
>"No! N-no! P-p-please! I'll be g-good! J-just don't hurt me anymore!"
"Good," Anon says coldly, yet still setting her down gently.
>A Nurse runs forward and takes the filly away, all animosity forgotten as the image of a crying and injured foal sets off every ponies protective herd instincts.
>Some even want to arrest Anon, though are too afraid of the brush still in his grasp.
>A brush he points threateningly towards Chrysalis and Tirek who had watched in stunned silence until now.
"Who's next..." he growls.
>Both yelp and scramble to put the other in front of them.
>"We surrender! We surrender! We'll be good! Promise!"
>Thus the day is saved.
>Though Cozy only uses combs from then on.
>Celestia witnesses the first spanking since before the windegos were banished
>An utterly vile and profane act
>Yet performed by a loyal servant in the service of sugar, spice and all that is nice
>Worse still, the victim seemed almost grateful for such abuse after the initial shock wore off
>She thanked Anon for not giving up on her
>Invited him to her wedding
>He's the godfather to her foals
And that's how Daybreaker was born. Not by the stress of rulership, but by a spark of moral flexibility

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