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Sluttifying (You) against your will!

Check out our KINO slutty story archive!

Previous Sluttery: >>41222145
We should slutpost even harder and maybe have someone keep watch overnight
Someone pushed dzg off too
Can pretty much guarantee it was all the same loser page 10 bump camping then making slide threads

When she can still fit in her school uniform, Goddess of Sex feels so ultra-slutty she wants all the men to make her more the whore she already is:
Is this what happens in canterslut college? You apply to what you think is a typical place of learning and before you know it you end up being turned into a horny slut?
They put estrogen and aphrodisiacs in the food and drinks for a reason
Lab-made science to alter nature-made science
jesus christ this image is terrible
...Probably worth it, their costs are practically nonexistent and after the mandatory stripping classes you can also make some good side money.
Wew that sounds like fun
Jesus Christ this opinion is terrible
And those with wrong opinions don't deserve (you)s. As this pic was posted in the previous thread with no wrong opinions about such, you're a tourist that deserves to be feminized
Jesus Christ, this image is sexy.
>those tits
I wanna bury my face in them

Celestia: “Ara~ ara~!”
Moondancer (or >>41253687
): “You’re not a MILF, you’re not even a mother.”
Celestia: “Oh, you’ll be calling me ‘Mommy’ by the end of the lesson~!”
Avoided these threads for a long time...

Why? I've missed out on so much bros...
Welcome! We’ve got a frequent anon who puts a : in every post
We’ve got a much less frequent writeslut anon who puts a couple dozen ~ in every post
And a bunch of us are really horny
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>against your will
Oh no! Please don't turn me into a degenerate horny slut...
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Turn me into any of these sluts and it won't be against my will.
...and >>41253788 is in need of forced feminization
My dick is certainly ready for the lesson
Would you transform my clothes first or my body first?
all this feminization talk and there’s a surprising lack of feminization greens
someone please get to it!

I wouldn't as I'm only interested in fucking the EqG sluts but Shaven Raven - this hot meganekko slut - would:

...and I would fuck her tits while she's whoring... I mean wearing a dress so reminiscent of THAT one Rariwhore almost wears when she's having her cleavage ravaged by men's dicks such as my thick & veiny one

Quite the busty bespectacled OC whore she is, eh...?!
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Jesus Christ 41254205 needs to be fixed
He’s performing the battle cry of a defeated twink who has no cards left to deal, and knows he’s about to start getting non-consensually stripped any moment now
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Diamond Tiwhorea showing off her tanlines and her cunt that needs a good hard dicking & wombfilling :

Got damn that pic is unf
Rule 63 shining armor does things to me
i wish i looked like that in that exact outfit
i'd be so busy "accidentally" flashing my panties everywhere i go
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Seconding these!



>derpibooru exclusive

Meanwhile, heart eyes has this Pinkiewhore and she's showing her covered cunt. There's a party going on in this slut's panties and she wants you to cum_ :
I wanna titfuck her too, damn
Bumbity for Rumpity

Like her sister Rariwhore, Slutty Belle is hungry for dicks:
I love those braless nipples of hers poking through her top in this pic
Fortunately, I doubt she would have much trouble satiating that hunger.
Btw, what is y'all lots alt-name for the CMC?
Slutty Belle loves to lewd up other whores too:
Moar Silver Spoon pls

Ask, and you shall receive more Silvwhore Spoon:
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you want to be a feminized little slut, don't you?
time to dress like one!
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i pray to the slut goddess
please let me wake up in slut world in that body
I love dresses that were just designed to malfunction
You have done me a great favor anon. How may I repay you?

Just enjoy the pics of Silvwhore Spoon. That's all I ask...!:
I’m praying the same for you
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I want to do unholy things to adult Silver Spoon
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Rariwhore has decided to give her sister extra help with her studies. Now fueled with aphrodisiacs from Canterslut High, and from home, Slutty Belle is thirstier than ever for cock
God I want to fuck these sluts so much
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That growth spurt really got her male classmates getting hard in their pants for her soft bouncy shirt stuffers
>Sweetie Belle forgets to wear a bra one day and it drives the boys WILD for her
>They decide to meat her after school
>They decide to meat her

I see what you did there...

...and Slutty Bell sees who they're about to do, and not only to her tits :
unf, that is an utterly whorish bikini bottom
i wish that were me wearing that
Y’all guys don’t really want to be feminised right?
NTA but at least a good amount of us posting that are just playing it up that way cause it’s hot.
i really like crossdressing
why so few feminization greens though?? i need more
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>Y’all guys don’t really want to be feminised
Hey, if it was good enough for Rudi Giuliani when he was in women's clothing ...!

...and Maywhore Mare is good enough for me to give her a good seeing-to when she's whoring... I mean wearing seamed stockings & fuck-me heels, she always gets my dick's vote:
This website is essentially the shitpost capitol of the world so I couldn’t tell ya
But Slutposting is fun as fuck
>Sweetie Belle heads to the beach
>With a bunch of friends from school
>But it’s not Applebloom nor Scootaloo
>She’s with a bunch of her male classmates who’ve been wanting to sit next to her at lunch for some reason
>They slowly became her “boyfriends” and gradually got touchy feely with her
>They want to “treat her like a queen” while summer vacationing with her
>Which includes helping her into her swimsuit
>Sweetie Belle takes an extra aphrodisiac before meeting with her strong boyfriends who noticed her B cup size naturally increase to a D cup in recent years
>She brought her older smaller bikini to see if it still fits
>Her “boyfriends” watch her busty rack softly give off a jiggle from inside her top while walking together
>And those smooth soft thighs delicately half covered by that thin little skirt that’ll be easy to remove
>Letting the male gaze explore her, Sweetie Belle knows her new boyfriends are getting hard for her
>She sees it in their pants
>Her entourage of cock escorts her into the changing booth
>Already cupping her soft boobs and buttcheeks in their hands, giving Sweetie Belle a few light squeezes
>They start calling her Slutty Belle as the door locks them all inside together
Listen, this place is horny as hell. You have to put in your time alright, everyone has to put in their time.
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why kill myself when there's so much fun to be had as femme?
I only said I slutpost in my post. You’re so livid that you can barely read lmao.
Haha. Fair enough. I can’t talk tbf, I used to crossdress as a teen - don’t tell anyone ;)
It’s probably good that you stopped but it’d still be kinda hot to pretend you didn’t stop and then Cadance goddess of love and lust came in and used slut magic to make your body actually match those clothes you like to wear so much sometimes
I love super small bikini tops
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you should start crossdressing again
Turboslut and Stage Slut are about to lewd up each other:
god i love whores in leotards

More of these whores in leotards:

...and expect many leotards in the gymnastics in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Turboslut and Stage Slut have won gold in Synchronised Lewding while whoring... I mean wearing such here:
Hehehe, I doubt that I will
That said though I kinda sucked my friend's dick last night (first time trying anything like that) and now I'm feeling kinda conflicted, so who really knows any more
oh, i think your friend would appreciate it very much if you got dolled up for future blowjobs
Unf that’s kinda hot
Don’t go overboard but don’t fight against this fun chapter in your life either
I want to make out with another slut in a leotard as we expose each other’s tits and push them together~!
>sucked my friend's dick
How did that come about?
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>tfw no fren to suck your pp
When you have slutty tendencies it just kinda... happens...
At a sleepover thingy with a few friends. With one of them I regularly share clop, and this night when the others were fast asleep we were still up checking out eachother's collections.
Next we ended up watching a couple porn vids (for about half an hour), then I kinda as a joke lay in his bed next to him and we had a very tight cuddle for a rather long time (over half an hour I'd guess). We ended the cuddle with him kissing my forehead. Then I returned to my bed, which was next to his, and I asked him to shove his fingers in my throat, and I basically gave him a blowie on his fingers. This processed to full on smooching with a lot of tongue, which then processed to me sucking his cock. Unfortunately, out of fear of waking up others we only did a very short "teaser".

Ngl, I have no clue how I ended up doing it, since I am and have always been straight. It kinda just ended up that way.
>tldr: Anon is indeed a faggot
Once you start going into lewd territory in person and responsive chemistry starts happening, there is no turning back from the slippery slope. Your libido very gradually takes over for the moment, because you're really responding to signals sent to you. The longer it goes on, the more comfortable you get, and the urges can even get strong enough to make you ignore your own sexuality.

It was the horny that did it.
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Sluttershy dressing all conservative in public settings but turning into a stripper everywhere else.

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