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Post about these two cute dorks
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Retard or Tsundere, the most difficult of crossroads...
Tsundere x Retard has to be the best yuri pair
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wdym "these two"?!
Adagio belongs to Sunset
Which one of them would be most likely to sneak out into an underground games and amusement club to play strip poker with characters from other franchises?
Aria for the first part, Adagio for the second
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Sisterly love!
Adagio looks fine, but what the hell is wrong with the other two's faces, especially Sonata?
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interesting position, girls
orange fish does not appreciate her spotlight being stolen
Aria for sure
their faces are a little high up on their faces, makes their chins look too big
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>interesting position, girls
Meant for >>41254687
Imagine both of them sucking your dick at the same time
>she does furry now
She's gone.
10 years of content isn't enough for you huh
Die a hero or live long enough to become a furry kind of deal.
So what's the deal? Is /dzg/ just done now?
/mlp/, and this site in general, is done. Traffic has been slowing down for years now
Someones been sliding threads as well.
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No matter how cute the art style, Aria always got that booty. I love it.
Taking turns for each time. Imagine the slurping sounds as they swap spit of your dick.
So do they have weird fish dicks or what?
they have fish sticks
Adagio ditched them to work on her solo career.
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Would she be heavily masturbating during her break time?
She’s by herself surrounded by a bunch of wieners all day, of course she would.
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Now that's how they're getting it on. None of this sweet kissy-kissy stuff.
What does it mean if I don't mind then lezzing out circumstantially but can't stand people who are into yuri?
You hate yourself?
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It means you're beginning to believe.
This. She saves all that frustration built up throughout the day for her after work depression fap before passing out for the night.
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cute and sexy
Interrupting something?
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I wasn’t to yuri, but these to two just do it for me.
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Can't take these two anywhere.
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Damn they sexy
It would be nice to see Adagio getting jealous and wanting to join in
Or, she can just hatefuck Sunset
At least Aria can mog Adagio.

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