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It's my birthday /mlp/! Post ponk!
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Happy birthday, anon
Nobody cares, faggot
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Happy birthday!
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Happy birthday, slut!
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happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to your birthday day!
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happy birthday, anon!
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I care, faggot
Hooves, plot
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Go back to your stagnant general faggot. This is a PONK (Birthday) thread.
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thank you all, anons!

It's okay anon, I'll celebrate your birthday when it comes around <3
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Happy birthday
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Happy burf faggot!
I want to blow a MASSIVE raspberry on Pinkie's tummy just to hear her gigglesnort
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I wish you happy birthday, Anon!

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I could see that being a problem if your other fetish is her in this outfit >>41255439
might just be me, actually
No outfits or nothing I just want to tickle and pthbbbt Pinkie until she's in tears, begging me to stop or she's going to pee (naturally I do not stop)
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Happy birthday. You know, there's a certain kind of pony whose birthday Pinkie Pie doesn't know! Crazy, right? Can you guess what kind of pony that is before opening the spoiler?
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I'm sure Pinkie would still like that (maybe even more).
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not op but you're pretty much giving the answer away there fren
hmmm... nah
i dont get it
A pony who hasn't been born yet doesn't have a birthday, so Pinkie Pie can't know it. Or can she? Get it now?
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Didn't expect to go on this long, thanks anons for the happy birthday wishes!

y'all honestly made my day, thank you! <3
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The thread I mean, I didn't expect this thread to go on this long!
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You are loved you silly nerd! Happy birthday!.
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Happy birthday, have ponk doodle
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Happy Day, OP.
birthday bump
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I want to play Mario Party 4 with Ponk

Also happy (belated) birthday anon!
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pinkie pie is quite possibly the best character ever made

happy belated birthday anon
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This is the only one I have
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I guess my birthday does keep going, thank you anons again! <3

I know I know, just forgot a word in my first post is all! Thanks! <3

Oh my gosh an amazing doodle! Thank you!
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have a pack on me, kiddo!
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Let's keep it going then!
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The party never ends with Pinkie after all, so yes! Let's!
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I like this dude's ponks because sometimes they feel like they toe the line between pinkie and bubble berry, and I think that's kinda cool. and he just draws really well in general
>huge ears
>big fluffy tail
>tons of hair
>pajama pants
>choker with bell

This ponk was specifically developed to be weaponized against me.
Kill yourself
Huh? Wait what?
All i am doing is asking. I dont want to shit the thread with anthro ponkas without asking.

Why should i kill myself?

You know what?, i am not posting anything else in this thread, not worth the trouble.

In any case god bless you anon.
Oh, hi, Fluttershy!
How fucking new are you? Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from and don't ever return.
happy birthday anon
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Why ya gotta be a dildo?
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Birthdays are overrated. Real Chads celebrate Birthweeks!
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anon stop posting and lurk for a year please. Your posts will be of low quality otherwise. avoid shit threads like anonfilly, ptfg, anything eqg related, etc.

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