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Previous thread>>41242935

Originating from a thread about a niche form of hypnosis, now encompasses varied hypnosis methods from spiraling specs to subtle spells, swinging watches to wafting brews. Post anything and everything about controlling a mind. All ponies (mares and stallions, fillies and colts) are welcome and encouraged. Greens and other content only tangentially related will be better recieved in SPG or SiM depending. Good rule of thumb is if it doesn’t involve taking control of a pony’s mind, it probably goes somewhere else. (e.g. no slavery without mind control scenes, IRL self-hypnosis audio, or tupperware rp)

Thread archive https://ponepaste.org/9352
the real picture was over the size limit so I just took a screenshot, and posted that
Hmm any fun ideas about lost cultures and hidden civilizations and eldritch forms of magic
Speaking of, did anyone figure out the description that goes with this pic?


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It's an alien language cypher. Just toss it into google and you should find a translator.

i got this but i dont think its right

That's because most of the characters aren't there. Try copying from derpi
What cool mind control relics would you like to see in green.

Also what do you think of the flurry green?
But that's not celestia.
The pink one is supposed to be a young Celestia. She has been depicted as an off-white pink color and pink in some official toys.
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manipper who's your favorite pony for hypno-related shenanigans
Oh nice!
I did not see her wings, I kinda do now.
Oh hey that looks familiar Thanks OP for using it as the pic, much appreciated <3

It's been a little while since I've lurked but I'd be happy to draw sketch requests if anyone has any
Your welcome, I almost did not use it because it was to big.

Uhh Me hypnotizing Twilight sparkle.
Nice to see you back. How have you been?
Ok! I'll see what I can do

Thank you! I've been okay, thanks for asking. I'm glad to see the thread is still around. How about you anon?

"That is Great Flurry, Dear. You are such a smart mare, so you obviously know that if you keep doing something, something you like over and over again, you will come to crave it regularly, kind of like eating a bowl of sugary cereal. that makes sense, right it's like forming a habit."
>Flurry Heart nods and says
>"Yeah, that makes sense. it's like forming a habit and learning what you like."
"In fact, the more you have it or do it, the more you know you want it since you have felt so good in the past, and if you dont have it, you can get annoyed, feel on edge and grumpy, This is really basic stuff, so I am sure you understand that, right."
>Flurry Nods
>"Yeah, I know that I am a smart mare; after all, this is basic; even a filly could understand this."
"You're right; you are a smart mare, Flurry, and a smart mare like you would know that since you feel pleasure, satisfaction and a lot of other fun feelings when you obey me, the more you obey me, the more you will realize how much you will want to obey me."
>Flurry seems confused deep down. You can tell that she understands the logic but does not want to agree with it; she asks, very unsure of herself.
>"Do I want to obey you?"
>You gently pet her mane
"Oh, course you do, Flurry Heart; why would you not want to do something that you enjoy? Only a moron or a stupid filly would not want to do something they enjoy; I know you are far too mature to not realize this right?"
>Your voice is firm, but you let the last word be stained with doubt, hoping that Flurry, ever desperate to prove herself even in a trance, would agree with you like a child agreeing with an adult to prove that she knows what she is talking about despite having no idea or not caring.
>So Flurry Like you responds firmly, her voice filled with conviction.
>"Yeah, that makes sense, and I am too mature not to know that."
"You are such a smart filly Flurry, and in the pursuit of greater and greater highs, you will be willing to obey more and more commands from me, do things you would have never done before, the further you push yourself, the better you will feel but it will not be enough it will never be enough, you will always want more."
>You pause for Flurry to fully digest this. Well, you could just speak your entire speech and get her to agree at the end. It would be far less effective than getting her to agree with each point.
>Flurry Heart looks at the crystal, still dazed, and says.
>"I Uhh."
>It looks like Flurry is processing this.
"I know you dont need help with this Flurry; it's pretty simple; you can easily understand this. The more you like doing something, the more you want to do it right, like having more sweets or adding more sugar to your food."
>You had heard that Flurry had a truly unhealthy amount of sugar and got really cranky when she was denied her sugar. Her parents hated the amount of sugar she was having and tried to stop her, even though the amount was only unhealthy for normal ponies.
>Alicorns could handle it with no problem. You had seen how many cakes Celestia had, and it was yet a further example of how her parents isolated their daughter by treating her like a normal pony.
>You can't help but smile at the sweetness of it, but before you can bask in that feeling, Flurry Heart responds confidently and cheerfully.
>"Yeah, that's right, the more you have something, the more you realize you want it, so the more I obey you, the more I will want to obey you and the more I will obey you, and the more I obey you, the more orders of yours I will fulfill that I had not before."
>She was really getting this.
"That's exactly right, Flurry and when I ask you something, and you dont do it, you will feel withdrawal symptoms. You will remember the other times you obeyed me and how good it felt, and you will feel the pressure to feel that way again, and you will want to fulfill my orders; if I have not given you orders in a long time, you will feel the need to obey my commands, you will want me to give you an order just so you can obey it. You understand this right, Flurry Heart; it's just like your parents trying to hide your sugar and sweets them hiding it, and you not having it means you want it even more, right? It's really basic psychology. You know, stuff that we went over before."
>"Yeah, that makes sense, it's just like all those times mom tried to get me to eat healthy, and I just had more sweets."
>Flurry Heart nods, smiling and accepting everything. You could have just told her everything, but that would have led to her nodding robotically and being a lot less sure, and it would mean that you could not push her that much.
>But you walked her through it and used her life experiences to get her to make these connections.
>You have made a lot of progress setting up Flurry Hearts' first positive feedback loop; you adopt an evil grin, relishing the fact that you have made The bratty Princess an addict; however, unlike heroin, molly or other drugs, she will get her highs on obeying you, But despite that, you can still do a lot more, and now its time to push her further.

"Now, Flurry Heart, what do you think of me?"
>You ask, expecting the brat to have a very negative opinion of you, as she seems to have for everyone else, but once again the cunt surprises you.
>"You are nice and a lot less annoying than I was expecting; I thought you would be a lot more uppity, seeing as you were Twilight's pet monkey thing, but now I see why she likes you, and I am happy that I met you."
>You stare at Flurry Heart in shock and are only met with Flurry Heart's blank and empty face; you do not know whether to be happy that Flurry was so easy to manipulate or saddened that everyone around her understood so little of her that all it took for her to warm up to you was take an interest in the things she liked.
>You learned on the former, and besides, once she was yours, she would be a lot happier anyway, so why not exploit these feelings?
>It was definitely to early for sex, but you could still plant the seeds inside her mind, or you hoped you could.
>You place your hands on her nice alicorn flank and give them a squeeze, gently massaging her nice rear.
>Flurry Heart lets out a quiet moan
>You look to Twilight, and she takes on a lustful grin and sits on her flank and starts rubbing her cunt with her hoof.
"Flurry, do you know what sex or masturbation is."
>You doubted that she did, but it would be better to ask, just to be sure.
>"No, I dont."
>Well, that made sense; you figured that her parents would not tell her about sex, and you doubted that anyone else would, and these ponies did not have the internet yet, so it made sense that Flurry's Heart was not a depraved sex fiend or at least she wasn't one just yet.
>You could tell that the alicorn was frustrated by not knowing and wanting to learn what the words meant, but before you used that, you saw a flash of familiarity in her open, defenceless mind as she saw Twilight playing with herself.
>You decide to pry into her mind a bit more to see how she recognizes this.
>You see pictures of Sombra raping crystal ponies. They are just flashes. However, you can see that they are beautiful and under Sombra's primitive mind control.
>It honestly baffles and almost annoys you with how primitive and uncreative these ponies are with their mind control. Instead of moulding the minds of their slaves, ponies just grab onto their victim's minds, not caring that the moment they let go, the victims will be mad and, during their entrancement, incapable of advanced thought, but that is a rant for another day.
"Flurry Heart, do you know what a cock is?"
>You say, knowing she does, but pretty sure she does not know what it is called.
>Flurry looks annoyed as she tries to find the meaning but can't; she eventually shakes her head and mumbles.
>clearly desperate to know and annoyed at her own lack of understanding.
"Well, Flurry, a cock is something a male has instead of a pussy; it's the thing that goes inside this."
>You lightly run your index finger down her tight virgin filly cunt. You can just imagine it wrapped around your cock well; Flurry Heart screams out your name over and over again.
"Are you sure you have not seen one before, perhaps in a painting, drawing or another type of record?"
>Flurry Heart thinks for more than a second and says.
>"I think so. I saw pictures of Sombra putting his thing into mares, Is that what a cock is?"
>Flurry asks, still wanting to be right and prove her intelligence despite her entranced mind.
"Yes, that's exactly right, Flurry. Most fillies your age have not seen or heard of them, so you must be really mature for your age. Can you tell me a bit more about where you saw them
>This, of course, was a lie, but you were curious, and the entranced Flurry still beams with pride and says.
>"I saw pictures and paintings in the hidden caves in the empire filled with Sombras relics. I am the only one who knows about them.
>Now, that is certainly interesting and well, you want to learn more about these relics. For now, you want to focus on pushing Flurry Heart further and exploring how this porn is making her feel and what ideas about sex it has instilled into her underdeveloped mind.
I took your advice and broke down the paragraphs a bit, but I might have made a few errors as I am in a rush.
Damn this looks great, can't wait to read it!
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how do you think the girls would react to a brain-stealing slime monster let loose in ponyville? would they resist or just give into bliss?
I think it depends, on a lot of things
Bored, but fine otherwise.
What things do you think it would depend on?
Does anyone want me to write more of the flurry green.

Can the creature talk, does it give the brains back afterwards how long does the effect last, what does it do to mares.

Like can they still preform duties will they still have survival instincts.

Though now I am interested in an anon green where he is a monster trying to regain a stable form and build a slave harem.
Like I like writing greens, but I feel like I could get more of a response by roleplaying.
I'd say it depends on it's first targets

Maybe it gives the brains back after they're thoroughly slimed
What does that mean what does being slimmed mean, and how do these ponies act.
>after they're thoroughly slimed
unf, does that make them incurably horny?
Fluttershy seems to be the example

I hope so.
So like she wants to further the creatures goals and keeps her personality and acts similar
She also seems to be enjoying it in some manner.
Would anyone like a green, where Anon is into biomancer blood magic soul magic and mind magic.

Basically he is transforming himself into a monster/god entity by hypnotizing mares, and then basically chaining their souls to his so he gets their power. Maybe even some rgre elements
Absolutely, that sounds really cool.
>Does anyone want me to write more of the flurry green.
Of course! Would love to see more.

I know I thanked you twice this is because I am the same person, or at least I think I am
oooh very nice rubberized horsu, love that aesthetic.
What do you think about the eqg setting but the school is designed to teach guys to hypnotize the female students and turn them into slaves.
I know that there is a fic, like that out there but it is not finished

Can someone tell me if there is a ponepaste of this story somewhere I want to see if the author has made other things.

If not I will probably make an archive account on pone paste

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