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File: lewd sleepover.png (828 KB, 1054x864)
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Alright it's been a long time since we last had a thread, let's see if we can get a new one going.

We have sleepovers there is lewdness, come join us.

Greentext archive: https://poneb.in/9baXZEFs

Girlynonynous@Sleepover -

Last thread: >>37379241
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Are we back boys?!!
have a bump
why is Twilight the only character that consistently gets hotter when made brown/black?
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It's just suntan, so she's indeed HOTTER lol kek ecks dee I shat my pants
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Well hopefully the thread does well.
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Morning, girls!
Good morning
We need greens to revitalize the general
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The sexual tension in this scene was almost palpable
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What were the girls up to tonight?
They smoked some magical crystals that Princess Twi originally brought from Equestria. Maybe PP baked them into a cake or something
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Most generals aren't doing so well these days
Wow, that art is a throwback
RIP indeed...
Also bump
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I just remembered one cool story.

What kind of games do they play?
Hard mode: no strip poker.
Theres a version of this image where there all naked and there Vaginas are showing. Just thought id mention.
Really this gets removed? No nipple showing or anything. Anyone else notice jannies have been extra tranny these past couple weeks?
Well dang Maybe should post a burru link or something.

I'm kinda worried this one isn't spoiler-ed/hidden now.

The Jannies went too far...
Damn keyboard.
Hard to tell and hard to predict...
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I want to pet Rarity's pussy.
Touch fluffy tail
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Did he ever get to finish it?

Checked. Also checked if he finished and I have no idea to be honest. Maybe in some thread I haven't been reading.

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