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Through the rigors of life we watch stars rise from the ashes and shine bright like a diamond. But stars don't live forever, they always burn out
This is
>Where are they now
Today's Spotlight?
Normal Norman
>So anon where is he now?
literally who?
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>more eqg shit
I vaguly recall this guy, who was he again?
The state of the board these days...
Norman Normal
I miss the threads
>Nolan North
After his father's retirement, he became The Boss of The Saints' City Chapter. On the positive side, he also managed to become the movie star he wanted to be. He doesn't need to put a budget on action movies, he uses his own video recordings.

>Flash "The Brad" Sentry
After falling from grace with both Twilight and Sunset, his rape powers has left him. He earns an acceptable paycheck by playing Kenny Loggins in a small local bar.

>Normal Norman
Everywhere EXCEPT normality. His life has been a streak of random events he may live in Equestria as a human for all we know.
What year is this?
2024, 6 years since his last thread
damn it's been so long
Since he's been gone
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>Pedophile Patricia
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I miss nyasse...
To this day I wonder how it happened. How people saw this chick and said: "yeah. She diddles minors."
What's he up to these days?
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holy shit
The board is dead, not enough posters remember the past these days.
It's been 11 years. The board died when prompt threads were killed off and season 4 was shit.
and nothing of value was lost
A lot of the old NN crowd were painfully low IQ retards.
What the fuck.
Back then characters weren't made to fit some sort of mold, but because one person said something "out of pocket" and everyone would roll with it because it's funny.
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Wally was also pretty popular in those threads
Don't forget mods killing whatever fun anyone can have beyond "white bread fun": generic, tasteless, and can get better anywhere else. But getting it anywhere has a prize, and DEMANDS your private data. Fuck that.
It was the colloquial "cool" eqg thread.
Or at least it was until the Dazzlings and Fingerbang took it's thunder.
Good memories
such a shame it died
Remake it
Honestly I might, though I doubt it will actually take off
We probably need something a little more meatier than nostalgia.
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Greens and memes

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