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AnimeCon Edition.
Previous: >>41168210

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT:
Floor Bored - The OG OC NEET from the very first threads. Floor comes in all different forms, but she's typically portrayed as a horny and kinda dirty mare most of the time. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2321489)
Pardise Skies - Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting. She's very quiet, easily spooked, likes to wear clothes and speaks with a stutter. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2289220)
Moon Dancer - Huge bookworm.
Taku - Friend of Floor who is *very* into anime. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1722376)
Goldie Mops - Goldie is another friend of Floors, only she's into kaiju and big monsters. Speaks with a cute lisp and seems very adorkable. (https://ponerpics.org/images/6192935)
Chimney Peep - Floor's sports nerd friend (Pic above, pony with the hat and lazy eye)
Home Sick - Probably the least covered NEET. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1727410)
Wallflower Blush, of Equestria girls fame but as a pone. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1658572)
Cuppa Noodle - Cuppa is a NEET snekpony who likes cup noodles and very tight hugs. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1892447)
Cipher the Programmer - The super paranoid overthinking male NEET-pony (https://derpibooru.org/images/2236987)
Dot Matrix - A pony who is into retro gaming. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2577975)
Anon Mare - Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation. Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up. The self-insert pony.
Writer's Block - A NEET pony whos background is currently unclear. Know anything about her? Let us know ITT (https://derpibooru.org/images/2561414)
Starry Sails - A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting. Friends with Anon. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2657594)
Synthwave - A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music. Very laid back, somewhat flat in tone and expression. (https://ponybooru.org/images/3223846)

>List of some of the stories with known authors so far:

>Archive of unnamed stories and one-shots:

>Link to OP:
Any mare who loves waterfowl is a friend of mine
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I love my cute nerd wife, Moondancer!
Where can I find more info about Starry? Does she have a greentext I can read or something?
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Stallion meant to be a self insert but became his own thing, he listens to shitty emo music and plays video games
I would love to see Taku and Floor bang.

It would be so awkward.
never mind
Which NEET do you think has the worst sailor mouth?
Nice to see the thread back. Missed that NEETbread smell

God, I need to do more with Brook. I love her so much but I haven't done a proper non short story with her in a hot minute.

Imagine the bants with Synthwave and Cipher...
They could make their own NEETstallion club, no mares allowed
>Taku moans loudly, thighs squeezing around the head between her hind legs.
>She was a virgin until tonight, and never felt anything like this, but it feels like heaven and she can hardly imagine it getting better.
>Floor licks and slurps with all the sloppy skill of a dog trying to lick a snack out of a treat stuffed dog toy, doing her best to hopefully earn the same treatment next.
>She never would have guessed going with Taku to that convention would end up like this.
>If she did, she might have stripped out of her hot costume to avoid sweating like a pig, but luckily her musk is being covered by the sweet sent of Taku's nectar.
>Taku squeaks and squeezes again, a spurt of marecum washing over Floor's face and going up a nostril, causing the older mare to sputter, pulling her head back to cough.
>"S-sorry!" Taku apologies, mortified.
>"It's- cough!- It's fine," Floor assures, wiping her face with a hoof. "I'm good... Um, your sailor uniform might need to go in the wash, though."
>The green fabric of her skirt was indeed soaked in her own juices, and Taku blushes.
>"M-maybe you'll want to take it home with you?" she offers with a bashful flutter of her eyelashes behind her glasses. "As a souvenir?"
>Floor just smiles, a blush on her face and nods.
>"M-maybe... Um, hey, since you, like, already, you know, twice already, do you think maybe you could... return the favor?"
>Taku's blush burns a little brighter as she mutters, "Of course, but, um, I'm probably not as good as you. I've never done it before."
>Floor barely avoids saying that she hadn't either and instead says, "I'm sure you'll do fine. It's easy."
>"Okay, then come lay down and-"
>A door opens and closes downstairs, and a mare's voice calls out, "Taku? Sweetie, are you home from the convention? I got off work early!"
>Taku's eyes snap wide at the sound of her mother's voice and she quickly opens the window in the hopes of airing out the smell of sex.
>"Crap! What are we going to do?!" Floor whispers harshly. "You're mom is going to kill me!"
>The window."
>"Jump out the window!"
>"But we're on the second floor!"
>The sound of hoofsteps up the stairs drives Taku to grab her friend and all but yeet her out the window.
>Floor groans as the door opens.
>"Honey, why didn't you-? Oh dear!"
>"Mooom! I- I was just, um!"
>"No! I'm sorry, I should have knocked, dear! You just... go back to what you were doing! Just take a shower when you're done... and grab the air freshener from the bathroom."
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You know, I was gonna just make a Moondancer thread but decided on making a new NEET thread because I figured there weren't a lot of other Mooniefags here and any thread i'd make would be dead.

But damn, there's no one here
Happy to see a return of the neet thread! Here is something I did a while ago while the thread was dead.
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based on this doodle
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Whoa, Taku and Goldie are chonkier than I imagined.
A diet of ramen noodles and sitting on your flank all day will do that to you.
Wonder if the OP could use some updating. Writer's Block's linked art is dead and it seems like the neetlist is a little longer on ponepaste (and the pone added probably needs a linked pic as well)
Probably doesn't matter in the long run, but it's something I noticed.
I love that little Floorb in the corner, I want to see her in the fancy panties.
Good night neets.
Imagine a story where Floor keeps getting her head between her various friends legs, but every time she's about to get her turn, something happens to stop it.
She becomes more and more pent up, ten during an anime watch party or something, she explodes and accuses them all of using her for their own pleasure and never returning the favor before marching out of the room with tears in her eyes.
Feeling bad, they all go to her room and apologize, and proceed to all maregang bang her to make it up to her.
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Autumn is so cute, very pettable neet. Neet stallions club sounds nice until you realize there all fags
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Good Morning!
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She is indeed, very pettable. I wish to cuddle with her on the couch while we listen to her old record collection!

>Neet stallions club sounds nice until you realize there all fags
Somebody save poor Cipher from these effeminate stallions! Dude just wanted some friends to play Warhammer with...

I can imagine her having a no view lockpicking lawyer-esque ponytube channel where she makes fun of shitty locks she finds at the dollar store.
Would anyone actually want to see yuri NEET greens? Doesn't seem like much of a demand for it.
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I would read anything with Moonie
I’d read it
Yeah, Autumn looks very soft.
Quick bump
At least she didn’t get the fucking robot
An idea stemming from a comment from like threeish threads ago. (maybe)
Poor mare's having a bit of a canary.
Is she new?
She has a whole story going in /NEET/
You should read it it’s good
I'll have to check it out thanks
>smiling at the end
Either she's completely oblivious or she knows the exact amount of suffering she is inflicting on Anon.
I mean, even though she didnt want the tails happy meal action statue, its still pretty neat
She’s probably really excited about getting another happy meal
I'd give Dot ALL the happy meals. And pets.
Yeah really can’t blame you
All depends on the ponies involved I suppose.
Tough thing with Moonie is that she feels disconnected from the other NEETs, being a canon character and all, so if she were gonna date anyone, it'd probably end up being one of her canon friends like Twilight, Twinkleshine, or Lemon Heart.
I'm interested, but I personally prefer something that is anything (comedy, romance, etc.) rather than just porn.
This a comedy would be great
This, I like spicy mares as much as the next guy but comfy mares are where it’s at
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Imagine if you will, an extroverted tomcolt NEETmare who has hyped herself up in her own head to be 'the cool older sister' of some half-dead mall's mall rats and struts around like she owns the place.
Her delusion is only strengthened by her posse of easily impressed yearlings who somehow haven't noticed how dorky she really is.
That’s a good concept
She’s right that is the coolest thing I’ve seen all week
I can't help but imagine the sand scenario where some of those mall rat kids go off to college and leave the small city life behind to become fairly successful ponies, then coming back and seeing her right where they left, and feeling embarrassed for her.

Kind of hurts.
By then she would literally own the place, leveraging her unique perspective on what the youngins enjoy to revitalize the mall and bring in a new generation of mall rats to gawk at her carrot dog tricks all day long. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me
"It's... It's literally just a carrot in a bun."
>"I just don't think you get it, dude."
"Get what?"
>You watch the skinny pegasus raise up her chili cheese dog in the air.
>"It's not just a carrot in a bun! It's a *marinated* carrot in a *toasted* and *buttered* bun made by the BEST chefs this town has to offer!"
>"Oh and mine has other stuff on it too I guess." She punctuates this by taking a big bite of her carrot dog, somehow not getting chili on herself.
"Hey, so... Do you ever eat anything else?"
>She looks up, crumbs all over her mouth. "Sometimes I eat pizza, why?"
"I mean, I'm not saying it's bad for you or anything... But why not broaden your horizons? Maybe make a salad? Or a dandelion sandwich..."
>Her face scrunches at the suggestion. "Dandelions?! Gross!"
"Oh c'mon! Other ponies eat that kind of thing all the time!"
>"Well maybe I'm not like other ponies!"
>With her weird sense of fashion... yeah, you can see that.
"You know, you never told me why you wear the socks... Aren't you worried you're gonna get chili on them?"
>The mare pauses her next bite of dog. "They're compression socks! And no. I'm very careful."
"Compression socks?"
>She nods. "Yeah! I uhm... I have bad circulation in my forelegs..."
>You guess that explains why they look so form fitting on her...
"Does that have something to do with the reason I never see you flying?"
"It's just- If you've got funky blood flow, it makes sense that you'd avoid putting strain on your wings. Flapping them takes a lot out of a pony's hear-"
>A sockie hoof is pushes up against your mouth suddenly, an uncharacteristically flustered look on the mare's face.
>"ssshhh! shhh! Don't let them hear you say that, dummy!"
"Don't let who-"
>She gently turns your head to the right, bringing your attention to a pair of school age fillies eating ice cream a few tables away.
>She lets go of your face and slumps back in her chair, a rosy blush still present on her cheeks.
>"If you start blabbing, they might hear a-and tell all my friends and then everypony will think I'm super lame a-and-"
>You interrupt her mental spiraling by poking her face with a fry, making her pause to look at it through her haze.
"My lips are sealed, mare. Nopony's gonna know. Promise."
"Hush up and eat the friggin' fry!"
>She sniffles. "They're better with cheese..."
>You proceed to flick the fry like a cigarette butt at her snoot.
"Then dip it in some, dum-dum."
>You watch as she picks up the fry from the table and glumly dips it in her cheese cup.
>As she nibbles down the cheese fry like a goat, her mojo returns little by little.
>"Mmn... Yeah."
"If it's any consolation... I doubt your little buddies would think you're lame."
"Of course! You're the raddest mare I know."
>You watch her fidget with her forehooves.
>"Y-you're just sayin' that..."
>You smile and lean over to ruffle her mane.
"Nah... I meant it."

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