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I can fix her
Nothing broken about her, tho
I can make her worse
>Also anons
>Did i ever tell you all that one funny story of when i left my gf
>Because mlp made me feel better emotionally than being with her
>It was this week actually
The only reason I like Eris is that the vast, vast majority of girls do not like or appreciate meek, shy, introverted, tenderly emotional guys. Or if they do, it's often solely in a predatory way where they just want a guy they can easily fuck with and push around. Girls may be okay with guys like that in the context of being friends with them, or getting something out of them, but they don't like them genuinely as romantic partners, if anything feeling a bit disgusted by them.

I like Eris cuz she's one of VERY FEW weirdo girls I can actually picture liking and adoring tender and soft males. Genuinely, like she's one of those rare girls who absolutely does not give a remote shit about masculine dudes and just wants a cute sweet nerd to cozy up with and support.
>instead of Weird Al marrying Pinkie it's Neil Cicierega marrying Eris
Would you take it?
>Neil Cicierega
Eris couldn't handle him.
No, she marries me
Love this picture
everything he makes for her is amazing.
Yeah, I do wish I’d asked for more Eris during his brief return, but I didn’t want to push.
Why would you want to?
Yeah seems reasonable.
I hope Some Leech does some more Eris stuff soon
>Or if they do, it's often solely in a predatory way where they just want a guy they can easily fuck with and push around.
This is literally exactly what Eris would be.
If we got eris instead of discord ppl would hate fluttercord less
She can ruin me
why does she have such a cute face?
Right? There’s just something about her
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I want to make her a mom.
>forked Eris into my OC setting
>gave her my Mary-Sue OC as a follower/champion
>setting deity rules swapped "chaos and disharmony" out for "chaos and improbability"
>spends a lot of her time messing with him and his immediate surroundings
Every so often I get the urge to document these shenanigans, but him being bad character design and her being at least partially The Writer's Barely-Disguised TF Fetish discourage me.

She can break you
But you'll have an awful lot of fun once it's all over.
Literally anthro.
nothing anthro abuot Draconequui.
Post the one where she puts her heart into baking a cake for Anon. I love the sentiment in that one.
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Here you go anon, maybe someday someone will write a green about Eris' taking this baking class.
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Chunky and cute
I want to feel her tail so badly
I Love you, Eris.
She looks so soft here
Almost got me, have a (You)
Eris has to manually put in and take out the hearts in her eyes.
Least interesting r63
I would say that’s Gleaming Shield but to each their own
the only thing you can fix is a sandwich
Maybe I'll give it a try, but I don't know anything about this character. Where to start?
I would reccomend reading a green called The Eris Plan, it's really good, probably the best she was handled.
all your eris wants https://derpibooru.org/search?q=artist%3Anonamenymous%2C+eris
I have like, 3 long term story ideas on how to handle Eris and do her justice.
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erisfags have it good it seems, I do hope you guys are blessed with a drawfag or similar content creator soon.
I hope to see what you’ve got eventually anon
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I’d assume she’d be great with kids
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God just imagine her tightly wrapping around you, completely milking you with no remorse, making you shoot every load you had right into her tight draconequus pussy
after showing anon his death due to her jealousy that’d be the craziest make up sex imaginable.
Would be nice
I hope so, it's been awhile since she's had a dedicated artist here.
I think she's just tired, no doubt she's good with them.
That is a really cute Eris
I hope you go through with it anon
you couldn’t.
God that’s cute
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I'd like to see what I've got cooking too. I'm tired of people using Eris as a vehicle for their weird fetishes case in point, the commie faggot acesential. I want more stuff like The Eris Plan with genuinely engaging story, character, motive and development. That story had some downright enchanting moments as well as was cute and funny. The story in my mind would have an insanely wide scope because of the sheer size and variety of the lessons I'm trying to impart. While this will hopefully match the tone of the show and it's morales/mission well and hopefully retain that charm, it means that there'll be a ton of characters to juggle. Thankfully, Eris will definitely have a recurring and prominent role in the story. I'm using the vehicle of cliche isekai battle manga formula as a vehicle for a greater message. While this can be a hint cringey, it's also the pinnacle of the lessons in the story. "Not to take yourself too seriously."

I suppose I'd just like to know if people would be okay with my story the way I want to tell it. And how do you feel about recommended listening. Like music links to try during parts of the story. Is it okay if it's generally good mainstream stuff? Does that threaten to break immersion if it is? If not, would cover songs of well known game sound tracks then be a step too far? Is it all good if it's new enough and tonally consistent enough to add to the story that it'd have been a welcome addition? Do you not care because you can choose to ignore it?

Hopefully one day I deliver. I'm in the phase of chaotic planning. But it all also just fits together in my head. Just a matter of transferring scenes and fleshing them out. They already fit together.
I think music links are fine
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god I still kinda want to make the animatic idea that inspired this particular drawing...

General advice for free shit is to make it the way you'd want to read it, and people like you will find it. I've never regretted pandering to my own (often niche) tastes, be it in format, fetish, characterization, or wordplay. Even in the worst case, it'll at least be you can reread months or years from now, and enjoy doing so.
Personally, I've grown tired of RPG isekai, and (as someone who prefers to read without headphones on) I don't get much out of fic mood music, but they're both established fan traditions so I'm sure you'll find readers.

As a word of caution: something with a large scope is very likely to wind up unfinished. Make peace with that possibility before it occurs; save yourself the stress and self-loathing.
Oh hey Dzamie, I hope you write some more Eris eventually too. I really enjoyed the one you started with her and anon spear fishing burgers
Why would girls like some weak twig faggot when they could get a badass chad instead? I never understood this mindset. Females are just as instinctual as males, as in, they'd want to have the best possible partner, and from an evolutional standpoint, your twig faggot ass isn't it.
Cope, and have a waifu instead
Anon, I think that he is basically saying that Eris IS his waifu and that he likes her because of all the shit that he wrote about. All that shit is absolutely uncommon (or even nonexistent) in 3dpd as you point out, which is why he turns to Eris. I think both your point and his are valid. His use of the word "girls" is throwing everything off, especially when he applies that to Eris.

To that Anon, don't use "girl" to refer to Eris. Instead of saying "Eris is the kind of girl that...", say "Eris has the kind of personality that...", or similar.
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This is my favourite pic of her
Yeah it’s a really good one, I do hope to see more Eris from Nignogs if he’s still around
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would she let you comb her hair?
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What was the inspiration? It looks a bit like one of my drawings, but also looks like it's inspired by the Sonic pose. Either way make your thing man, pursue it.
>make it the way you want it
That's the plan. And if it takes awhile to update then so be it.
>grown tired of RPG isekai
Me too. Last anime season was about the last interest I had. Need a break. At the least until Arifureta comes back next season. Hopefully the idea of a crossover of isekai and mlp AiE genres would still entice you and others after all.
>wind up unfinished. Make peace with that possibility
>implying most my stuff isn't already unfinished and I don't already have self-loathing and stress
I choose to make peace with my self-loathing
I would like to run my fingers through it.
>runs fingers through her hair
>fingers start feeling tingly
>take fingers out
>hand is strobing every color
This is my number 1 favorite Eris pic.
>What was the inspiration?
I had recently discovered the stageplay version of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and was enamored by the first verse, so I imagined:
>"When trying to express oneself, it's frankly quite absurd"
>Eris, eyes closed, rolls her hand dismissively at Twilight
>"To leaf through lengthy lexicons to find the perfect word"
>A heavy dictionary, a thesaurus, and Celestia's diary land on Twilight's back with each L word, Eris swipes the diary and fans through it
>"A little spontaneity keeps conversation keen"
>Eris holds open the book for Twilight to see; when she does, a pie flies out to hit her in the face
>"You need to find a way to say exactly what you mean!"
>Eris picks Twilight up out of the pile of books and pie by her scruff, drops her when her horn starts glowing
>Eris twists her noodly body to dodge Twilight's magic blasts (shot in time with the beat)
Though I ran out of ideas there, and only ever drew this of it.

Oh I hope so, too. It's frustrating, because I have scenes in my head but connecting them is hard, especially if I want an overarching narrative. I could give brief overviews, but that's not satisfying.
Good news!

>several minutes pass
>set your spear against the wall
>seeing how the burgers protected the sliders like...
>like children
>it kinda killed your appetite
>nearby, Eris sucks some chocolate sauce and pepperoni off her fingers with a series of audible pops
>wipes them on her furry chest
>drops to all fours and arches her back like a cat
>"Well, as fun as this has been, a girl does need her rest."
>after the tour and the walk back, your legs are inclined to agree with her
"Yeah... so, uh, where am I sleeping? You got a spare room?"
>Eris rotates back to standing
>"Yeah, but it's been awhile since I've had to replace one. I'll just put you in the guest room. Down the hall, the green door."
>"Anyway, gotta get ready, myself. See you in the morning!"
>she steps out
>not through a door or a window or anything
>she's just... not there
>the spear clatters to the floor
>two burger creatures climb into the fallen weapon, making vaguely triumphant noises
>that's enough of that
>out of the kitchen, through the only green door you see
>it's a bathroom
>with a bathtub
>featuring something thick and white streaming from the showerhead
>directly onto the draconequus standing in front of it
>Eris is doing what some might call "singing" if they were only vaguely aware of the concept of ears
>she opens her eyes and stops scrubbing herself
>"Oh, hey! Don't worry, I'm almost done! Still plenty of toothpaste left for you."
>flicks her tail up between her legs and works at the tuft on the end
>try your best to keep your eyes away from... well, everything below her waist just in case
"Uh... wasn't the green door supposed to be the guest room? This looks like a bathroom."
>Eris yanks the faucet handle out of the plumbing
>the shower turns off, and she steps out and towels off
>"Must've opened it wrong. Here, let me."
>she wraps the towel a couple times around her deer leg
>approaches you and scoops you up under your arms
>right, she's taller than you when she stands up straight
>carries you out the door, pulling it shut with her tail
>turns around, sets you down
>opens the door again
>there's a completely normal bedroom inside
>Eris pats your head and pushes you in with her tail
>"Settle in, you'll probably be sleeping here for the foreseeable future. If you need anything..."
>she completely fails to even try to cover her yawn
>her head damn near splits in two along her mouth, opening wider than a snake
>revealing far more teeth than you'd seen her have all day
>and... somehow more detailed than the rest of her?
>she looks more congruous with the rest of reality now
>"...then, tough. I don't fancy being conscious again until nearly noon, and wouldn't give good odds on being helpful while asleep."
>"Or while awake, thinking about it."
>she closes the door, and the sound of mismatched hoof/footsteps fades out
>wander through the bedroom
>it looks normal, but it's still in Eris's house, so surprises could be anywhere
>ten minutes later, you can't find anything
>it really is a normal bedroom
>except that the only clothes are perfect copies of the ones you're wearing
>still, the bed calls to you
>but only metaphorically
>strip down, climb into bed
>it's not phenomenally comfy, but it's also not UNcomfortable
>the physical exhaustion from the day of walking, and the mental exhaustion from interacting with Eris, and the ponies, and Eris again catch up with you
>you're out like a light

Horns and scales, I can't wait until this is old enough for me to look at it fondly rather than with the critical eye of an editor.
Well I’m glad to see you continue this thank you
I'm curious. Where/Who created Eris? Was she a comic book character? Or was it out of some fanfic
god his brushwork is so phenomenal, I should really do a few studies based off his stuff sometime
I think the first time she showed up was just a r63 picture on deviantart.
I really wish we had gotten to know more about the alternate Equestria that Eris ruled over in the Eris Plan, it’s always gonna bug me we’ll never know why Discord put her there.
Great stuff
>getting carried by Eris
It would probably be pretty nice
Fantastic, anon. Thanks for the link. Only about 1/3 through it but it's a good read so far.
I really need to read it again, I wish the writer would come back and continue it though.
For those who’d like to read this from the start here’s a link
Ah so it's unfinished? God damn it.
Unfortunately most Eris stories are
I’d still recommend finishing it, it’s really good
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I couldn't help but notice this one wasn't in nonamenymous' gallery.
You’re in for a good time
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I really like Eris but a part of me hates that all art of her is drawn basically like a young girl than an older person like how Discord is. Really prefer the older looks some artists give her.
Also she doesn't need fixing.
Don't you fucking dare.
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in the vein of "Eris should look older," your pic reminds me a bit of this
saggy gilf bros eating good
On one hand I definitely think she’d do that to fuck with people on the other I can’t think of too many women who actually want to look their age, especially when I can’t help but see her as trying to compete with Celestia
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Oh yeah, she definitely does that to mess with your head.
I want her to fix me.
What's wrong with you?
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I prefer her younger. While she's kind of beyond age, with that kind of power and the vanity/ ego of a woman, you ARE gonna use your power to look young. I actually like the idea of her naturally looking young anyways. The visual beauty of a young female combined with older traits like the silver/white hair and a husky mature (slightly raspy even) voice is just that measure of chaos that matches her anyways.
This is an excellent measure of silliness. I like this.

I also prefer her paw to be just a little bigger than my hand. Not to those extent, but I saw this and knew immediately that I loved it for the idea of it being Eris
I really like that picture
don't repair what isn't broke
You’re right
Re-reading The Eris Plan reminds me why I keep dropping it despite loving Eris. The constant interruption of the narrative to describe another visual gag by Eris wears my patience very thin very quickly. A real shame.

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