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Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link
Get a physical copy
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 3
Download link https://mega.nz/#!7Y43RCoS!WujvDfG-20FsDUXsMAIPpZE8qp3FECTL58wETuMIozY
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/

About a month into summer now, and no end in sight yet! Just as well, ponies are still enjoying the season, and that's more time for a chance to participate in the more popular attractions. Wouldn't be too bad to spend a bit of time off the beaten path, too, though. Lots of memories to be made.

Previous thread.
which pony has the biggest cock and balls
Episode Links:
>not thriving
Earth ponies > unicorns > pegasi.
Fluttershy has the biggest chickens and Pinkie has the biggest balls in town (both bouncy and dance-related)
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I WILL go to Equestria and I WILL fill this beautiful mare with foals.
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Shout's always going to be a real one for making this comic
is that much viagra healthy
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>Today is Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day
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I don't like peanut butter or chocolate.
Why not
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Are you a space alien?
I don't like the taste of either of them
Yes, now let me probe your stallions
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>I don't like the taste of [chocolate]
>peanut butter
youre a faggot it is kino
to be fair, he might have only had american chocolate which is objectively shit but we can't stop eating it.
i've only had cadbury's which is shit and belgian stuff which is hazelnut shit, so i steer away from american chocolate because i'm told it's worse than both
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Play video games with me MLPG or say something nice about this stallion I really like

Cupcakes can indeed be substituted for the normal bat summoning ritual
What video games are we playing
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Are you sure you don't have anything nice to say about Svengallop?
I wish to summon that one though
He'd be my friend he's friend shaped

He certainly is

Most bats are!
do u wanna play slenderman on roblox i can dress as svengallop if thats what gets you going
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No thank you
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I wish for the green weed horse to sit on my face.
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I love this silly mare
going to fimfiction and derpi and seeing people genuinely seething over AIE is hilarious. you check their profile and they're always furries or some other brand of retard.
I'm sort of starting to realize why people leave this fandom after browsing the rest of the board
hornyposting? every fandom has it.
Nah man, there's a level of retardation and obsession with one show that you really don't see in any other fandom because most of them don't have a whole board on 4chan dedicated to it. I don't care that people want to fuck horses even though they can get really obnoxious about it
Feel free to leave at any time
MLPG is alright so I'll just stay here.
i don't see what you mean. hornyposting is severe in almost every fandom? a ton of other cartoons have had far more obsessed fans than mlp.
It's not about the hornyposting.
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I'm going to start hornyposting here from now on.
Alright man.
what is it about? the rest of the board is pretty relaxed outside of some bait every now and then.
>what is it about
Why people leave this fandom and join others
You probably don't see it because you're to full of piss
Please, enlighten us. Tell us why you continue to use a board you actively dislike.
Why should I?
where did the attitude come from? i genuinely want to know why you think that and you won't tell me.
Because you brought it up? Why bring something up if you're not gonna talk about it?
I think this faggot just wants attention or something.
>Why bring something up if you're not gonna talk about it
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You can't even enjoy threads anymore because whiny fags always feel the need to pop in and shit them up.
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So you're retarded? Please do leave the fandom, there is no place for bandwagoners like you at this point in time.
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who doesn't love a bug
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i love all bugs except ocellus
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>Today is National Drive-Thru Day
Remember when McDonalds had pony toys?
talking to a pony on the busted speaker
Damn I wish I could shove my whole fist inside a pony
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>selling herself-shaped nuggets
>pony nuggets
Holy shit anon you’re a genius
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I don't think I want a dashburger
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This colt is pretty cool
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oh i get it, because she's going to get bread
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Wow so pink
From the store I hope
she'll go down the wonderbread aisle
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>Today is National Carousel Day
Put on a dress
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my waifu can beat up your waifu
I don’t think she should
My waifu will sit on your waifu's face
Sex with Yona
do not bona the yona
bone the pone instead
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But Ocellus is so cute!
>not wanting your pelvis crushed by fat yak ass
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But I do anon
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I'm going to play video games
I always feel like somepony's watching me
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shoild midnight sparkle have shown uo in the actual series or stayed to EQG only?
Alright, I have always ponder about this but does anybody else have favourite va performance per season (or even an episode)? Like for example the Sweetiebell squeaking characteristics in S1+2 ?
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>Today is National Bagelfest Day
Pone eats the bagel.
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I am.
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Tabitha in general. I think she's the best VA on the show because she has such incredible range.
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sex with stallions
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In Fluttershy's bed
u ghey
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Go away.

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