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Harmony is not the opposite of Chaos. Order is. Not only are they not opposites, but a certain degree of Chaos is literally required for Harmony to exist. That is what the word Harmony means: a balance of 2 or more disparate things, which work together cooperatively to create something greater than the sum of their parts.

Disharmony is the same, only it's when multiple forces clash so horribly that they make each other worse together than they are individually.
Fausticorn has a smelly ponut.
Thank you for providing the class with an excellent example of disharmony.
Isn't discord the opposite of harmony? Chaos is just one part of Discord (the character).
>Harmony is not the opposite of Chaos. Order is.
They're three opposing forces.
If Discord represents Chaos, than he cannot truly also represent Disharmony, as the show claims. Because there are situations in which Chaos actually creates Harmony.

Easy example would be that Chaos is what causes a girlfriend and boyfriend to have a huge argument that threatens their very relationship. This appears like Disharmony, but it isn't necessarily, because the fight they had may have been a healthy one that ended up repairing their relationship in the end. Without that little spark of Chaos, those 2 lovers may have just let their problems simmer without confronting them for years. But because they had that fight, they let their problems be known and their love for each other was strengthened.

Example 2 is a dictatorship. That's Order on overdrive. Chaos is the spark of revolution that allows the people to destroy that Order and to overthrow the autocrat, so that Harmony can be restored. Example 3 is your bedroom is looking a bit too boring and Orderly, so you add Chaos by rearranging the furniture in a different, spontaneous and less boring way that helps make the room more interesting.

It's not really a surprise the show says he represents Disharmony considering I don't think the people who created this show fully grasped what Harmony MEANS, but if Discord truly represents Chaos than he can't also respect Disharmony, that's not how it works. Chaos is one of the ingredients to make Harmony in the first place.
Discords personality, his actions are blatantly evil. This fandom is retarded enough to believe somebody who cackles maniacally, enjoys the suffering of others and has the same haughty disposition and mental instability as Emperor Palpatine or Voldemort is “chaotic neutral.” No hes evil. George Lucas could write a character with more nuance than Discord.
If Discord was evil, he would just kill all who oppose him, and abuse everyone around him (not just pranks and mischief, I mean genuine abuse). He blatantly has the power to do so and get away with it, no one could stop kill from killing anyone he wants. The fact he doesn't shows remarkable restraint on his part.

Discord's actions are DISRUPTIVE, it's not the same thing at all. Yes I'm sure he's done blatantly immoral shit before but it's not out of malice or malevolence per say. He just likes being disruptive and defying authority/societal expectations
If you measure evil by someone going around and killing everything that moves then you’re a retard. 99% of villains in fiction or history do not kill and bring harm to all forms of life just the ones around them or the ones they can manipulate or exploit. Discords done this 5x in the shows run. Once in his intro, again with Tirek, again with the sapient forest, again with Twilight/Cadence, again with the Mean 3 and Sombra. Hes evil. Hes as evil as the tap-dancing purple alien from Avengers 5 who makes pop culture references and is voiced by the guy from The Goonies. Evil. Evil enough that 4 year olds know it.
Order and chaos are the same you brainlet. Come back when you're enlightened enough to have this grown up discussion.
Name 3 things he has done that is evil. Not BAD, not WRONG, but genuinely actually evil. And be warned, if you bring up bullshit from Seasons 8/9 or whatever where it's very clearly just a result of the writers blatantly not understanding their own characters then I'm liable to not give a shit
>Fausticorn has [something that doesn't exist]
Even if she had a ponut, it wouldn't be smelly at all.
>Killing is evil therefore torturing isn't
You're a woman.
>opposed Celestia
>opposed Celestia
>looked ugly as a lawn ornament
Harmony IS order fgt
Harmony literally means people working together in an orderly way. Another way of saying that is work in “accord,” the opposite of discord. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

You cretin

Listen to me loud and clear

You little bitch

Order is when people are getting along nicely, with no conflict, because the people are essentially the same and they agree with each other about things. They think, act and believe in essentially the same things, they have similar goals and desires, so they are Orderly and there is no conflict between them. Order is an echo chamber, a group of people who technically do not conflict because they're essentially very similar.

Harmony is when people are getting along nicely, but not because they are the same. The people are different, they have different beliefs, personalities, and ways of thinking, but they still get along with each other. Harmony is not orderly---Harmony is when people are DIFFERENT, but they accept one another's differences and work together, despite being very different people. They benefit mutually from skills the other person has that they don't, and they learn things they would have never considered by listening to another person's point of view.

Harmony is the Mane 6, with all their different personalities, conflicting beliefs and clashing desires, nevertheless getting along and being wonderful friends, because they ACCEPT their differences and can cooperate despite them. But Order would just be a set of 6 people who get along well because they're NOT different. Like when Rainbow Dash is hanging out with the Wonderbolts, who not only share the same aspirations as her but they also have extremely similar personalities.

Don't ever post in my fucking thread again you little slug. You tiny snail under a rock. You gastropodic disgrace
You’re fucking retarded. That’s not part of the definition of order AT ALL. The concept of two people being exactly the same isn’t even something that exists in reality. Order requires people existing in harmony. Harmony is literally the opposite of chaos, where the differences (which are going to exist one way or the other) divide people.
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Hey dipshit, I told you to shut your fucking mouth. I'm not responding to your posts again. You can go ahead and keep being loudly and angrily incorrect and throwing a tantrum where you pretend as if you somehow won an argument. I'm done with you.
Stop responding then, retard. (I win.)
I really liked that one chaos academy comic where Fausticorn was Discord's mom and had the power to make chaotic things orderly.
Whatever happened to the game?

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