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how did they die?
Timber Wolves
In keeping with the romeo and juliet theme, I like to imagine that they both an hero'd. Suicide is so rare in Equestrian society and such a taboo that no one would even mention it or record it having happened as such.
Or timberwolves, that works too
Apple Bloom's head was too big.
>An hero
>T-wo- children
I didn't think about that, I'm retarded sorry
got hit by a car
just like my cat this morning
They fell.
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I’m sorry for your loss anon, I’m sure you gave them a good life.
So sad (not really)
They didn't die. They just happened to be on business travels whenever sweet apple acres was on screen. They visited SAA a lot between episodes and whenever the poor doesn't resolve around it.
In one episode someone says that the apple parents loved (past tense) their kids a lot. That's because they don't love their kids anymore because they all suck. They still stick around though.
Killed by timber wolves. Og headcanon is beast headcanon
Food poisoning
Rest in peace anon's cat
Sex marathon to make a fourth kid that made them both die of exhaustion
Anon did it. He had to ensure the timeline was correct. Applejack's parents must always die.
Did he really have to rape them to death though?
You can tell the new writers never watch the show, because in cutie mark chronicles, it's clear that with Applejack's aunt and uncle being from the orange clan, one of her parents is implied to also be from the orange clan. They only changed applemom to a pear because of the FANDOM's memes about pears.
>it's clear that with Applejack's aunt and uncle being from the orange clan, one of her parents is implied to also be from the orange clan.
Or a grandparent.
Plausible. Also not every child follows in the footsteps of their parents, they can have their own dreams and ambitions.
They didn't
Thanks Anons.
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sorry to hear that Anon
Pear Butter had too many apples, ripped a fat one and Bright Mac died from the smell. She died of a broken heart 12 hours later.
It being a suicide would be interesting in that context, but kid show, they actually having children and all
Offscreen, shitwit. It does not matter. The autistic screeching over this question is ludicrous.
Dying to timberwolves seems a tad pathetic. Like dying to the tutorial boss in the beginning of a typical game. The Chimaera has enough intelligence to speak which already makes it an exponentially bigger threat and AJ is strangely super prepared to counter them. I doubt the average merchant is expected to defeat them, so AJ must have had extra motivation to learn how.
the Chimaera seems most plausible
Celestia had them executed to fulfill the prophecy of the Elements of Harmony.
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I'm sorry, man. That really fucking sucks.

The death note
If what I've read about that episode based on Romeo and Juliet is true (with one major difference), they most likely got poisoned sometime after Apple Bloom's birth.
7 years ago, stop asking since the show is already over.
They visited the WTC on 9/11
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>Appears in Season 7
>Died under Building 7
Sorry AJ, Equestria needed the Saddle Arabian's oil.
next time don't let your cat go outside, retard
Eaten by Gypsies.
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What do you mean? They're just on a long vacation.
my condolences anon. may Celestia protect his soul now.
Auto accident

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