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If you used a shapeshifting spell on a changeling to turn them into, say, an Earth pony or a griffon, would they still be able to use their changeling magic to shapeshift or would they be stuck that way? Would it be considered changing their base form and render them incapable or is their magic more like tied to a soul?
We don't know
Contrary to popular belief, changelings don't actually ever transform. Changelings are simply lifeforms that have the ability to perform a transdimentional teleportation spell coupled with the ability to sense alternate versions of themselves across the multiverse. When they "transform", they simply find an alternate version of themselves who is in the exact smame circumstances as they are, only they look like the form they desire to be. Simultaneously that alternate changeling desires to look like them. In an infinite multiverse this specific scenario is always guaranteed to happen. Then they both transport to eachothers respective universes and carry out eachothers tasks and then transport back when they are finished. From the perspective of an individual changeling who needs to accomplish a task as a specific form, you transport to a random universe where all your friends and enemies look completely different while you look the same, perform your task while trusting that your alternate self is performing yours, and then transport back to your original reality. By "transforming" this way there are no physical size shape or function limitations of your transformed self, and since the alternate changeling is a real body with a real past, it is magically and physically undetectable as a fake.
So in conclusion if you transformed the body of a changeling they would still be able to change into any form just like normal only their default form in their original reality would look different. I imagine they would be immune to the change though, as they could just decide to permanently swap to a reality where all their fellow changelings look like their new form.
pharynx turned into a rock, and then turned back, so no. they wouldn't be stuck that way.
Always hated this bs in the later seasons. If they can literally turn into anything regardless of mass or material, they should be ruling the fucking world by now.
They're very stupid, please understand.
Why would those limitations make any difference?
Widespread infiltration and changeling victory should have been inevitable, followed by mass starvation when their food runs out. All they had to do is stay in disguise and replace unimportant ponies until they outnumbered the real ponies. Without a leader, failure would have been impossible. Instead, Chrysalis replaced some barbie princess that didn't matter and nobody else, and then had an army of shape-shifting spies engage in open battle, which was the one way they could actually lose.
Normally I'd blame the writers, but the other side of that coin is that the changelings would be totally unstoppable without a fatal flaw. They need a queen for eggs, so the queen rules, but she's also a mega retard, which keeps the hive from starving itself out in the manner previously described.
That's why I've always headcanoned multiple changeling factions, or at least two. Most bugs do the smart thing and stay hidden, replacing loved ones in secret or even making deals with lonely ponies.
It's only Chrysalis wanting the self-destructive world domination cause she's fucking retarded.
>All they had to do is stay in disguise and replace unimportant ponies until they outnumbered the real ponies.
Ah yes, because kidnapping millions is so easy. Especially when you need to do so completely undetected.
>just stay in disguise bro!
Looking like someone isn't just an automatic win button. Actually replacing someone would require a shitton of work put into studying their life so that the one replacing them wouldn't just be immediately found out. It's something you'd do only to a small number of very important individuals.
>calling Chrysalis a retard
You know what they say about throwing stones in glass houses.
>without a fatal flaw.
You mean, like, being parasites?

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