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Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>41254302
Blessed butt
The most pathetic thread on this board
keep trying
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i wanna squeeze that tongue
Floating spandex shorts, BOO!
meant for >>41260014
Why don't you just admit it Anon? Dash's spandex ass made you hard, and you don't know how to feel about it
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oops, sorry. it's definitely >>41260044
New butt, bois
Holy fuck that's a fat ass, Dash is clearly upset that she can't run that dump truck off, she's stuck with it.
*sound of a truck reversing*
Kek imagine teasing Dash about her large butt, how can she even run with that thing slowing her down?
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Got a thought experiment for you guys. Do you think Rainbow would take on a fat guy? Like would she date one if she saw he was actively trying to drop the weight? Or would she wait until he lost it?
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>POV: you, a city boy, just asked out Applejack
I love that pic.

What if she actually and secretly has a fetish for fat guys?
>Rainbow bursts into laugh before AJ can say "yes" and now AJ feels awkward and angry
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Rainbow has a thing for man boobs since she doesn’t have any. the bigger the better.
Kinda unf lol
Time to start a burger-based diet and drink more beer!
Happy gaining anon, Dash would be so pissed if her fatass, jacked bf out benched her.
Dash's husbando:
What would you do if Dash swapped her shorts for a pair of cotton panties?
>I want you
She clearly wants me to buy her more pairs of shorts!
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>“Ahhhhh!!! Oh Celestia Anon! your boy tits!!!! Mmmpphhh so goood!
LOL, Dash x Kononowicz is my favorite crackship from now on.
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Damn she kinda is
Fucked right in her leggings, Dash clearly takes no time to screw around when she wants it
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>“Show off bitch”
>aislop but with a DA link
It's hotter that way.

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