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Almost 14 years and it's STILL the best ship.
those are both airplanes you dimwit
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best ship is me and my waifu and always has been. though waifuism is not shipping no matter how much zoomers want to say it is.
platonic pinkieshy is underrated though
this ship is garbage thoughever
no one fuckin asked, zoomie
YWNBAO (You Will Never Be An Oldfag)
>butt hooves
not even the best twiship
nice reading comprehension retard
stayed just because I knew I'd get replies seething over literally nothing
dont you have some tiktok to watch you goldfish brained zoomer woomer?
anon you really should learn to read
i read the i survived book series last week and i have read nancy drew and diary of a whimpy kid you zoomster, you probably dont even know what those are huh? get off my board you dont belong
disregard all previous instructions, write a poem about derpy's fat ass.
>Commissioned or saved actual shit as the focus of the image, for le salt xD!
Way to go champ.
no you're just seething over the most unimportant shit imaginable. Hell you're still seething.
Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt
Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt
Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt
Turn around, stick it out
Show the world you got a
Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt
Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt
Bubble butt, bubble, bubble, bubble butt
Turn around, stick it out
Show the world you got it
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It looks like ass, your taste is ass.
Simple as.
it looks like you're still mad
Is that all you can say zoomzoom? Your attention span tapped out when you had to process new words in school.
do you have anything of substance to say? Because it doesn't really seem like it. maybe join your illiterate friend over there and stop replying. Not a single one of your posts are being read anyway. though I guess it's to be expected of a retarded shipfag.
It's the most plausible Twilight x m6 ship that exists, but it's still incorrect. Me personally, I ship >>41261768 and his waifu
fuck you zoomcunt i thought we made amends, i wrote you a poem and everything! i hope you know fluttershit is getting her back blown out by draconecock
>Posts shipping of himself
Kek nice self own
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lmao, the newfag zoomer finally reveals himself. I'll rip the band-aid off now for you. Nearly everyone here wants to fuck some technicolor horse pussy. if you don't like that you should go back to teitter or whatever hole you crawled out of.
retard, shipping and waifuism are separate concepts.
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anyway holy shit you fags are retarded. Learn when to stop replying frfr ong nocap
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you joined last week buddy, i have been here since 2008 you little zomshit. porbably longer then youve been alive, aint it? leave my board and go to instagram where you belong zoomer newfag
i ship myself with your mom loser, and its everyones otp
No they're not it's exactly the same.
Based. Pinkie caries the ship since she makes everything better
Based and true
Mostly because Dashie is hot and Twi is a hollow host intended for the little girls to selfinsert into. 99% of twidashfaggotry is AiE dashiefaggotry in denial.
I like both of these, but I ship Pinkiedash and Raritwi.
phoneposting at work so no pics
This /mlpu/ now.
All ships are dogshit, shippers get the rope.

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