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Previous: >>41224601
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Seriously, I can't take this shit anymore.
I checked out some time ago, honestly
I'm a longtime G5 fan, I just couldn't watch it. It's just jingling car keys in front of a face. Completely meaningless. It's not... not better than Newborn Cuties, but other than that, this is all-time low in the MLP franchise. Even G3 is better than this (writing-wise).
Whats with their fascination with making giant obstacle courses.
Baby noises.episode sure is a choice, featuring a very similar plot to the last episode.

In fact in general you could describe this as last episode but instead of an okay song you get nothing.
Its visual nonsense tied to a generic Hitch Sparky plot.
This is bad
For once I agree with the schizo
I wonder why they're even making these anymore. Do they really make enough from the ad revenue? There's hardly any toys in the store to buy, last I looked.
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Yeah, chief.

Not feeling it anymore with G5. This shit isn't getting another TYT season. Once the last three specials are done, it'd be over for this generation.
>3rd age regression episode
You think they keep turning them into babies because they get to pay the VAs less and this saves them some money? Or this is the best the tyt writers can come up with?
The well for creativity has run dry and it’s not even year 3 yet
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the fucking reward was a used binky

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Who is this made for?
G5 F.A.Gs(Filly attracted guys)
Kyle Carrozza
Does the meaning of this episode is basically it's okay to adults go back as children sometimes?
>the best the tyt writers can come up with?
I'm sure the writers can do better shit but Hasjew don't let them to.
Brother, are you esl or high?
>the meaning
There's none. Hasbro want to attract literal toddlers, so they think showing toddlers on screen would do it.
You talk like you don't know that agere is getting popular recently and that TYT team doesn't know about the grown man that keep torturing themselves by watching this shit.
Is age regression really getting popular? I don't think it is.
No I’m talking like the sentence I quoted sounded like it was constructed by someone struggling with English or drugs.
Fair enough
>Is age regression really getting popular?
A while ago zoomers that even hadn't any sort of childhood trauma around their early teenage years was getting into it, for the aesthetics. It got spread on tiktok and gained more recognition than before.
I miss bullying so much
>for the aesthetics
What the fuck does that even mean?
>hadn't any sort of childhood trauma
What does it have to do with anything? It's just a fetish.
I can imagine the reviews of this episode would consist of the endless scream of agony.
>What the fuck does that even mean?
I can tell you are really old. Everything for zoomers and alphabittles nowadays are "for aesthetics", which means they don't really like the thing as long it is an aesthetic pleasure to record videos and take photos with. It's basically what's happening with MLP now, zoomers are faking themselves into the fandom to be part of something they don't really love as long they're part of and can milk the most possible of social media content with it. No wonder why I'm having a hard time being in the fandom with a bunch of just-discovered DID with ADHD profiles and a pony png behind a lgtv flag profile pictures.
>What does it have to do with anything? It's just a fetish.
No it's not, age play is not age regression. In agere the person really "brain rots" and became a toddler.
G5 still does one good thing that remained from G4. Competitions/parties ad infinitum.
The problem is it isn't folkish enough, in Equestria each event was suppose to symbolize a season and have an environmental meaning and usecase for it; Falling of the Leaves, Winter Wrap Up, Summer Sun Celebration.

ALL except for the Grand Galloping Gala which serves no purpose but to be a useless fancy gala party.
I think they're trying to copy Cry Babies Magic Tears, which is also aimed at preschoolers and has a golden pacifier as a prize in multiple episodes, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQe3bGm_qGw It's also a much better show. A lot of the magical nonsense filler episodes like this come off as somebody trying to copy Cry Babies without understanding what makes the show good (it actually has characters and plots and moral lessons, it's not just dangling keys).
It all makes sense now
>say the show is actually good
>tell it does have plot
>3d human babies in the thumbnail
I won't fail for that. Have you ever eatched cocomelon? Is it also a masterpiece?
talk about peaks and valleys
We went from comfy with Hitch and Sunny to crushing darkness this episode
this has got to be one of the worst episode in the series
Comfy my ass, that Hitch episode was shit as well. We have been on a fucking valley since the Rocky x Jazz episode!
I saw a gif of this episode and got a minor heart attack because for a second I thought they made fluffy ponies.
Whatever dude I'm not going to argue your shit taste, I'm checking out. I just hope Wild Manes speeds up G5's demise.
At this point it would be a mercy kill.
Yes I too fellow wild manes enjoyer wish the crushing defeat of this G we are talking about. Hey remember goy...I mean guys to donate to Israel and Ukraine.
The last episode was pure shitty gargabe, the music was ok but everything else was lost of time.
At this point, I hate everything that haves Sunny in the thumbnail.
S2 has a villain, Allura.

Yet they don't use her.

I just can't anymore.
A New Generation was really the peak of G5 was it not?
The only.
I blame Hitch.
Wow some peak, a film designed from the ground up to shit all over everything loved about fim
Made by generic woke shitty people
obvious bait
not even worth responding to
the episode before this one was what made tyt s1 so great
I blame Pipp.
I blame Misty
>the episode before this one was what made tyt s1 so great
Sunnyflag is the bait here.
them listening to the faggots that wanted adventure and lore is what killed the fucking series
all they had to do was make more comfy slice of life and they messed it up
now they introduced a bunch of shit that most of the fanbase never wanted which is why it's dead
>a magical pocket dimension where all who enter turn into babies
It's impossible for there to be adult supervision. What if something happens to the babies?
We literally see the old newcaster dude watching the baby ponies from his magical television (which also seems to show him what's in front of it, for some reason.) Although you can't physically be there to wrangle them I guess.
It's canon guys: he's a pedo.
Who is the Equestrian Epstein that would create this kind of dimension?

But seriously this episode felt like the writer watched Coco Melon and bunch of content farm videos on you tube and decided that kids love characters turning into babies and doing Fall Guys games
Last good episode was Posey and Pip episode
...if you're retarded.
looks like the G% writers a """thing"""" for fillies
>inb4 some of the writers are pdf.
Haber haters I think its time you own him an apology
i mean, it was cute the first time
misty being there the second time made it worse
this is just bad
If G% sisters hate G% you know they are doing something wrong
Get new material
So how do I get his job?
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>never seen any G5
>see 'oh it's a classic turned into babies episode'
>maybe I'll give it a shot
>literal nothing burger
what did I just watch? how do I know less about these characters then before i watched it
I feel sorry for you, man. Please, never watch G% ever again or you will brain rot.
Would you prefer 3d rainbow zebra unicorn children? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yRql4jfGRjU
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I kind of like it. It's way better than today's episode of TYT, as in it actually has a story. It reminds me of It Isn't the Mane Thing about You.
>starting from s2 ep 17
I just thought it was going to be a silly "oh no they turned into babies!" thing now the filly characters would have to figure out what to do or something. you know a classic cartoon trope
>watching g5
you're right, I am. but hey I only watched one little short. you saw all of it didn't you? pfft
>open a book to random page in the middle of book
>durrr this sucks
that's a terrible analogy. you can open most books to the middle and read a paragraph or two to see the general writing quality. are you stupid? you don't actually read do you
no you cant retard
keep coping
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and this is why I don't watch G5. keep on ranting and raving dogfag. new shit comes out and you only got 75(now76) replies in 13.5 hours. I hope I entertained you more then this shit show, cause it sure isn't entertaining anyone!
keep being retarded, retard
nothing you said made any sense
>"a paragraph or two"
is fourteen sentences max and you think that's enough to judge anything?
you are a retard
Calm down dogfucker
How long have you been watching and how long have you been seething
This shouldn't have been your first intro to G5. From the multiple threads complaining about G5, you'd know it sucks. Try watching the movie. It all goes downhill from there
Calm down. We use these threads to talk about g5 in general even if the episode is slop
go back
stay here
So on a scale of 1 to 10 what would you rate this episode?
It's saying something when >>>every<<< single review of this episode was negative, including G5 fanboys. I won't list them here, because they're all saying the same thing: "it sucked".
Just went and watched it as well. It was cute. Don't have a cow, man.
Why you're paying attention to the shill sunnytard? Either he's being paid to be here or he's one of those G% manchild squizos.
Keep coping by liking G%.
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There's nothing wrong with being a squid.
>paid to shill
are you stupid?
im on record saying most of s2 is bad including episodes other people liked like the Jazz x Rocky one
i just like last weeks episode because it has a lot of the elements of tyt s1
i wish i got paid to shit of s2
maybe i should start a yt channel
i accept your concession
wtf has happened to g5
season 1 was actually decent even it is beanmouth but god this season has been such shit lately
i miss mym
Even though I liked this year's TYT special, I have to admit that it was clearly aimed to much younger audience. Younger than G3 audience.
Misty Shadow must be the only one defending this shit with all his might because oh god he's so fucking blind for G%. Not even Hawk liked it.
Like Newborn Cuties.
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Was there any internal changes to the TYT team?
I don't think the problem is internal so much. Back in S1, MYM would have acted as a sort of lighting rod to Hasbro corporate interference with it being the main show and everything. But now that TYT is the only show, Hasbro would be more involved.
mym devolved into nostalgia bait
im glad it got cancelled
MYMs nostalgia baiting was only once in a while, the rest of the show was fine without it and deserved to be continued.
it absolutely was not “every once in a while”
The last three chapters were full of valid references to g4
elder berry or whatever her name was vomited nothing but g4 references
It deserved to be cancelled
Stupid phone
tyt deserves to be canceled for being nothing but power rangers slop, age regression slop, farting and burping slop, and for have a cocomelon five minute runtime.
i agree tyt sucks NOW because it's trying to copy mym
If they haven't canned it yet after mym it means it's working, sadly. Hasjews are very grabby and even considered the g4 movie which were profitable a failure because it wasn't enough of a success and then went on to cancel the 2nd movie, then downgrade it to special and pass it off to boulder which they would hire for the g5 movie then close the studio.
I just can't do it, I can't TAKE this shit no more man
>Some troglodytes actually like G5
hasdrones really do exist
Wings would like the age regression

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