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Which pony got worst fans?
Brapniggers deserve the rope.
Mare farts are miracles. Sorry you're too gay to appreciate them.
>literal shit particles out of an anus
Sounds pretty fucking gay to me, bro.
>it's gay
How? It's from a mare.
>inb4 everyone farts
Ok? This is specifically a mare fart. Not a stallion fart.
Rainbow Dash. Not even up for debate.
>glimmer mentioned
>thread becomes scat argument
the answer is clear.
>brap fetish mentioned
Glimmer and brap fetish go hand in hand, you cannot mention one without the other, even if you did, a glimmer fag would appear and start talking about how nasty her farts are.
Glimmer and Dash are the only real answers, the worst degenerates with the worst taste.
>generalization and exaggeration
ok retard
Twilight Sparkle.
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>generalization and exaggeration
>glimmerfags have an overwhelming reputation of wanting to huff farts as evidenced by this very thread.
>dashfags are well known to be annoying, evidenced by their constant "dashie" and "plap plap" posting.
Lurk more brapfag.
Glimmerniggers have been a consistent scourge.
Only one in competition is Chrysalis, but she's not actually a pony.
One single brapfag causing this much butthurt just shows the dire state of this board. It's hilarious, I hope he keeps it up.
trixie fans are cry babies
But anon, they dont even exist...
This board used to have dedicated fart fetish threads before the scruffening and lots of fart greens. Anyone who hates that particular glimflaggot is just a newfag who wouldn't survive in old /mlp/ where every fetish had a thread and people making green for it.
Came to say this, and it isn't because of the brapnigger
I honestly find his posts funny but that doesn't change the fact that its disgusting and gives glimmerfags an even worse name, they would still probably be the worst fans without the brap shit but I suppose shit taste begets shit taste.
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>still traumatized by the falseflagging masturboop trolls after all these years
Why not recontain them?

The glimmernegro is funny tho
>>dashfags are well known to be annoying, evidenced by their constant "dashie" and "plap plap" posting.
it's like 2 retarded niggers from the tf2 thread.
Containments don't work dumbass. it only encourages safespaces while they shitpost outside of them freely and then cry when they get blowback in their threads.
>See: cowfuckers, futafaggots, ect
>it's like 2 retarded niggers from the tf2 thread.
its more like 4-5 but fair, the main reason i say it is because ive been witness to dashfags outside of /mlp/ and they always stuck out as the most annoying idk why, might just be cus shes a popular character idk
It's because anyone who could waifu her is already retarded, so they are drawn to emulate it. Kind of like derpyfags
rarifags, extremely obnoxious and full of themselves. Very annoying because they think they're the best in whatever invisible competition they're constantly in. Always kicking others while their down and then saying "I'm sure glad I'm not that guy", while gloating about "picking the right horse" as if it was ever a choice for you to make. genuinely think they got the best ending when their whorse was a slut for cock throughout the entire show. waifu is a boring whore who's only redeeming quality is being a pony. fuck them.
As detestable and unwelcome as Glimmernigggers are, even they hate that fucking pajeet.
He's white though.
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Glimbrap guy here. I was gonna ignore this thread and let people seethe about me until i saw this post.

I'm white, and i also get to work with cute horsies all day as a living. Does that make you upset? Lol i bet it does. Love mares, love farts, love Glimmy, simple as.
I'll be ready for them next time.

Or maybe everyone is just tired of your forced "trixie is le trannie xD" meme
and with that you just proved >>41262711 right
Do you sniff their farts? 0c0
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I dont care if that pictures fake or not and how much investment you have in this persona you crafted, you are an honorary pajeet considering your obsession with scat. Nobody is “seething” people just think you’re a troglodyte. Prove us wrong.
Don't like them?
What did derpyfags do?
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I'm usually surrounded by people. I gotta hide my power level. Also most of these horses are stallions. 2D is superior anyway.

>incoherent babble
>"uh... you arr brown because uhm... Fake picture... "
I'm white, and you're seething about it.
Are they all ponies?
You disgust me.
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Utterly based.
Looks like a fun job, I'm jelly.
Sounds like a you or a problem.
No, there's ponies and horses, even some cows.
It's not easy work trust me.
Thank you for proving that zooniggers are the problem, not glimmer.
On here? Everyone's cool, you have some quirks between different waifufags but overall everyone is somewhat acceptable. Offboard? Tie between Trixfags and Rarifags, due to having the highest concentration of trannies and women
Based and true.
cute eyelashes
banning the futa thread was one of the best things the mods have done
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Glimmer by an overwhelming margin but Lunafags take second place, they're obnoxious.
whats so obnoxious about them
im not a dashfag so no, i didn't.
>Real Glimmerchads?
Have the best taste in everything.
Tasteless retards.
>That fartschizo?
Fake fan.

Simple as.

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