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What would you do for mlp gen 6?
Nothing because MLP as a brand as of the year of our lord 2024 is not economically viable anymore. DND, Nerf and Transformers would be my sole focus for the growth of Hasbro.
g2 style ponies
Generation 6 will not happen.
That G4 part is a ruse
What do you mean
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I’d put Genndy Tartakovsky on it. Part of what made G4 so good is that the production team included people like Faust’s husband Craig McCracken who worked on classics like Foster’s Home, Chowder, and Regular Show, and collaborated directly with Tartakovsky on Powerpuff Girls and Dexter’s Lab. All of these influenced G4’s art style, dialogue, and general development to varying degrees, so there’s no doubt having G6 be in the same vein as something like Samurai Jack would make for a great show.
I’d pull a g2 and do games instead of a show but they’d be paper mario style rpgs
>baby hippo
>monkey dog
Only 1% of my little pony's viewers are /co/ posters like you though. Even i think Genndy's and Craig's art lacks a certain beauty element needed for the franchise. I do like the idea of G6 being a constant adventure with barely any time spent in a "home" setting like Samurai Jack, though.
I think no matter what we can at least agree 2D is superior
I'm agreeing, Tartakovsky would be pretty great. We always have ponies that have very small adventures and environments that are barely ever explored. Let's have full on campaigns across the lands. Not all may be created equally but it would lead to a ton of unique situations.
A static base party would also allow for a lot of growth. Samurai Jack is a good example because he learns skills over many episodes. Expand the cast to maybe a mane four and you have a lot of opportunities.
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>sunshit representing G4
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>changelings invade manehattan
>picrel ensues
Sign me the fuck up
This got me thinking and now I can’t help but wonder what an MLP series that follows the storytelling style of Avatar would look like
>Earth Nation
>Pegasus Nation
>Unicorn Nation
>Alicorn Nation
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I think it’d work well to fill in the gaps between G4 and G5 (assuming G5 is canon) and explain how Equestria got to the state it’s in
>I think it’d work well to fill in the gaps between G4 and G5
It would, there’s so much room for growth outside of what’s already been presented that personally I feel that would be wasted potential. Would be kino as a side plot about ancient history or something though.
*would, but
Also IDW could definitely handle that if they really wanted to.
>economically viable
>implying someone's gonna try saving sinking ship instead of trying to dump it faster for short or insider agreement with disjew or chinkcent
Actually make G2
Look at anime industry for how last attempt to milk once popular among autists franchises look like. NFT, AI, even more self awareness, some drama, maybe something like licensed porn, ReLaTeAbLe shills, some shit like subscription tiers for 'exclusive' merch, plot copying g$, some big collabs.
I hope it wil never happen but won't be surprised
how did a thin fabric banner survive for hundreds of years?
there is absolutely no wind to dust or erode it + somehow (magic) everything including bacteria's e.t.c. is dead. kind of an open tomb
But G1 started the hippo train
>changelings invade manehattan
>picrel ensues
Cringe FoEfaggot detected
Who would be your main characters
Twilight destroyed all magic. Are you completely retarded for even considering that?
She destroyed ability to use it. There was nothing about cleaning up consequences of previous spells e.t.c.
>actually looking into G5 lore
>Actually retarded
How do you expect to make something between generations if you know nothing about it, catranny?
>pure excellence
>there is absolutely no wind to dust or erode it
Depending on whether or not weather functions normally without pegasi this could be plausible
Faustoids everyone
>My even more little pony
>takes places in a land entirely made up of bug ponies
>humans exist but the bug ponies alway try to hide from them since they’re so small, meaning they don’t get on the show that much
>pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns have been replaced with flutter/moth ponies, ant ponies, and beetle ponies respectively
>there are also other bug based equestrian creatures such as bee zebras, spider dragons, and fly donkeys
>main cast is minty who is an moth pony, who has to try and stop herself from eating the socks she makes, fluttershy who is a flutter pony who takes care of some of the smaller, non-pony bugs, patch, a tomboy beetle pony who likes to get into fights, magic star, a beetle pony who’s a little clumsy and isn’t the best with her magic so she’s alway looking for charms, melody, a somewhat lazy ant pony who would rather be a singer than do work in the colony, and applejack, an ant pony who’s always hard at work in the colonies
>the main villains are queen chrysalis and her changelings though there do also tend to be some one off villains
Nice fucking headcannon
>implying G5 has a narrative worthy of being in the same universe as G4
Kys nigger baby
ironic post
For me only g4 exists. I know is lowkey retarded. But i only care about the mares and characters (spike included) of the 4th gen.

I tried (god knows) to like the other gens but i cant. Gt had potential but it all went to the drain with bad animation, cgi and a plotline that basically killed all that waa accomplished in g4
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>G5 had potential but it all went to the drain with bad animation, cgi and a plotline that basically killed all that was accomplished in g4
Agreed. I get what they were going for, but the way they presented the main conflict felt out of character and wholly unnecessary as setup to the rest of the story. That isn’t to say it’s a bad concept, just horribly misplaced and mishandled.

My pipe dream for G6 is that it somehow retcons the entirety of G5 and the end of G4, even if that means leaning into le timeline shenanigans (could even involve G1-3 in some way if they’re brave enough). If they were to remix the plot points starting from around G4 season 5 to present-day G5 into a coherent narrative and provide a legitimate, compelling reason for creating the Unity Crystals later down the line, I might entertain the idea of forgiving Hasbro. Maybe.
Also make the rest of the G4 mane six alicorns, they deserve it
put /mlp/ in control of it but keep it basically the same as s1-s4. make it hand drawn and get our best artists on it. Include an anon every once in a while to have some wacky adventures or twilight zone tier plot line with alternative realities. Have atleast one episode for each of the mane 6 with an anon spending time with his waifu
>Gt had potential but
>G5 had potential but
What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking morons?
Why do you fucking hate equestria?
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Afterlifekun, it's been nearly 3 years. It's time to let go.
Why pick that unnamed background pony from s9e26 to represent G4?
Clean slate. New characters. No real world politics. Horse/Pony-like designs. Use common sense and good judgement in regards to the attention given to the 'bronies' and adult fans. Drop the it's-for-kids-bad-writing-doesn't-matter mentality. Make the toys look like the characters. Be consistent., and hire someone specifically to maintain brand coherence and consistency. Make sure this person understand the history of the franchise and the publics relationship with it. And for fucks sake, don't attack your goddamened audience.
>hire someone specifically to maintain brand coherence and consistency
unfortunately this opportunity was hijacked by niggers and people with DEI degrees, they become the woke consultant and there is no funds for a lore consultant
Please read the rest of the post
I'm reading between the lines you fucking shithead
You believe in your demented fucked up brain that the premise of G5 from the film has any potential at all
You fucking hate equestria you piece of shit fuck you we aren't friends
She stored it, actually. Then all the ponies became retarded and decided to hate each other.
>I’ve convinced myself you said something you didn’t say and now I am mad
Anon we both agree that G5 was completely and utterly squandered, from the plot to the characters (still mad about Spike) to the art style. There’s no question there. I just think that if some of the existing plot elements were to be employed by a competent team who actually cares about the world they’re overseeing, they could make for a legitimately interesting story. It’s like seeing a good character design be confined to a shitty gacha game. And fuck you I love Equestria and having friends
Please for the love of everything just go back to the G4 art style. That's the bare minimum that I am asking for
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>Stupid Idea
Make it so Twiggy sealed magic away to contain an extradimensional adversary that's a tie in to a different Hasbro property. In this case: Azalin Rex from the Ravenloft setting.
For those unfamiliar, Ravenloft is the D&D horror setting, where various villains from across the spheres of the universe are imprisoned by Dread Powers inside their own little kingdoms. However, they are tormented by an ironic punishment that makes each one of them that is aware of their situation want to escape. Adventurers are usually brought in by the Dread Powers to derail these escape attempts and also further torment the rulers of these dread realms (or get tormented themselves). Azalin Rex is a lich who is aware of his predicament, and often tries to escape his dread kingdom.
In current lore, Azalin made an escape attempt that resulted in his disappearance, and possibly succeeded in his escape attempt as his dread realm is disintegrating.
I would have it that he escaped the dread realms, BUT the Dread Powers fucked with him on the way out so that he ended up in Equestria. His initial delight in being free would be immediately cut short as he realized he could not tap into the magic of the realm he found himself in, because in Equestria, Friendship is Magic and Azalin has no friends. So he is left with the only abilities inherent to him as a lich, and whatever spell power he has on him at the time, and recouperating his magic would require devouring souls or draining magical artifacts.
That'd be the set up.

>better idea
Get better writers. Pull episode ideas from Arabian Nights, Aesop, and various fairy tales. Maybe have a Djinn/Genie as the bad guy who goes around granting monkey's paw type wishes.
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all porn.
made by clopician.
funded by Syria.
If Twigs had to seal magic away to stop Azalin, does that mean he made friends?
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Maybe. Or he was eating people who had a lot of friends because they had a lot of magic surrounding them.
If Friendship magic is sealed away in whatever tupperware Twiggy sealed it in, then Azalin can't eat it.
Ironically, if he was allowed to devour enough souls, he'd go to some other world with a more sensible magic system.
>We want the brown audience
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Damn I wish I could have a backyard nerf war with my middle school friends again.
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I've actually thought a lot about this unironically

I think pic related proved that you can make a show primarily targeted to little girls that's still "epic" and appeals to all ages. I think Hasbro ought to take cues from this
I hope you don’t mean making the pones look like the horse
Jenny's "The Applejack Problem" video.
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I want to see Ponk in Tartakovsky’s style
Genndy could absolutely do it. He's an action guy who loves comics and Japanese culture so he would be able to capture Japanese-style cuteness and balance it out with action-adventure.
Please never become a writer.
He’s right though
Try to make another gen 4 but with a more subconsciously erotic design philosophy
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: give them guns

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