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File: Anorexic Sunny.jpg (321 KB, 2048x1428)
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g% has existed for three years and this is the only notable fan content to come out of it’s existence
And it started out as joke because of sunny’s TYT design
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who is this generic mean girl
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posey sucks now
IIRC there also was 'magic not yours...' copypasta and Misty marecel threads, so it's 3 pieces of content in total. 1 per year.
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>'magic not yours...'
do you meant the magic is not yours to give memes? i woudlntr really say that's fancontent just a meme
>Misty marecel threads
those arent popular and only exist in here
anorexic sunny is popular in the widder fandom
>just a meme
From what I've heard there were fics, arts, music e.t.c.
>only exist in here
>popular in wider fandom
I don't follow much of a 'wider' fandom especially g%. I've just rried to remember everything being forced by g%fags
Oh look, a history revisionist.
it's dead, only thing left is TYT
>5 minute long episodes
just not enough meat to sustain a fandom or interest
>From what I've heard there were fics, arts, music e.t.c.
not based off the image/meme just the idea of evil twilight which is different also none are as popular as the meme>>41263244
>I don't follow much of a 'wider' fandom especially g%.
those threads werent even that popular here
prove me wrong
name another g5 famous fanwork
wrong there are plenty of other fandoms that are fien with the five minute format
it is the standard of the girls cartoon industry now
Makaryo's Misty animations blew up when they first released. probably what helped her initial popularity
>only notable content
>an emotionally manipulative comic that ended up being yuri fetish slop
Maren and Makaryo going all in on g% deserves the title of only notable content far more.
>plenty of other fandoms
not this one, but you are a massive ESL faggot and couldn't comprehend what I just wrote
The general criticism is perhaps reasonable. But starting as a joke doesn't seem bad or unusual for pony fan stuff.
>no argument
>what helped her initial popularity
I didn't know thats makaryo is trans but its not so uprising considering how they like g5, are horrible at art and how shitty a person they are
Got any proof on that xir tranny
Get off the internet for no fewer than three months. Take longer if you're still mentally ill enough to see trannies where there are none. The "her" in >>41263776 is clearly referring to the character Misty, who is female.
I liked this artist until it turned out they're just another twitter user who calls out everything
>NPC response
She was popular on her own.
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>prove me wrong
>name another g5 famous fanwork
Ayy little bro

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