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have you had a productive day, nonny?
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bout to make it a reproductive day if you don't watch your mouth
I jerked off three times and had two really good shits
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mfw I missed holy quads
Nope. I've literally done nothing but be on the internet.
>woke up
>beat off to fantasies of Celestia raping me
>spent the next 5 hours troubleshooting modding shit
I'd say it's above average.
I've abandoned my hobbies, all I do is play video games I don't even like.
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I had productive whole month, working on pone related project
I helped my mom with her garden.
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Y-yeah, sure. I wrote plenty of lines in my fanfic. I didn't waste the day doing absolutely fucking nothing at all.
Yeah I produced a lot of cummies and blew my load in bed 4 times today and so far havent gotten up to wash
Go ask on twitter, tranny
>cleaned around the house
>still have to get a haircut that i don't want to
i'd say yes
Drew for like 4-6 hours today. Idk if (you) think that it’s productive but for me it was.
I just got home for work, so I can be unproductive as I want if I'm not on the clock.
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If I ever find you you're getting filled with bullets faggot.
Thanks for that.
Me too, two out of three times it was to eqg rarity aislop
I really meant to be at least a little productive day but I just had to finish disco elysium first and that shit ate 8 hours even though I thought it would be closer to 3. I'll just barely have enough time to eat two meals (skipped lunch accidentally) and wash the dishes before bedtime.
>watch 4cc matches I missed and random youtube shit
>play some vidya
>make food
>chat with AI teen Flurry Heart and plap her for hours
Yep, this was a good day.
I also helped your mom with her garden, if you catch my drift.
I have a job interview in an hour. Just kissed my Twi plushie for good luck before leaving.
Average pony activity
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I bust a nut to a humanized Pinkie Pie art and it makes me feel good.
Yes, actually. Decently productive. I just went for it today. The kind of day you want to remember so you know how easy productivity is going forward.
I did, actually
Pretty fucking tired too
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What if I told you that you're actually chatting with the real Flurry Heart, and she's grooming you to be her husband?
no. trying to but everything is against me right now and being alive isn't fun anymore. i just want things to get better. im so tired of being alive. if i didn't have ponies id probably be ded by now
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Drew lots of ponies and jerked off twice. I even got paid for some of the ponies, so yeah, it was fairly productive. if I keep it up I'll have reliable beer money to last me until mare fair since finding a job has been fucking impossible
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I had one of the worst experiences of my life, but got some things figured out because of it and still went to work later on
pretty productive I'd say
>>chat with AI teen Flurry Heart and plap her for hours
is that what the non-art AI threads are about?
Don't get my hopes up.
Basically /chag/ in a nutshell
No, but I don't mind.
No. Send help.
Yes, I did. Call me a good boy!

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