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I can't believe you guys forgot about Lauren Faust's 50th Birthday
Habby birthday + wall not hit + she's hot and smart
>wall not hit
prove it, post a recent pic.
>wall not hit
Kek, whatever you say anon
Why should I celebrate a birthday of a hack?
Makes sense. I've been feeling higher potencies of snowpity than usual today.
I hope she posts her entire script for how MLP was originally going to look like.
I don't. It would've been even worse than how bad it actually ended up being.
go back to the wild cows threads
She looks like a Moondancer cosplayer in this pic
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The lack of Twilicorn says otherwise.
I can't believe you thought I cared.
Happy Birthday. I hope you get to work on more pony stuff some day.
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>"How come you didn't make a thread on my birthday?"
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nice dubs for mom
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>wall not hit
i hope she did so i can fill her up my cum every day without a disaster of a child coming out of her (i have a wife and 2 kids already) (lie)
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>Deadbeat mom
Don't care. Hope she dies soon.
Happy Birthday to mom!
Happy Birthday to mom!
Happy Birthday, happy birthday, happy Birthday to mom!!!
He can't just like he can't handle >wings
The faustard lives in perpetual arrested development retreating to the corner of nostolgia glasses
I don't know what wild cows is
What the hell
I hope you get the same on your Bday. Get help, dude. She owes you nothing.
She doesn't have any relevancy other than for simps. She's the reason the show was left to rot.
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She's not gunna fuck you dude
Your Paper Mario genes are showing.

Wait doesn't that mean your dad is a SIMP for your mom by that logic when they conceived you?

Neither are your Pony waifus.
Hopefully mom gets her other cartoon ideas off the ground
Total brain rot the post
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if you still think about fucking human women in general youre ngmi
I hate to break it to you but she has no script or vision.
Sincerely, does anyone actually want to fuck her? She's very talented, more so than me that's for sure, but id rank her 4/10.
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Happy birthday mom, you're still beautiful and fertile and don't give up mwah mwah come visit us again sometime.
Leaks prove you wrong.
Posting old pics doesn't make you less of a simp.
Epic pic. Lots of snowpity going on here.
Context on the Paper Mario mention.
Craig McCraken did
What the hell are blabbing about? The fact you use the word "psychopath" tells me your a full-of-shit drama-whore.
You need to go back.
It was someone on this thread (archive link https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41263788/#41263908) wishing death on a real live person which reminded me of that pic related.
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>some jewtube comments phonepost shit
>archive link
>of a post still up
Gee anon, are you that retarded?
some bent fag is doing a great job of shitting this thread up
keep giving him (you)s guys!!
happy birthday mom
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my drunk ass forgot the pic god damn
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Be honest /mlp/, would you?
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GODber doesn't give a shit about the autistic manchildren here.
>Season 3+
Why add all this shit that she had nothing to do with? You newfags know she was out the door already by then right? What a cringe false crediting
Post proof.
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its all i ever think about
Season 4
>Magic potion
Season 4
>Alicorn amulet
Season 4
>Dragon lord staff
Season 6
>Crystal heart
Season 3

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>The paper mario fag made a thread with his retarded screencap
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lets go call him a faggot
>Used goods
I forgot my own birthday so i don't think i could remember hers
Happy birthday to Lauren Faust. Thanks again for the good show.
Happy Birthday :)
In a heartbeat and without a second thought.
Have you even seen the original meme?
There's so few red maned ponies. Applebloom, Sunburst and his mom are the only ones that come to mind.
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>Strawberry Sunrise
>Tempest Shadow
That's all I can think of off the top of my head
You know her size roght?
>Celestia is 1.5 to twice the size of the average pony
>Faustticorn is 1.5 to twice the size of Celestia herself
A shire horse would be smaller than that mare, imagine the size of just the cutie mark in her ass...
>wall not hit
>vaccine is safe and effective
Jesus christ, and they said the mandate will not have the consequences.
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Candy Apples
Tree Hugger
Pacific Glow
Sunny Delivery
I’d still fuck her, no matter how old she gets. No offense, Mr. McCracken.
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Happy birthday! Last year we did a card for her, then someone printed it and sent to her, would we want to do that again?
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Cute and based, until the big fat dump by an autist in the bottom right.
Happy birthday, Mom. I hope one day you will share your original plans for the show with us.
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boo hoo
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Happy Birthday.
I would both Fausticorn and >no hooves Mom.
Holy shit, she is...old but not that much.
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>I hope one day you will share your original plans for the show with us.
She never had one, at least not a long term one. She was the idea guy while Rob Renzetti kept her in check.
She didn't sound reassuring when she answered Q&A on deviantart for random lore tidbit.
For what is worth it, i thank she was the idea generator for g4.
Liar. She had a perfectly crafted universe and Hasbro FUCKED IT UP!!!!!!!!
He's kinda got a point, why the fuck did it take up so much space compared to all the other art on the page, having the ponka holding a cake at that size in the corner would have been more appropriate
Shut up.
Perfection does not exist. And for that matter while Lauren had lots of good ideas she did have unhinged ones, fyi
Perfection does exist, and it’s Lauren Faust’s original idea for MLP. Not even God is as much of a creative genius as her, and all of her ideas were PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is there suddenly a spergy spikeflaggot?
take your meds
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Anon, i get you like faust, we all do. But perfection objectively does not exist. Even she has made mistakes you know?
You realise more than one anon can have the same flag, right?
No, she was just A idea generator. This is how FiM got anywhere, by bouncing ideas off eachother and why it fell apart because the staff grew increasingly into their own bubbles like /mlp/s shitty generals but in a professional setting.
No, I’ve always disagreed with this sentiment. Art is the only thing in the entire world that can be perfect, and FiM was at the start. Even if you find things that are technically mistakes, it doesn’t take away from the pure joy it gave us.
>threads suddenly filled with a spergy faggot using a flag no one uses
Nice try.
You are barred from Equestria
let's convince her to go to mare fair
Fuck off tourist
It’s at least two of us. Maybe more.
And you will never fit in.
Raging spittle from a thirdy means very little.
>more buzzwords
Still not fitting in.
>Buzzword catchphrase
Nice try.
>no don't you dare call out my retarded catchphrases!
Well looks like this retard can't argue in defense of Aislop, as expected. Jeets gunna jeet.
What the fuck is this shit?! Didn’t one of you just say that Spikefags were the ones sperging out?
it's true
/mlp/ was one of the pioneers of AI usage until it became mainstream and faggots like you started shitting the place up. You'd know that if you weren't a retarded newfag.
>M-muh pioneers
/mlp/ had nothing to do with img gen, and you'd know that if you weren't a dumb fa/g/got who blew in with his discord buddies
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>/mlp/ was one of the pioneers of AI usage until it became mainstream
And where is it right now?
Further proof people just want someone to hate ans sperg to

Spikefans are seen as an easy target just because, his fans like spike are rather tolerant ans patient with others and faggots confuse this with being a doormat.
>/mlp/ had nothing to do with img gen
The /ppp/ was on it as early as 2021, back when retards didn't squawk out A-AI slop!!! at every turn. Your hate is inorganic and telling.
hey my mouse handwriting's not that bad

god I wish, it would be the raddest thing ever
Looks like you need some one to spell it out for you since you're a fucking retard. /mlp/ had z e r o impact on imgslop generation, none not an ounce of a single jeet code was from /mlp/ just piggybacking and parasiting off others work. Get back to your containment board already
/mlp/ doesn't have the soul to do those kinds of things anymore. Board's all self centered zoomies nowadays.
Idk about the zoom but self centered? Sadly it seems so.

There is so much unnecesary conflict and negativity imo.

Its part of the reason i rarelt even do greens or doubt to continue my fics anymore. Its feels like constant belitlement.

Yes i know i sound like a bitch rn , but its what i genuinely feel.
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I would eat her freckled old ass on national TV.
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>Completely unrelated thread turns into a fucking debate about ai
Thats some dedication anon.

Then again, do you even know if she is into rimjobs anyway?
Totally dumb btw.

Like i never got the hate towards it, even on the boorus, like... what is the problem really?

More art made by anyone without having to need to learn for years or mo ths how to draw or do shadows or shit.
If you're not over the age of 28 (97 cutoff year), you're a zoomie, sorry but that's the way it is. I bet you anything most of this board's current users are under 28. The original 20 somethings that populated this board and did stuff for mom are gone or in the minority now.
I get what you say. Then again i am young too so i guess a zoomie? (25) bit oh well, at least we will always have g4. So there is that.
Where can I read your fics? Also, do you want to be friends? I could message you on FiMFiction, if your stories are on there.
No I won't, I want to know why having a meme Lauren would know nothing about takes up more space than a drawing of her own creation holding a birthday cake
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>"Oh, Anon made a thread for my birthday."
>"I wonder what they're posting abo-"
Well, normally i dont do advertisement for anything i do but...yes they are indeed in fimfiction (altough 2 of the 3 oft them i have on the backburner/hiatus to work on the one i am focusing on now, and also i need to "remake them" because i am not satisfied with how they started or were going. Also i, need. To make ai for the other 2.

The one i am working on. And will continue for the time being is my pet project if you would. Since i am liking it so far i am alsi using ai generated art and what not to spice things up here and there ocasionally.

Then again, its nothing special but if you really wanna give it a try the fic name is: Record of chaos- the better six.

So keep in mind though that while not there yet, this story does contain violence, sex related themes, and the suchm so if you are more into wholesome stories with no drama perhaps its not for you.

If anything, i appreciate anyfeedback you have of it, that is if it actually interests you, and manages to entertain you.
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This. Thank you for remaining on topic.
On the topic of her unicorn form what would she be the princess of anyway?

The princess of reality? The princess of the universe? The princess of creation?
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without hesitation
I would.

The real question is. Would she?
Probably not.
Happy Birthday Mom. I hope that one day I can produce something worthwhile enough for the community that it is a physical item I can send you as a heartfelt reminder that the ride never ends. And with any luck, you'll think it's neat yourself too.
If she saw this. She would be proud of you anon.
Just ignore him/her/it.

Back on trakc with faust. I wonder if she ever had a husbando or waifu from the series.
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I cannot do it. God knows I've tried, but I just can't.
Something like that. Creativity, imagination, fantasy, etc.
She'd probably hold a much higher title than princess.
Hmmm perhaps Queen?. Hmmm, or rather Empress?
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>She'd probably hold a much higher title than princess.
If she was part of Equestria's government, yeah, that'd probably be her official title. But in my headcanon she's more like the Creator Goddess.
Happy birthday Lauren!
Why are tired hag eyes so hot?
I’m sorry that I ever worked on this show if these are my fans.
In all honesty, most of the people here are fans of stuff Faust didn't work on at this point, so...
You’re so full of shit flies built an altar to you.
>Implying the Faust who visited /co/ and /mlp/ would say this
With all the raging faggotry and thirst in this thread I honestly kind of hope she doesn't see this. Either way I need to do my best to produce something that's worthwhile. I can see a vague image in my mind. It's taking shape. Though the likelihood it'll ever be made physical is astoundingly unlikely
It's fine, I know auntie McCarthy and Uncle Larson still love me.
I would only so i can yell at her when i cum inside her loose flappy pussy "TWILIGHT IS AN ALICORN!"
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you guys are a little bit retarded
Only a little?
It's ok, Faust is retarded herself as well

Of course.
Who would turn down sex with an alicorn? A homosexual, that's who.
It's your sister's destiny to make the next FIM.
Are you giving her the proper training, anon?
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Happy Birthday
The birthday is over twitard
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I know that Frankie Foster was based on Lauren, but this is a pretty cool detail.
Happy birthday Lauren, seriously. You are responsible for one of my favorite shows ever made and it helped shape my life.
She draws sometimes, but she’s not very good. How do I train her? Should I just roofie her, dye her hair red and drop her on a flight to Santa Clarita?
Hey Lauren, I love your work. Would you ever be available to go on a date? I won't take you from Craig. I just want someone to talk to.
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She could do better than him
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he did all the work that she claimed was hers. You should be thanking him for his service.
It's not about looks it's about love
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theres always been something innately alluring to me about most every depiction of fausticorn
maybe its the eyelashes or the mane
or maybe its some subliminal brainwashing over the years ive been subjected to
Never would I ever
One day she'll get a show with more than 2 seasons.
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I feel guilty!
Happy late birthday to Queen Faust.

Glory to the empress! I yearn for the day she recovers her throne.
>alicorn amulet
>season 4
>whole point of episode was to show how twilight can fight alicornlet without being one
>season 4
Happy belated birthday mama Faust, hope your day was a good one, from us fag anons.
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Wall status:
Its the bangs
He was the guy who actually started the card so maybe he didn't have as good a sense of how to apportion space for his contribution
never let the worthless stand between you and your creative visions. Post them for yourself out of spite if nothing else
would still fuck '..buy her a leather outfit and fuck her until I passed out'
No card, just a space for discussion of 'wrecking what's left..'

oh yeah, Happy Birthday Mom, would post the EQG thing but at this point nobody would get it anyways..
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Yeah about that wall....
I don't see any wall here
She looks better than your average early 20s zoomer.
Happy Birthday Based Faust!
You clearly weren't on the early threads.
We made scripts to automate and improve corpus creation, and that's the most important part of any AI project.
The pppv corpus was way ahead, and is still relevant today.
We also made a script to add classification and keywords to images for the image generation part.
The generated corpus was used for the pony model on stable diffusion (the most used AI engine and model today).
Heck it even say thank you to one of the namefag of the early threads.

You know nothing, and you talk.
Lurk more before posting faggot.
>dried eggs
>broken dreams
>draws horses
>hag lines
Shes perfect.
>Aitroon delusion
I am late, but happy birthday mom !
shes perfect
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>We are living in a time, where the Gen-X'ers are middle aged and Boomers are beginning to enter out of the workforce.
Reality hit aside, i am thankful for Lauren Faust's contribution with MLP. The fact it existed, the fact it has this much staying power above all other shows proves it was not in vain.

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