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I am extremely god damn disappointed that most artists yes MOST artists in the Pony fandom do not fucking know where a horse vag is supposed to be placed. In general, but also ESPECIALLY when the mare is lying on her back. Holy mother of FUCK, 95% of art gets it completely wrong.

It's ALWAYS placed way too far forwards and/or it's pointing at a 45 degree angle. Jesus Christ, I am fucking pulling my hair out over how overwhelming prevalent this is. You are supposed to have a gap of bare space in-between the vag and the teats. If you fail to have a gap, then one of those 2 things is necessarily VERY misplaced. I WANT TO SCREAM
Well, let's see some of your awesome horse vaginas, anon. Don't keep us waiting.
Any artists good to reference?
Horses can't draw
What a stupid question to post in a slide complain thread
Don't care, they are not IRL horses. I am not looking for hyper-realistic irl horse pussy on them. It's an idealized form because ponies are the ideal life form.
What pussy angle is recommended for missionary when purchasing a pony?
>missed it
I feel bad for you anon, it was some good shit.
The percentage of otherwise excellent artists that fuck this incredibly simple shit up is one of the greatest travesties of our time.
That's what I'm saying homie!!! It's like all our best warriors of the brush march into battle ferociously and they break down the castle gates with supreme efficiency and then suddenly completely out of left field they all trip on a rubber duck at the last second

I mean for god's sake if a mare (standing on all fours) has her teats pointing down and her fun zone pointing behind her, why the fuck would that orientation change when she rolls over onto her back. I don't like bullying artists but I'm just so baffled by how simultaneously obvious yet common this is
Artists have come a long way from the old days in how they draw horse pussy, but what most of them really get wrong still are the teats and placement of the horsecock. Horse balls do not hang out the back, they share the anatomical position of the teats on a mare, and on that matter, horse teats do not look like human boobs, I'm sorry but they just don't.

Funnily enough the ponut is almost always drawn correct in form and placement.
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no one cares fag
Nobody asked you.
go back to >>>/trash/, furfag
>You're a furfag for wanting anatomically correct horsecock!
>M-Me?? No! I'm not a furfag for wanting anatomically correct horse pussy!
lmao perchance
>words words words
again, horsecock obsessed faggot, go to /trash/. you can be an obnoxious fag all you want over there. this board is for humans who love horse pussy not mentally ill retards with transformation fetishes.
There's no 'correct' way to draw the genitalia of fictionalised alien horses that don't even remotely resemble actual horses, and don't canonically have visible genitals to even use as a reference.
If you're genuinely upset about this, you've spent too long on the internet. Take a break, faggots.
>words words words
Again, nobody asked you schizo
>Funnily enough the ponut is almost always drawn correct in form and placement.
Not in size.
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>horse teats do not look like human boobs
But it's good thing that crotch boobs do, you filthy zoonigger. Go rape a horse and this time don't dodge its owners shots.
did not read. if you want someone to talk to go to /trash/.
90% of this board wants to fuck fictional horses. shocker I know, you might wanna leave now.
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Eh, the artists who blow them way out of proportion obviously do that because they like it that way, not because they genuinely think they're that big. At least I hope they do.

So, your folder is full of pony porn with human vaginas on ponies, right?
>Dualism of a man.
based, I was proudly raised on big fat milky way hybrid horse-human crotchtits, not your pathetic little tiny realistic teats
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Nature is healing.
But...but that's not where the tids are
They're after her pit sweat
Jokes on you, I don't draw tits at all
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What is up with you faggots? HVOP used to be a bad word here and /mlp/ would mercilessly attack people based on their piss-poor anatomy. Where has that spirit gone? What has changed? Now you don't care about your porn?
>lol well I just like it that way stay mad XD

I won't stand for this. I'm going to tell each and every one of you what a tremendous faggot you are at MF. You don't deserve pony. Go jack off to anthro, you swine.
Stop pretending to care so much about cartoon vaginas.
>Where has that spirit gone? What has changed?
Nowhere, nothing. Acting like you come from EqD and hate le dark side of the fandom means guaranteed (You)s, and there's at least one fag that has been going around doing that exact shitpost for a while now.
>people with shit taste who probably jerk off to EQG
>some moralfaggots who cry about "zoophilia"
>trolls and bad actors just shitting up the board
Take your pick.
>piss-poor anatomy
It wasn't that their anatomy was "wrong". They're cartoon horses. It's just that horsepussy specifically looks miles better than disgusting human vagina. If you want proper anatomy, go to your nearest stable and try not to get bucked by the first mare you try sneaking up behind and ogling.
Fun fact, horses don't buck for no reason. I've never understood why so many people are buckshy despite literally never having come into contact with horses in their life. I've never met a horse who bucks on a hair trigger and I'm going on 40 years having been around them. The most skittish horse I've seen just moves away or turns so you're in their line of sight.
They're wild animals, its like asking why do people feel uneasy or disgusted when walking into ghettos or third-world countries, because actual mognoloids, troglodytes and degenerates infest the place. Next you'll say "why don't more people touch stoves, fire can be controlled."
>They're wild animals
Wild horses are wild animals, most horses have been well and truly domesticated longer than most civilizations even get to exist.
And humans utilize fire, electricity, solar power, wind power, geothermic and nuclear power on a daily basis that means it isn't dangerous. I will now walk into the Congo to go mingle with chimpanzees who are 99% close to human DNA which means they are not deadly, come join me. Afterwards we will go find some pitbulls, dogs have been domesticated and aren't dangerous.
All those things involve fundamental forces and phenomenons, they're not in any way similar to animals that have been domesticated for millennia to the point that being used to human contact has literally been bred into them.
Those are wild animals and don't count
Those are hunting and guard animals that have been bred for aggression, and don't count. You used that because it's the most violent domestic dog you can think of, but I notice you don't bring up the non-violent breeds.

The average horse is domesticated, either for leisure, competition or, less common now, for labor. They don't buck for no reason as they're used to human contact in most cases from the moment they're foaled, and learn trust for humans from other horses, it actually takes a lot to provoke them into bucking. All that said, your insistence that they're wild, unpredictable animals who'll kill you soon as look at you pretty much confirms that people are buckshy because they're ignorant, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Humans have used fire for longer than horses have been domesticated that means they arent dangerous. You are right anon, same with horses which are wild animals. Touch a stove right now and tell me how much beauty is in it.
That's a stupid comparison because a hot stove is obviously hot, but getting bucked by a horse isn't a certain thing. The only way you'd think it's an apt comparison is if you hadn't been around a horse in your life, but like everyone else suffer from a severe case of dunning-kruger on the matter.
Youre right Anon horses are just as intelligent as people cause pony show and domestication and arent dangerous. And so are people too. 100% correctmundo chungus.
>fire is the same as animals
I used to think that chart of /mlp/ being the lowest average IQ board was just a meme, holy fucking shit. Your presence here explains it.
Again, going on 40 years of practically daily experience with horses, just a little thing called my entire goddamn life. But you go ahead and blow it out of proportion because you know you're wrong and you're too cowardly to admit it, even when you're anonymous and have absolutely nothing to prove and nothing to lose. Have that 'tism meltdown.
Anon, you're a fucking moron. Accept you're wrong and stop posting.
>Now you don't care about your porn?
I care, I don't care about retards nitpicking an angle ass if it matters that much
Do you mean "bucked" or "kicked" here? They aren't the same thing, Applejack notwithstanding.
>HVOP is gross and terrible
>Don't really care just how anatomically correct the placement of genitals is
>Agree with uber-autistic faggot OP anyways since a space between the pussy and teats allows room for pubic fluff patches on some mares that it makes sense for them to have
This is the objectively correct stance.
On the other hoof, if the boobs are close to the pussy you can have those cool panty-crotchbra combos, I love those
But anon, real horses don't wear lingerie so these magical cartoon ponies shouldn't either!
Fuck off both are good
>Humans across history have dressed up horses before for no other reason than to make them look good on parade
You won't convince me that someone, somewhere, in the mists of time, didn't think to themselves "I want to make sexy clothing for horses, but I'm afraid of the consequences."
Precisely. Those are especially hot. It's all artistic choice to me. I don't mind.
Everyone, everyone, stop fighting please! There's no need! I assure you you are all equally dumb, and I hate all of you equally!
They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth
Doesnt anyone miss HVOP for cuteness factor it adds to the porn ?
Horse pussy is really cute when it's done right, like small and perky. Hvop is sleek, I guess, but to me it's not as cute. It's a reasonable artistic choice especially if you want the cleft of the labia to be explicitly visible from the front.
>small and perky.
Got any examples of that ? Because artists only seem to make it look big and pronounced, specially on the ponut area.
I'll just post a sketch I did emphasizing this, I feel like it might be going a tiny bit TOO small and perky but it's close enough to perfect imo
Please do more pony sutra, your take on that stuff is so fucking hot and passionate!
There is some other artist who draws it very similarly but can't remember who at this moment.
So something small enough to only emphasize the main features of a horse pussy ?
I think I get the idea, but still, I havent seen a porn example that ever tried this minimalist approach.
Oh wait this one did that.
I just think a smaller pussy and ponut is more proportional to their body and fits the rule of cute that applies to the rest of their proportions. People complain a lot about overexaggerated ponut but it's very common for artists draw the pussy way too big and it's a shame. Evomanaphy is the supreme example of art that would be 10/10 if not for oversized puss.
But what if they are?
What you are used to seeing is just another bad habit of so many pony artists. Humongous crazy assholes and cunts that stretch the entirety of a pony's rear are all to common. I think it's a phenomenon that occurs because they are dumb horny bastards. On the more extreme side of things you have super coom-brained things like hyper cocks and futa and such, but even the people who aren't into that silly shit tend to make genitals too big because that is what they are focused on. In their mind they are emphasizing that bit more than the rest of the pony, and so in the final product it tends to be physically larger than it should be in proportion to that emphasis. To put it another-- less pretentious-- way, even the most modest artists draw huge cocks, and so you have to make giant cunts and huge gaping assholes to accommodate them.
Thanks for the name !

>would be 10/10 if not for oversized puss
Which is odd because from what Im seeing here the artist knows how to make the entire pony look good, with the oversized puss part being the odd part that she just pastes on, like for the example pic related and the explicit version

She probably knows they are oversized and could touch them up a bit, but doesnt want to change it because of the patron's tastes ?
Hey, guess what?
People are continuing to draw rarebits in opposition to your wishes.
Guess your little rant on a Mongolian basket weaving forum didn't achieve much.
Now, ain't that a bitch?
Hmm... Sounds like this post is coming from some triggered person who got all mad and defensive about the art that deep down inside he knows is shitty because of the bad anatomy
I'm just tired of zoophiles coming to this board and demanding that artists cater exclusively to their fetish.
you should kill yourself now

I don't know who the fuck you think you're gaslighting with the blatant misuse of these words, you're fucking pathetic
I like big horse pussy. For me stuff like in this sketch >>41266026 is just not arousing. But i also agree thay evomanaphy draws them a little too big. I think some sort of middle ground should be found. For me the perfect size is what Batsy has been drawing lately, like on this pic
Who are all these zoomer retards coming to this board and not knowing everyone here wants horse pussy? Which one of you are funneling them here? Atleast tell the retards to lurk first jesus christ.
Seriously whats wrong with this approach ?
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dear god what is this world I've been born into
To anyone looking for the perfect example of what a mare should look like, here it is. Try not to be blinded by her sunning brilliance.


This one isn't so bad that I'm bothered by it, hiro always does great stuff. But it's still just not where equine genitals go tho, to the point where I look at and go "I can't believably imagine this is what MLP mares would look like down there" and while it's STILL a nice image, it remains un-fappable. Having almost diagonal vaginas placed all the way in the front is very un-horse-like.

And look if you don't really give a shit if the genitals are accurate, or you're kinda grossed out by proper equine genitals, it's fine. But let's not pretend this is what a real MLP mare would look like. They are horses, they would obviously have more-or-less biologically accurate genitalia. I just don't appreciate this whole "well REAL horses don't talk and have magic, so....". It's a trashy argument that everyone can see right through.
>it's still just not where equine genitals go tho
I get that but I was showing a HVOP example, which already throws that concept out of the window.

>And look if you don't really give a shit if the genitals are accurate, or you're kinda grossed out by proper equine genitals
For me I think >>41266254 helped me realize that what bothered me the most was proportionality, not the type of genitals used.
The buttholes in the MLP art community are ridiculously oversized for literally no real reason :/ not sure what everybody's fuckin fascination with GIANT BUTTHOLES is but whatever
The most common thing I see is the pussy stretching aaaall the way to the bottom. Like the artist is literally taking up all rump space to make the largest pussy physically allowed. Chill.

If you at least have even one, single inch of empty space at the bottom that helps TREMENDOUSLY
I'm gonna click on this and see something horrific, aren't I?
I was pleasantly surprised.
*cartoon pony pussy
Way to out yourself, zoonigger.
Nah, he only linked a really boring looking horse pussy.
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>To anyone looking for the perfect example of what a mare should look like, here it is.
An also inaccurate pussy with basically no shaping?
>On the more extreme side of things you have super coom-brained things like hyper cocks and futa and such, but even the people who aren't into that silly shit tend to make genitals too big because that is what they are focused on
It's all because of the influence of hentai and anime cancer. And hentai, in turn, is influenced by ancient japanese erotic art - shunga (from which come, in particular, those unnaturally huge genitalia).
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I theorize that zoophiles complain about giant pussies because they prefer giant horse sized ponies, thus they naturally see it as some intimidating gaping maw compared to what we pet enthusiasts see.
There's no way to know...
>zoophiles complain about giant pussies
>because they prefer giant horse sized ponies
I don't follow your logic at all here.
The ideal height is 4 feet at the top of the head on average. Change my mind.
Agreed. With some variation to the average based on type of pony. Giant genitals still suck though.

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