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how did they design a poner to be so gorgeous?
>come out with a nice design
>Someone draws poopy fanart and I can't help but associate it with her forever
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Underrated mare.
It's like she was designed to wear the wonderbolts uniform
you just like seeing mares be taken by people who aren't you.
Her design is, but her colour palette is ass
It looks terrible on her, wdym?
Its sad because she is one of the most supportive mares ever. She literally simps for her friend, wich is rare in the mlp universe.
>One of the more supportive mares ever
>In a land where most are already caring and supportive
Her snowpity truly is out of the charts...
As long as you know basic color theory, it's practically impossible to design a bad looking pony unless you attach a bunch of stupid shit like scars and piercings to it.
Even her schneezes are graceful!
yeah shits fucked. atleast you don't have to be trolled or surprised by it after 10 years
>Wahh my penis
Cry about it some more furries
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He said, "Cry about it some more furries".
please make your bait less obvious
You are a furry if all you can do is think with your dick over talking animals. And don't try to pretend you weren't.
He said, "Wahh my penis".
Oh ok. Here's that (you) you wanted, enjoy.
Can't even deny it just claim bait, furry
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We need to post moar Vapor Trail.
Which board do you hail from, newGOD?
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Don't get greedy now, I gave you the one out of pity, make it last.
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you are a vapor traiiiiil
on a deep blue skyyyyyyyyy

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