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This is a sequel to this thread giving the map for MLP vs. Spongebob: >>41257519

Link to this Google Trends page: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2010-10-10%202019-10-12&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F07c72,%2Fm%2F0czdsgs&hl=en

Note that I did this map for the entirety of MLP:FiM's run (October 10, 2010 to October 12, 2019), which I thought was most fair. And it gave a pretty close result. Interestingly, it's rather close to the typical red state vs. blue state divide we see in US politics. Of the Simpsons states on this map, 17 out of 18 voted blue in 2020. And of the MLP states, 24 out of 32 voted red in 2020. So 41 out of 50 states match up! Why? I have no clue, so I'd be interested in any theories. It's ironic too, since The Simpsons likely has a more conservative fan base than MLP does. According to Google Trends, MLP narrowly loses the popular vote nationwide, but it would actually win by electoral votes (the MLP states have 282 to The Simpsons' 256 as can be seen here: https://www.270towin.com/maps/V7LoR ).

Note that one or two 50/50 states may have different colors under that link versus my screenshot. When states are nearly tied on Google Trends, the results can randomly flip colors on the map due to being so close. Overall, it's pretty cool that MLP vs. Spongebob gives mainly a regional divide, while MLP vs. Simpsons gives mainly a political divide!
do family guy next thread
As can be seen from the Google Trends page here, MLP was mainly more popular from March 2012 through September 2016, while the Simpsons was more popular before and after. So the overall results from Oct 2010 through Oct 2019 being a near draw is a result of these periods balancing out.
Also, here's the metro map from the page
The last thread died for a reason, just let it go
Do red states have better fertility rates or somethingM
No one cares, mutt.
The popularity of MLP during its peak was impressive
Anybody have good theories for why the MLP vs Spongebob map in the US is a West vs. East divide, while the MLP vs. Simpsons map is a red state vs blue state divide?
>The Simpsons likely has a more conservative fan base than MLP does
you obviously do not know what you are talking about
The MLP fanbase is mostly very online millennials and zoomers, while the Simpsons fanbase is mainly average Americans. How are MLP fans more conservative?
Do you think that /mlp/ is the entire MLP fandom?
/mlpol/ is probably less than 5% of the overall fanbase. There are much more trannies in the fandom than chuds.

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