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Why can't you monsters just call them older mares? Why all the designations?
Pegasi, alicorn, earth pony, unicorn... why not just call of them ponies?

See that?, that is you in a nutshell.
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I use all of the above.
I fucking love older mares.
Can mean milfs or cougars who are older, single ladies.
An older, single lady.
A mother you would like to fuck can be as young as their early 20s, but obviously is used for more middle-aged ones, or at the youngest their mid 30s.
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>An older, single lady.
Cougar is also a predator, an assertive older lady(mare) who knows exactly what she wants. Meek and shy spinster can be hardly called cougar.
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I love mature mares, they were made for sensual hoof massages
You can be a mother below the age of 20 retard.
i call them wife
What about a meek and shy older mare who wishes that she had the confidence to just go right up to a younger guy and have him wrapped around her hoof?
we call this "sexually repressed" ones who want but cant
hag should be a compliment
wouldnt you rather get swooped up by a cougar? youre their prey
That's a good point.
I want older mares to berate me for calling them names, beat me up then urinate me on to assert dominance.

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