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>is more evil than people who had actual horrible upbringings in our world despite growing up in a pastel equine utopia
She is not evil. She is emotionally imature and unstable.

Totally different


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OP is a fag as usual.
>Verification not required.
She is evil. That's not an excuse. She tried to kill Twilight out of petty revenge and nearly caused the end of civilization.
Compare her to a similar character like Trixie who tried to get revenge, but instead of trying to kill Twilight she simply wanted to beat her in a magic duel, but got possessed causing her to do worse. Petty, but not evil.
Glimmer knew what she was doing of her own accord.
Her revenge was specifically NOT to kill Twilight, but to let her live as she did, without friends.
If she is evil then discord, tirek, cozy and chrysalis are absolute mosnters
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This is why Glimmerniggers baffle me. Abuse victims or people who grew up in destitution, poverty or with physical handicaps do not want to make everyone else miserable, subservient or kill all life. Actual monster dictators do not want to kill all life. Starlight did it several, several times over because a friend left town and gloated/laughed about it. This is the equivalent of a child wanting to destroy mankind because he spilled his juice cup. Awful character and its why I filter 99% of her images and people who use her flag.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
Glimmertrannies are shitposters man. I used to use her image to shitpost, to this day I have absolutely no clue what she sounds like in an episode. I've probably heard Kelly Sheridan in Family Guy or some direct-to-video anime movie or something but I don't know and now just don't care about how she sounds.
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>another shitty samefagging bait thread
>I shitposted with X, so everyone who posts X must all be shitposters
Stunning logic.
Something that got firmly established was everyone using her image was doing it to make people mad or liking it ironically. I did it and it was fun for a few years, but it got old fast. Were in 2024 now, the show ended in 2019. Most people moved onto spamming dogs or Wild Manes, ultimately the material changes but not the attitude. Starlight was just the first character used for prime shitposting, because nobody with a brain liked her.
>Abuse victims or people who grew up in destitution, poverty or with physical handicaps do not want to make everyone else miserable, subservient or kill all life.
Actually people who have been victimized are more likely to go on to victimize others. This is especially true for children and is the number one way child abuse of all kinds, including sexual, is perpetuates itself.
Didn't read, you're medically retarded if you thought a reply would justify your last post.
Tirek, Starlight, and Chrysalis all deserved death. Discord we just have to settle with permanent petrification.
Cozy would also deserve death if she were a grown mare.
That applies to like every dictator ever.
As a former hardcore shitposter I would often not read posts so your comment doesn't surprise me. Its ok to be genuine some times though, you don't have to hide behind irony, quips and your own self-destructive chimpish levels of humor.
The Glim Glam repented and changed her ways, she should be a role model for all of us!!!!!!!!!
Claiming you gave up shitposting while shitposting blatantly is about what I expect from you. Last reply stick to nhnb
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>everyone shitposting ponies was doing it to make people mad or liking it ironically.
>FiM was just the first show used for prime shitposting, because nobody with a brain liked it.
Glimhaters are the most retarded people in fandom.
Projecting is also a sign of shitposting.
Calling them "people" is a bit too generous
>majority of people dislike Starlight or as statistics prove dropped out of the show
>"dey is duh problim naught me, no me dey is."
>an extremely loud minority dislike Starlight
ftfy niggerbrain
Imagine being you a bandwagoner getting filtered by a pink pony, lol
Hilarious cope. Glimmerfags are as insecure as their waifu.
You shit up everything then play victim. You are the offboarding troglodyte vermin that humanity has had a long history of despising.
She's just a commie. They're probably the worst "people" through the entire history.
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Keep chimping out.
Projection of the year.
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>All it took was her childhood friend moving away
Unicorns go over the edge for the absolute dumbest shit. Tempest was complicit in the enslavement of the population of Canterlot because she wanted a new horn.

These are not mutually exclusive traits. She is immature and unstable, and that leads her to commit acts of profound evil. She would have known the first time she did it that taking a pony's cutie mark is effectively robbing them of their very soul, and she did it enough times to build a town out of it. She even had a room prepared intended to brainwash those who managed to resist. Later, upon learning that her meddling with time led to Equestria being reduced to ashes, she still wanted to make her changes permanent.
>But she redeemed herself at the last second :)
Because SHE got something out of it, not because she was made aware of the suffering she was causing. Glimmer was written to be extremely self centered and without empathy, a sociopath, and that's a theme that carried on for two entire seasons until the finale of 7 when, for literally once in her life, she had empathy for another pony Trixie doesn't count, Glimmer's motivation for befriending her is that she saw herself in Trixie. Ironically every other character had to be pelted with idiot balls for that plot to work.

That's not to say she's badly written, I would give the Glimmer arc a C-.
>Abuse victims or people who grew up in destitution, poverty or with physical handicaps do not want to make everyone else miserable
My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape.
>Starlight was just the first character used for prime shitposting
It was Sunset Shimmer a few years before that.
Equestria was never supposed to be an utopia, moron.
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>robbing them of their very soul
She convinced her followers to willingly give up their cutie marks. Keep your religious mental gymnastics out of this.
>she still wanted to make her changes permanent.
Then she would have ripped the scroll, retard.
>Because SHE got something out of it
She had no idea what Twilight was planning to do with her.
>written to be a sociopath, Trixie doesn't count
God forbid anyone find kinship in people with similarities. You are the sociopath projecting your insanity where it doesn't belong.

I give your low-effort headcanon a D-, do your homework and watch the show.
>She convinced her followers to willingly give up their cutie marks.
Convincing someone to do something is pretty easy when you don't apprise them of the consequences, hence the existence of the equality room, and the friendship problem that sent twiggles and friends there to begin with.
Didn't even mention it, referencing the soul is just a turn of phrase meant to call attention to the fact that the cutie marks are quite literally an expression of what makes a pony unique, and its loss does more than make them lose their talent.
>She convinced her followers to willingly give up their cutie marks.
She saw what happened, understood what happened, showed Twilight why she was doing what she was doing, THEN said she was going to do it again and make sure it couldn't be undone. Retard.
>She had no idea what Twilight was planning to do with her.
Twilight told her that she'd be her friend, that's ultimately what got her to stop, Glimmer getting something, not empathy for everyone else that would be affected.
>God forbid anyone find kinship in people with similarities.
There's nothing wrong with that, the issue is that Glimmer exclusively does this with people she identifies with and has trouble relating to those she doesn't. Hence the mind control relapse she fell into.
>You are the sociopath projecting your insanity where it doesn't belong.
Baseless accusation
>do your homework and watch the show.
Maybe you're the one who needs to rewatch the show, I can forgive you for your memory of it being rusty.
The way Twilight treated them it was if she had no friends and only servants.
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>don't apprise them of the consequences
She literally explains the consequences in her ideology, in her song. Everyone knows they will be equalized to the lowest common denominator.
>THEN said she was going to do it again and make sure it couldn't be undone
Except she doesn't actually destroy the scroll. Why is there a discrepancy with her words and actions, it's because tensions were high and she was in denial and didn't really want to destroy it. Your lack of understanding this simple concept reveals your sociopathy.
>Twilight told her that she'd be her friend
She doesn't until long after Glim surrendered. You'd know this if you actually watched the show.
>Glimmer exclusively does this with people she identifies with and has trouble relating to those she doesn't.
Objectively false. The crystalling, hearth's warming tale, royal problem, fame and misfortune, etc.

I recognize you, an unhinged disingenuous sociopathic troll which everyone can clearly see here. This is my last reply to you, have fun with your bullshitting.
>She literally explains the consequences in her ideology, in her song. Everyone knows they will be equalized to the lowest common denominator.
You just don't seem to get it. Starlight Glimmer had a cell already prepared full of propaganda to lock ponies in, clearly after the fact. It wasn't made especially for the mane 6, it was for ponies who had regrets about what was done to them. Like any sociopath, Glimmer resorts to force when people around her don't behave the way she wants. With magic, with brainwashing. Every time.
>Except she doesn't actually destroy the scroll.
>"But I did eat breakfast this morning."
Doesn't change that she'd ripped it halfway, fully intending to destroy it despite knowing what the consequences would be, she only stopped after Twilight gave Glimmer something she wanted, which was a friend. That's classic socipath behaviour, it's what makes Glimmer an antagonist.
>She doesn't until long after Glim surrendered. You'd know this if you actually watched the show.
Rewatch the scene in question before spewing stupid bullshit like this.
>Objectively false. The crystalling, hearth's warming tale, royal problem, fame and misfortune, etc.
The point of those episodes is that she has trouble relating to others she can't see herself in, not that she literally never does it, it's part of her redemption arc.

>This is my last reply to you, have fun with your bullshitting.
Midwit escape hatch because you can't argue your point. As good a concession as I'm likely to get from you.
This dumb bitch could have just wrote letters or visited sunburst
Go away Twilight. You don't get to say anything, not after you destroyed Equestria.
Sunburst could have ignored her letters or been way too far for a filly to travel.
Hitler could have gone to another art school, Palpatine could have not became a Sith Lord, Satan could have just chilled in Heaven, Voldemort could have had sex once in his life and so on. People indulge in their evil side when other options exist because deep down they ARE evil.
Good thing she's a pony not a people

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