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File: dsklds4.png (1006 KB, 1400x1490)
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Looking for ideas for subtle pone related white shirts.
Any ideas welcome, but I have a few specific questions.

Which one looks better, if any?
What's a better font for "Bolt."? Or something else to put there?
Does anyone know where I can find cutie mark outlines like the WB logo here to play around with them also?

>why are you this focused on a shitty t shirt anon?
I swear I'm not, I just have no sense of style so need tips.
guy in the pic is obviously not me, just the default model from the site that I was messing around with.

And yes, it's this faggot again >>41238636
>wonderbolt logo
its not that subtle

What about Tom?
I'd prefer bottom right but without the text.
For fucks sake why do people always use the lightning bolt with either wings or a cloud and think its subtle? Everybody knows Rainbow Dash, she's the most popular
>lightning bolt with either wings
This is literally Soarin's cutie mark.
wow... i just had the "I forgot what my wife looks like" moment. i legit thought this was rainbow dash too. then struggled to remember. how many years has it been?
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I like this one
OP here, I know it's not that subtle but I also feel like it's to a level I don't care. Most people these days would have no clue and those who do get it have likely seen the show themselves.
Especially with the monotone logo. Same with cutie marks, that's why I was looking for outlines for them to see if a design could be made

Thanks anon. I wonder if the bolt could be a different colour. I added the text because without it, it looks very plain

Teach me anon
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>subtle pone related white shirts
Black swastika on a pink heart.
No one will ever think that you're a horsefucker.
Just write

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Barneyfag bait pics (e.g. from links in picrel) should be good enough.
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There are a lot of obscure cutie marks.
You can use Blackjack's one and even write "Blackjack".
Ponysexual flag is the most obscure.
i am unfamiliar with this

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