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> So now we have an industry where about 25% of all of the toys and games sold are for an adult audience.
But enough about your life.
Not even kids like or want it
G5 will be remembered as an abject failure.
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same shit with Transformers,Hasbro doesn't know how to make TV shows or movies anymore. I hear often "kids don't like toys anymore" Maybe. but how often is there a new show or movie that really grabs their attention compared to the extremely addiction tablets they are just given to shut them up. I'm not sure Hasbro could compete even if they did try (They're not).
JAKKS Pacific won
Mattel didn't, Hasbro might scoop them up
If that's the case than EqG is definitely dead. MLP is probably dead too. They'd own Monster High, Barbie, etc.
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>tfw hasbro buys mattel, and thus the modern day equivalents of tyla bucher and gretchen forrest dont have the pressure to mutilate the IP they are trusted with to make a shitty knockoff bratz monster high competitor again
...the race to bankruptcy
>t. seething hascuck
Check stocks and trends before you ACK Pacific
>Hasbro down 60% since 2019 while JAKKS Pacific is up 140%
Cocks isn't sending his best
>We're worth less so we're worth more
ACKs really are sending delusional troons to shill here?
G4 actually had cool shit people wanted to buy.
Cheryl Hassen's vision for WM will inspire a fandom larger than Faust's pet project
>Cheryl Hassen
Literally who?
>No answer
So she's a nobody, when will you be filming your 41% tribute to the cows SAR?
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While you rewatch your baby show for the 50th time, WMchads are having watch parties and discussing episodes as they are released. After just a few episodes we already have more drawfags and writefags than most generals on the board
>Still no answer
What's the matter, are you ashamed of your mesiah? pretty telling how Faust already had successful shows and people rallied behind more than a webisode of shit
i have no idea what you fags are talking about, I just want my waifu
Hasbro's revenue only went up due to amputating over half of their SKUs and even then their income dropped 20% from Q1 2024, and that's on top of their having 4bil in debt for a 9bil valued business. Hasbro is about as healty as Jack Scalifani compared to Spin Master, Jakks or even Mattel since even they can still draw buyout propositions after Barbie had a major hit film.
AKKs stocks dived the very day Wild Flops aired. Nuff said.
>I hear often "kids don't like toys anymore" Maybe. but how often is there a new show or movie that really grabs their attention compared to the extremely addiction tablets they are just given to shut them up.

Kids love their Mascot Horror, Digital Circus and Skibidi Toilet Merch. The reason why they aren't buying their toys is that Hasbro forgot how to do great stuff.
Is G% in the room with you?
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>Hasbro reboots mlp as a mascot horror skibidi circus series
>Buy power rangers
>could easily make some money adapting the original version and making some toys
>do absolutely nothing other than cancel a reboot of the first show and pump out shit comics after shit comics
just what the fuck is goikg on at hasbro
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Nope, I don't own any g5 in my pony collection, because it's actually a pony collection
I won some g4 stickers at a con and for some reason they had the g5 lighthouse on the package which I cut off with scissors and threw in the trash
There isnt g5 in any room in my house and if I'm in some room with g5 like a store or something, then I am actively in the process of removing it or burying it deep under merchandise from other hasbro brands such as Peppa or Transformers so that it lowers the chance of people seeing it and mistakenly buying g5
Mentally ill.
You just hate activism
>Cripplling autism =/= Activism
Mentally illness intensifies
Did you also check all stickers for any G%?
Ofc, it's all stickers of vectors hasbro had on their merch in like 2018-19
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I do
>160 stickers
I want them

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