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File: butterlover.png (2.26 MB, 3840x2160)
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Are you planning anything big or special with your waifu soon?
Good talk.
I'll jerk off to her yeah
Only a dinner with the whole family
A wedding proposal
>I'll jerk off to her yeah
join her in the afterlife.
uh, anon?
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Honestly I've been slowly losing grip of reality due to my new job causing me to be incredibly stressed and also being in call all the time so I've been coping with imagining Barb as my live in assistant reminding me to do stuff like eat normal food and do the laundry and sweep the floors. I get annoyed at her and snap sometimes but she is really patient and whenever I can drink enough to sleep I have a pillow I imagine is her. does this count as a waifu? Maybe I'll treat us to a romantic dinner or a nice hike.
Sounds pretty comfy, desu.

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