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Ponk is an architect.
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She's a baker dumbass
I thought that said antichrist. I was like, 'yeah, pretty much'
Ponk is an Anarchist? Ponk is the antichrist? Doesn't know what she wants but knows how to get it?
I'd like to "dig into" her myself, if you catch my drift
Yeah, she couldn't imagine a world without whales
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She likes fat chicks?
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>"You sure you don't want any more cupcakes, nonny? You've only had five dozen today."
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Seems plausible, given her affinity for baking
nooooo i don't want to be fat
I thought she was a cashier
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software architect?
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>loud incorrect buzzer
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this but anon weighs a chunky 250 pounds.
Autistic women do exist who love fat men because they see them as soft and safe (muscles scare them), plus the hugs are warmer and supplement their weighted blankets and squishmallows in bed. Pinkie Pie is obviously autistic, among other things, so her being a chubby chaser makes sense. Give her a linebacker in the off season and she'd be in hog heaven.
can confirm, I got a Ponka gf irl (also thicc herself) and she doesn't care about me being skinny fat

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